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   Sometimes I find so hard to believe that in all the infinite space that God created that we are the only intellegent beings that God created in a way sometimes it hinders my faith even though I myselff have never seen anything else. Can anyone hlep me with this.

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It is finish our Lord Cried out at Calvery.


Creation is finished as well beloved. God knows the end from the beginning. The new heavens and Earth is already planned out. We do serve an extremely creative God. One only has to look around and see the explosion of diversity and uniqueness He is capable off. He is busy at creating/conforming each one of us into the likeness of Christ, that is for sure and a beautiful thing.


>>As long as babies are being born isn't God still in the business of creating? As long as stars are being born, isn't He creating? Or is He just finishing up? It is said that the Milky Way produces one new star every year. Do you think that is a misconception?


God has already set in motion the laws for babies to be born and for the universe to procreate. God sustains the universe and is actively involved in it as the vid shows. But as far as the topic of this discussion is concerned - He is not creating alien beings to come and study us. The whole aliens thingy is very ridiculous when one stops to analyze it.


1. Some very intelligent beings who are light years ahead of us in technology do not want to make contact with us because they do not want to disturb our natural progress.


2. This one is hilarious - these aliens who are way ahead of us, need hundreds of years to study us, what? I thought they were very intelligent, oh well so much for that theory, etc etc... the whole aliens thing is very ridiculous.



Ok Sis - Take a chill pill and relax breathe in and breathe out. Ok you al-right girl hahahaha


See what I mean family, this topic always gets hot, so if you want to discuss it please do it in the groups or do it in a civilized way. :) There is absolutely no reason to get upset.


>>yes there is an elect but they are only elect because God saw them come to Him before they were born, He saw the making of and doing of all mankind who would be His and who would not,


You have stated the popular belief of foreknowledge and God's election but the problem with your logic is that there isn't one verse to back it up. check this out:


John 1

9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:  13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.


We read these verses, but since our minds have been condition to what the popular theology of the day is, we don't even stop to think about them. Here as in multiple/many places God is telling us that being saved is about us believing in him, receiving him, but God goes on to say :


This does not happened because of natural/human descent. The Pharisees thought they were saved simply because they descended from Abraham, God says, nope.


Not of human decision - So you are saying God knew who was gonna accept him and elected them. Scripture here, as in many other places states, is not of human decision or human will.


and not of human will.


12But as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.


Yes God loves the world, In that we agree. Blessings family



Love to you my friend and sister. I love discussing this topic anywhere, but unfortunately is a hot one, so dat, dat, dat is all folks...


This is the day the Lord has made and I am so blessed that i can't help but rejoice. Love you all.



My sister and friend I am not going to discuss this topic here for now. Thank you for understanding.


Blessings to you and your home.


Here is a beautiful song for you sis. Enjoy it.


Hi Roger,

Why do you find it necessary to believe that we aremthe only created beings? We are in our galaxy for sure. But who is to say God didn't create another life somewhere else? If he did he wouldn't put it in our bible cause there would be no need to.
I wouldn't be that surprised if He has other created beings.
But why is that important? And what difference does it make to you?

Hi John,


Maybe God put us all the way out here by ourselves because we are the really slow learners with special needs.  

Luke 9:41


Jesus answered, "How unbelieving and wrong you people are! How long must I stay with you? How long do I have to put up with you?" Then he said to the man, "Bring your son here."

I would argue that we are neither "alone" nor remote. But rather that we are on display for all of God's other creation to observe. If you just consider the number of descriptions of Angels, it boggles the mind. The variations of descriptions defies considering Angels as a single order of creation, but rather that the term Angel (apparently) refers to multiple classes (or species) of God's creatures which operate on a level superior to our own.

I believe *aliens from outer space* is the term used by the world to explain the presence of God and His angels.



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