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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hi Everyone,

I have a testimony that I would like to share with those who are willing to read this. For a while I have been really down, depressed and frustrated. Mainly because I lost my brother tragically 6 months ago and I felt like God could have spared him. So I was angry with God for a while.... On March 10th, I was having a very bad day, I spent the day with my mother and I cried all day long. She and I had a discussion and I questioned God's love for me and whether or not he truly cared about what our family was going through. My family has always been God fearing and I felt like God betrayed us by allowing our brother/son to drown. There are also other things that are going on in my life that has been very difficult for me to deal with...
Well On Wed March 11th, I went to work. I work for the county jail here in my city and on the 11th, I worked on the female floor. The females went to recreation for an hour around 7pm, at about 8:15, the females came back upstairs and one female inmate approached me and asked me if she could speak to me privately. I said sure assuming that something had went wrong inside of thier modules. This inmate said to me " I dont know you and you dont know me. I dont know what's going on in your life, but the Lord told me to tell you when I came back on the floor that he has you and dont worry".
I was so shocked when she said this to me, and at first I though she was just playing/lying. But then I thought about the things I said the night before and everything that I was going through and I realized that had to be God speaking to me through her. Since then I have felt better and have more hope about my life. I have also made peace with God and have asked him to forgive me for the way I felt towards him and the things that I have said. Even though I miss my brother terribly, I know that my brother was saved and I believe that he is in paradise with God, I'm trusting the Lord that he had a reason for allowing what happen to him. I'm also trying my best to totally trust him with my life and to answer my prayers.

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Dear Sister,

I am praising the Lord with you and praying for you.

Lord Bless,

I am so very happy for you dear Sister.Please let me share my scripture reading for today.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
God is so wonderful. Deedee Create your relationship with Jesus. Read the Bible. Pray and immerse yourself in his Love. May God Bless you and remember, you are Loved.
Dearest sister...

Praise The Lord! God remains faithful...even when we are faithless. Our God is so Awesome!

Blessings, Carla
That is an amazing testamony I know that some day if my mum or dad or brother and sister die they will definatly go to Heaven
You sound like your such a sweet woman. I am here with you I am praying for you right now God Bless You my sister.
Thankyou and God bless you my sister
Thank you for testimony. It is still hard for you lose your brother, though. I've read a lot of articles about His miracle. But your testimony surprised me. You have been really crying out to the Lord even though you are just complaining, so He answered you. You really seeked His answer, so you've got answer. I am sorry to say something even though I don't understand how much you have suffered. I think it is one of the best blessings that we can be as closed to Him as we can. Sometimes He uses very difficult or sad condition to lead us near Him. We are prone to be far away from Him when we are happy, satisfied with worldly material. I am sorry if this sentence offends you for you have been really suffering from your brother's leaving and I don't know your suffering,,,. I am glad to know your brother now is in heaven with Jesus Christ. Separating from loved one is always hard, but after for a while, we can meet them on heaven. May God bless you more! In Christ, Masaaki
God Bless you tooo


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