What would you tell them in a reasonable response?
When the question is that broadly framed, then it is a tough one. The reason to me being that even Seventh Day Adventists are Christians. Also Roman Catholics, JWs and such. I know that there is a difference between Christianity and Salvation. So the answer would not be a short one.
The results are still out on that study, since many observations have included people getting the life scared back into them instead of out of them.
I believe when a person gets the life scared back into them, is when they get their eyes opened to the truth that they are lost and in need of a savior; then realizing they were not ready to meet the Lord, and then to think about the possibility of them dying while in a state of separation from God. “been there, done that” Couldn’t think of a better motivation for repenting and getting right with God.
Hi Group,
Thank you all for your comments.
II Timothy 4:2 gives us our marching orders: " Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching." (N.K.J.V.).
Jesus's words on death.......Luke 12:4-5, " And I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. (5) But I will show you whom you should fear; Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him." (N.K.J.V.).
And Stephan, I agree the answer would not be a short one........we would be like the sower of the seed, as Jesus described in His parable found in Matthew 13.
Grace and Peace to all.
I am guilty ," when asked from friends or kin of why they should become a christian " of telling them more about end times and hell than I am of Jesus and the cross. I remember being surrounded by Christians at my job... I hated it... I was like get the heck away from me. Most of them talked about love but one stood out... she almost always quoted end time scripture...I listened to her more so than I did the others. But after awhile I listened to all of them. So I think maybe people need to hear of His love.. and about destruction.
There are two primary things I would share with them.
1) I would share the gospel because I still believe in the power of God's Word and the work of the Holy Spirit. I would like to express here that when I say give them the gospel I am not meaning pulling out a tract or running a pre set number of verses (though the verses will be included). I think that when the person is asking we have to listen to their heart and seek the Holy Spirit to give us discernment and wisdom regarding our response.
2) I would share my testimony.
Amen LT.
"What's in it for me?" In our increasingly self-centered, consumer-driven, and materialistic culture, this is often how nonbelievers respond when hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time. This article I found online really drives the point home.
We shouldn’t be surprised by this. It’s not like the people sitting at home are more carnal or less holy than those of us who go to church on Sundays. You and I are the same as they are. We bring that same “What’s in it for me?” attitude to Jesus every day.
Jesus says, “Follow,” and we hold our hands up and ask, “What’s in it for me?”
Jesus says, “Be my disciple,” and we say, “Sure thing, Lord. What kind of benefits package comes with that job?”
Jesus says, “I died on the cross for your sins. I’m giving you the free gift of grace,” and we respond, “But Jesus, I’m not planning on dying for a while. What can you give me now?” If we’re going to do Jesus the favor of being his disciples, we expect a big payout of blessings.
Most of us just don’t give much a crap about eternal salvation.
I wonder if Jesus was sitting in the garden, and God’s telling him what he has to do, and Jesus said back, “But God, what are these sinners I’m supposed to die for going to do for me?”
Read the rest here: a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.thechurchofnopeople.com/2012/04/whats-in-it-for-me-jesus/" target="_blank">http://www.thechurchofnopeople.com/2012/04/whats-in-it-for-me-jesus/ >.
How true, Bro.
Thanks for sharing...........
Grace and Peace.
I would say because it is better to live for a reason, for something bigger than us, than to live a selfish life that will all come to an end one day for nothing.
Aside from that, there is an old standard response that if this doesn't get through now anymore than it has, nothing will....
If you're wrong about there being no God, you lose everything. If I'M wrong about there being a God, I've lost nothing.
Been missing your interesting posts.
Keep visiting whenever you can.
Grace and Peace.
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