All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

That is the question that frequently pops up in my life. As I grow, learn and mature, I absorb lessons learned from life experiences. I often reflect back and wish that "if only I knew then, what I know now!"

For me:
* To listen to my parents when I was younger.
* I wish I had saved 10% of all my money. A small sacrifice for a long term reward.
* To have applied myself when education was "free"

What are some of your "If only's" in faith, life, relationships, finances, business, employment, health, love, etc. that you've learned along the way?

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Three things come to mind.

1. I would not have rebeled against God as I did when I was younger and would have began serving Him sooner.
2. I would have spent my time differently, focusing in on what is really important. Amazing how hindsight can reveal what was important and what was fluff.
3. I would have avoided several financial mistakes.

I also recognize that I am who I am today because of God, but also recognize the value of life experiences. Remove a handful of our life experiences from our past and the question then becomes "Would I still be me today or changed? If changed, for the better or worse?

Lord Bless,
A short note Rob.

1) If your parents are still with you, then look to them for advice now... Your never too old to learn.
At 76 I still look to older folk for better advice.

2) Still not too late to add another 10% to what you are saving now.



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