All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am new around here so I am not sure if this has been discussed before, but posting on another subject this came to my mind..I heard many sermons on the subject before  and they were pretty contradictory.

What do you think ? Why in the time of grace were they punished  on the spot?

Please  add the scripture backing for your belief.I also want to do  a bible study on this and I like to have all the scripture references. 

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I was going to try and catch you  before you went to remind you to tell that teacher how important in your life and in the life of you children she or he is. Teachers impact the lives of our children either for the good or for the bad. If you got a good one, please give them a little praise. I am glad you got good reports. I like that much better than having to give not so good reports.


Interesting response to your original post.


What I find particularly striking is L.T.'s sharing the Barna Group's estimates on some about 16% of all professing Christians are probably authentic heart-caring belevers. And the BG are generally pretty accurate.


O.K.......I came up with a figure of what are true believers in the population. I'm basing my figure on Numbers, Chapter 14.

Of the 12 tribes sent out across the Jordan River to scout the promised land, only 2 tribes had faith for God to help in taking out the giants which the other 10 tribes were shaking in their sandals about. These 2 tribes ( Joshua and Caleb), were rewarded as a result of their faith and obedience.


Now, take 2 out of 12 = 1/6, which is 16.6%. How about that???? Does that mean that about 16% of all the people in the world are going to heaven? I think that's probably pretty close.

Lookey here. In Matthew Chapter 7, Jesus said, " Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord, will enter the KIngdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven." .................And we know there are a lot of folks sitting in the pews who won't be on the Heavenly Express. They'll be looking for "GO" and to collect their $200.00.

Then earlier in Matthew Chapter 7:14,  Jesus talks about, " For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it."

That's my story....and I'm stickin' to it.


Grace and Peace to one and all.


God's Word has all the answers for all the world's questions........and all the solutions for all the world's problems.




Yes.. It is  sad but true,  On another discussion I pointed out that Caleb was a gentile and Joshua a Israelite.

 Also in the other discussions the view is that those sitting in the pews as you say not making it to the "Heavenly Express" are not believers to begin with. But I think they certainly think they are...

God Bless


Where do you get that Caleb was a Gentile? I thought Caleb was an Israelite of the tribe of Judah.

  Caleb was the son of Jephunneh and he is called  a Kenizzite (Numbers 32:12, Joshua 14:6,14), and the Kenizzites are listed (Genesis 15:19) as one of the nations who lived in the land of Canaan, at the time that God promised to Abraham to give that land to his descendants forever (Genesis 17:8)

Roy, I wanted to take the time to properly thank you for your answers on the post that was  deleted .I kind of wished you did not ask me those questions , that's how it all started, but I believe It's all God's will, Thank you for your caring, even though we disagreed on some things we also agreed on others. I also want to thank for your support for Israel, and I would encourage you to consider alternating your support for Muslims too. There are a lot of them coming to know Christ.

  I will not participate on this forum anymore as Amanda, has made me feel most unwelcomed and a danger as she erased that post, I spent a lot of time responding and hoped that other people will understand that nothing is required but that  the freedom in Christ extends to all kinds of worship. Truth bothers people , I get the confirmation of that everyday. In the end you were more mature than Amanda which I considered a friend already. People will always surprise me.

  God Bless you and all I had a conversion with! 


For clarification, I deleted the post.


Lord Bless,


Thanks for the clarification .

  Amanda, my apologies..

I wish you  all the best in everything!

Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Apology accepted. I would like to see you stay here. It is a good place to learn truth.



I second Amanda's comment. We are blessed to have you here. Feel free to continue to share.


We appreciate you and love you in Christ.



I agree with you 100% about the people sitting in the pews.........most of them think they're saved.

Those would be the ones that will say, " Lord, Lord,.........".


Sadly, they don't know the truth.




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