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I want to know, did Adam and Eve ever get restored? Did they received forgiveness? Are they in heaven or hell?

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Hermano Raul - Q-ondas,


Communicating through this means is tricky, tricky because it's hard to convey "tone," I read the same comment by our sister and see no madness in it hahahha, but I am reminded by your comment to her comment, how much skill and patience this avenue of communication takes.


Sister Amanda as you know beloved Raul is right at saying that we do not know the ultimate resting place for anyone, since we do not know men's heart and mind. There are millions who will go to hell and die denying Christ with the life style they lived, but few will verbally deny Him blatantly on their dying bed.


About Adam and Eve, I believe those knuckle heads hahahha are walking on streets or gold. After their sin, God clothed them with animal skins. I like to think that the animal God killed for their skin to cloth Adam and Eve serve as a sacrifice for their sins. Adam and Eve had very peculiar and unique circumstances. They did have free will. They had the ability to choose without a sin nature, which makes their sin more hideous, for they had plenty of light from God to know very well what was acceptable and what was disobedience, yet they failed.


God's grace is amazing and I would like to believe that because of their unique set of circumstances God elected them for salvation, but dude, I don't really know. :)


Blessings family 

I think they both in Heaven because I cannot see them denying who they KNEW created them upon their physical deaths!
Hahahahahahahaha! Giggle giggle ! Tee hee! Good one Amanda! :D

You all need to read the bible instead of talking about the brother hahaha hahaha So cool familia.


Hey Ama, no low blows, that one was straight for the chin girl hahaha Nah I am just kidding and I thought it was funny sis. You implied in your short response that we do not know the heart of men sista. I can read between the lines.  I am happy to read that you recognize that I am never wrong hahaha hahaha I am simply misunderstood hahaha




Yo fumo de la buena pana, I thought you knew. It's call the Holy Ghost high :)


Blessings familia.

Ama -


hahaha hahaha love you.


Here is another article:


Also Vernon McGee is interesting:


a careful study of the scriptures would indicate they are in heaven, to start with look at Gods character, he wants none to perish , he created us to have fellowship with him, now the fellowship was broken because of sin, and God put them out of the garden with a flaming sword to keep them from eating of the tree of life, in there sinful condition, if they were to spend all eternity in hell God could have just let them eat from that tree, but God had a plan of redemption already in place, before Jesus Christ, that is God coming in the flesh, people looked forward to the cross we look back on the cross, Adam lived 930 years, i imagine Adam and Eve long to be back in the full presence of God all there life on earth, but did they get restored answer yes Adam would be about 120-30 years old at this time it is recorded eve gets pregnant and says with the help of the Lord i have brought forth a man, this appears to be the first male after there sin perhaps she was only having females and cried out to the Lord and brought forth a male, i believe God didn't give us a specific answer because it is none of our business, i'll explain, this way, we go to a funeral we say oh he/she was a good person and they are going to heaven or they were really bad and are in hell, but we do not know the person we know the physical and what we see and here we don't know the mind, nor the spirit of the person, thus God says we are not to make that call, a good earthly example someone is accused in court of a crime, the accuser sounds excellent the person must be guilty , of course, until someone questions the accuser, then things change,  for us the only real question should be, do i know Jesus as my Lord and Savour, have i asked him to come into my heart (life)and forgive me of my lying, steeling, adultery, etc. and has his blood cleansed me?  for that is the only way back into relationship with God, and into heaven when we die, 

We do not know the specifics regarding Adam and Eve, but we do know some interesting stuff:


We know that they knew God personally and their faith in Him would be different than ours, in a sense. They did not need to have faith that He exists, but only that He redeems. They were given the Words of Genesis 3:15.


We know that God provided them with animal skins. Though not clearly stated, implies that a sacrifice was made and they were covered. We could debate the impact of such a sacrifice and this could lead us down many rabbit trails. If it was a sacrifice then God performed it on their behalf and used an animal that, at least until Adam and Eve sinned, was perfect. Do not read too much into this as these comments are speculation for the fun of pondering the "What ifs."


We know that Abel brought an offering (animal sacrifice) to give to God. He learned this from someone, and logic says that it was either through his parents or direct command of God given to the family. Regardless of the true meaning of the offering, whether for sin or ???, it represents fellowship with God.


I find it interesting that Adam is omited from Hebrews 11. Could be for numerous reasons, but one that jumps out at me is that his faith was different since He walked with God in the garden.  He knew the perfected life and the difference after the fall. He knew man's failure at the highest level and knew that only through God could this thing be corrected.


Tons of speculation, food for thought, but interesting to ponder none-the-less.


Lord Bless,




You made perfect sense to me. Again, a lot of what I wrote was speculation based simply for the sake of pondering an interesting, but unanswerable question.


Lord Bless,




Get high -


Ama and Raul


hahaha hahaha too funny hahaha


You two behave. hahaha


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