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Can someone show me where in the Bible it says that you go to Hell if you commit suicide ? I know Someone that has done this ( Long story, to sad to tell now ).. but I Just cry and cry .. my church members are to close to me and tell me not to worry about it .. but alas .. I do .. I wont go into great details .. but he knew and I believe ..he loved God, Can't say if he was Baptised or completely gave his life to God, he had a painful life ( mentally and physically)
He never complained ( to me anyhow) about his conditions, always said .. " it's ok .. this is how God made me .. others have it worse"
Then Friday Night .. I got the call .......

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Hello Diana,

I had a similar thing happen to me at the beginning of this year. It is a very painful experience, this friend of mine went to the same church that I did. I know that he was a believer, but can't believe that he would commit suicide. At his funeral many people came forward and shared, because of my friend sharing his faith with them, they are now in God's kingdom. I had to understand that it is not our place to put judgement on those that have died. The Bible doesn't say that people who commit suicide, will be going to hell. In Matthew 27:3 it says Judas felt remorse or repented himself, before he hung himself. When we commit a sin, our next step is to ask for God's forgiveness, so that we can repent and turn away from that sin. The only sin that we can lose our salvation on is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Mark 3:29 "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:" Only God knows our friends hearts, so instead of us trying to judge, let us be comforted by Him. I pray that your heart will be comforted by this tragic situation.
Wow, I just joined this site today and there are some deep issues.. I will share from personal experience here, my g'father committed suicide in his late seventies. Growing up he was a professing Christian and It was evident. There were medicines he was on that caused mental issues and after his death, I was told by someone that he was going to hell. This confused me, however it took me a long time to realize that at one time he confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior and accepted Him in his Heart and God doesn't take that back!!! I don't believe that @ all!!! I'm content in the fact that my g'father is in Heaven!!! I won't get theological here and I'm truly sorry that you are dealing with someone close to you who went down that path.....Don't get discouraged and be comforted in the fact that if Jesus was in His Heart then He is with the Lord..........
Thank you all so much for taking time to reply to my question .. it actually took me awhile to come back and face the answers, knowing it would bring back the tears that had finally subsided, I had to remind myself that it's in Gods hands and even though it saddens me deeply to think that Jimmy ( my brother ) is in hell or elates me to know that his suffering is over and he's in the perfect Kingdon of God.. I guess I'll never know till I get there, because like one said .. you can never really know his personal relationship with God at the time of his taking his life & we cant even fathom all the reasoning behind God will. In praying God Gently reminded me that "what is ones heart to be true " walks with the Lord " what is in another heart to be true "walks with the Lord" in the end every knee will bend every head shall bow " I really don't know how you all will take that .. but to me it means that just because one person takes it this way and another that way, in the end it's his Will and it's perfect. No matter what.. my God is a Awsome God A God filled with Grace and Wisdom above all ! Thank you all again, Love n' Prayers Diana

In the midst of the discussion, please forgive me for not expressing my sorrow to you upon hearing of Jimmy's passing. I pray that God would truly be the God of All Comfort to you (II Corinthians 1:3) and surround you in His arms of love. May TheNET family be a source of comfort and encouragement to you as well. Peace be with you, my sister.


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