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The basic foundational tenets of the Christian religion are about to become “illegal” in Massachusetts.

This is certainly not a surprise as the elites who walk the halls of power have long been working to eliminate the notion of the one Supreme Being God from the public consciousness and replace Him with their one god – the state. In fact, I wrote before the Supreme Court issued its rulingObergefell v. Hodges  that if the court created a “right” to “gay marriage” that it would be end of religious liberty in America.

That’s because the PC movement and LGBT movement and all other movements allegedly seeking “equality” are not about equality at all. They are about seeking to divide people against each other and gain special privileges for one group at the expense of others and manipulating people into surrendering more of their liberties to government.

The Orwellian Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination has decided that in order to prevent discrimination against mentally ill individuals who can’t distinguish their own sex despite their ability to gaze upon their own male or female genitalia, it must sanction discrimination against the only group of people against whom discrimination is currently acceptable: Christians.

Beginning Oct. 1, 2016, Massachusetts churches and Christian organizations and private schools will be in violation of state law if they use “names, pronouns, and gender-related terms” that conflict with a person’s “stated gender identity.” The churches will also be in violation of the law if they do not accommodate those sick and twisted supposedly “gender-confused” individuals by allowing them to use restrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms “consistent with their ‘gender identities.’”

The law applies not only to preachers and evangelists who may deliver messages from the pulpit, but also church employees, congregants and volunteers who may interact in any way with people who come in off the street. Any of these people who use gender pronouns that a “gender-confused” individual considers “offensive” will have created a “hostile environment” under the law and be subject to fines and penalties.

This is a direct assault on the Christian religion and basic Christian tenants that God created “male and female,” that to engage in sexual immorality is sin that leads to death, and that man is responsible for and will be judged upon his own actions based on God’s word. Even presenting a “gender “confused” individual while in the building or on its grounds with a Bible containing these tenets will cause one to run afoul of the law.

In addition to being an assault on the 1st Amendment rights (as incorporated under 20th century Supreme Court rulings) of Massachusetts residents, the law is in direct conflict with the Massachusetts Constitution which states in Article II:

It is the right as well as the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at stated seasons to worship the Supreme Being, the great Creator and Preserver of the universe. And no subject shall be hurt, molested, or restrained, in his person, liberty, or estate, for worshipping God in the manner and season most agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience; or for his religious profession or sentiments; provided he doth not disturb the public peace, or obstruct others in their religious worship.

And Article XVIII, Section 1 which states:

No law shall be passed prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

The Massachusetts Christian cannot abide by this new ruling by the commission, for he must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). This puts the state in direct violation of its own constitution and in an antagonistic relationship with the state’s Christian citizens and religious institutions.

To participate in the fiction that a person determines his sex based on his own whims is to engage in a lie, and God abhors a liar (Proverbs 6:16-17).  The Christian cannot be “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.” But rather, the Christian is to speak “the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4)

The apostle Paul wrote that those who “suppress the truth” or “ignore God’s righteous decree” of the truth and “give approval” to those who practice sexual immorality — or to a host of other sins mentioned in Scripture — are just as guilty as those who practice it. (Romans 1 and 2 and Ephesians 4)

It is commonly said that Christians are to love the sinner and hate the sin. That is true. But that does not mean the Christian can condone, accept or participate — even tangentially — in the sin. A sin can be committed by omission as well as by commission.

Forcing Christians to do so against their will is tyranny and a violation of their rights under God’s law and natural law, in addition to – as noted –violations of rights of religious liberty under both the U.S. and Massachusetts constitutions.

Massachusetts Christian churches and organizations can now expect an onslaught of lawsuits accusing them of the sophistic “crime” of “gender discrimination” as the social justice warrior class seeks to sue Christianity out of existence.

I've tried looking this up to see if they passed a bill or law for this & found nothing other than maybe 2-3 sites that had this exact article word for word on it. Is it saying that they passed something that now when someone uses a gender term, they will get in trouble? If the article is true, it's hard for me to believe that they would have a leg to stand on legally but they do seem to be able to work their way around the courthouse here recently. 

Thanks. I couldn't find it anywhere

This is getting serious now....

I think I've said this before, I shouldn't be surprised....but still am stunned and amazed at all that's happening so swiftly.  

As in the days of Noah.....

I personally didn't think I'd see it happen so quickly in our lifetime but ready or not


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