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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hi. I am posting here with a troubled heart, pondering a question that has plagued me from the beginning of my walk with Christ. The question is: Is it remotely possible that some Christians will remain homeless (brick and mortar church-less) their entire lives on earth until God calls them home? I ask because we have been searching for a church home for ten years and have never had peace about which one is right for us. How does one choose when there is a church on every corner? How does one KNOW which one is right?

My husband is also saved and is convinced we will never find a church home. I really don't want to give up searching but I am growing tired. My husband wants to throw in the towel and stop looking. It has become an area of great distress and unrest in our relationship...and has caused division in our our home.

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I'll tell you how I got to the church that I'm at now...

I had the same problem, but I kind of looked at it differently. I grew up in the church, but the church that I was at was no longer on the same level that God wanted me to be on. I actually was just a Christian, going to church giving my tithes and blah blah blah. It got to the point when I just went to drop off my tithes or take my nephew to children service. At the time I didnt have a car so my mom would let me use her car to go when she didn't or I would go to my brothers chruch near by or attend the church down the street. I didn't know where to go, but I new I had to go somewhere. Finally my mother heard that a pastor that she regularly saw on tv was coming to the area. We went the second service and I haven't stopped since. God led me to that church through my mother (who does not go to that church often even though she really likes the pastor). Many times I have thought to myself 'should I go to this one or that one. Wait that one is 5 mins away....' and on and on. It got to the point where I just couldn't stop going to the church because it seemed as if my pastor was talking directly to me every service and because I STAYED there I've grown so much. There were many reasons not to go (a main one is that my brothers and sisters didnt like that church) but I stayed because God SPOKE to me there, and still does. Have you been to a church service and it seemed as if God was speaking directly to you? Are you looking for the bad and not the good first? We are not perfect as Christians, and God doesn't expect us to be perfect in every way but God knows how to lead you, He is the Good Shepard. The question is are you following?

God Bless!!
Dear Seeking Him,

You may want to check out this link to find a church in your area:

You can even put in your zip code for some of the links...and you will get a directory of the churches closest to you.. May God guide you to the right place.

Blessings, Carla
Hi There,

It is a pity that this matter is causing dissension between your husband & yourself. I do understand your problem having been through it myself some years ago.

My wife & I moved from our home where we had attended the same church for many years to another city some 600+ miles away. One of the first things we did was to try & find a church we could attend that offered a level of ministry & fellowship we could be comfortable with & where we could grow.

We recognised the scripture that says, “…let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25) It is important that as Christians we do meet together. We went to many different churches and met many good Christian people over the following year and eventually found a place that we thought was good for us.

For most of that year though we could not find the “right” place for us, so my wife & I simply met together in our own home. The Bible says, “…For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) So the church is not about the building but about the people & the “meeting together.” If there are just two of you meeting together until you can find a church home, remember that if you meet in the Lord’s name, He is there.

If the constant search is becoming a hassle for your husband, don’t let it divide you. Meet together and “stir one another up to good works” in your home in the Lord’s name. Use the orderly process for a meeting as a guide as described in 1 Cor 14:26, “…What then, brethren? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” But also continue your search. The Lord has a place for you & will lead you there in due course.

Strangely enough in my own circumstance, the place we eventually found we left only a few weeks later. The Lord saw fit to remove us from there & we moved the 600 miles back to our home city. I believe to this day that the Lord took us away from our home church for a time so that we could learn to stand on our own two feet & to stand in his will…sort of a “wilderness experience”. Who knows, perhaps for a time you may be going through a similar thing.

All the best.

Your brother in Christ,
Wow..I've learned something! Amen!

God Bless!


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