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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hi, I'm just wondering - is Allah the same as our God? Or are they two different Gods?

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Hi Pat,

I stand firm on my statement: For the Muslim, the name Allah is accepted amongst them as the name of God. They also believe, that Allah is a singular God as do the Jews in the O.T. believe - that the God they worship is singular.I stated further: The problem with Muslims is not the name they give for their God, but their concept of God as given in the Quran. The concepts of God in the Bible and the Quran are poles apart"

Here in S.Africa we have 11 official languages. Those who have accepted the Old and New Testament, call God by their own name. We have no problem with this simply because their reference point is the Bible as we understand it and the name is simply a language difference.

There are others here who have names for their gods, which we cannot accept as the God of the Bible, because it is a "mix-mash" of OT, NT, Voodoo, Ancestor worship, witchcraft and what ever else. Yet in their language it is "a god" that they are talking about. This is exactly the same as Muslims who have named their god Allah, who also have a "mix-mash" of OT, NT. THAT DOES NOT LINE UP WITH THE BIBLE.
Therefore when a Muslim speaks to me and refers to his god as Allah, it may well be his name for god as he understands him, BUT it is not the God who has revealed Himself in the Bible, it is simply a twisted version which I reject as GOD and therefore place the name "Allah" alongside of the myriads of gods that are in the world today.

Finally as we have seen, Muslims and the many African religions here may have their own particular name for their god, but their god be it "Allah" or "Tiko" or "Here" or "Umlungu" if it does not line up with the Old and New Testaments, then it is a fragment of imagination and not the Jehovah God of the Bible, even if occasionally the Bible is referred to or used as a reference point. So when a Muslim says "Allah is the name of GOD" it is definitely not. It is simply the name of a "god" created in the mind of a man.
Oklahoma’s amendment banning sharia law comes not a moment too soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Building a firewall against sharia

Had Britain taken pre-emptive action as Oklahoma has, the cancer that is sharia law would not be eating away at Britain’s legal framework. A firewall would have been in place to prevent this from happening. Ironically, in the name of tolerance for Muslims, Britain now allows sharia discrimination against Muslim women and children.

By informing potentially millions of Americans of the seriousness and imminence of the threat arrayed against us by radical Islam and global jihad, we will help position America to build firewalls before that threat becomes a cancer that can’t be stopped.
- Sharia law’s civil code is arbitrary and discriminatory against women and children in particular. With the rise in the acceptance of Sharia courts, discrimination is being further institutionalised with some UK law firms additionally offering clients advice on Sharia law and the use of collaborative law.

- Sharia law is practiced in Britain primarily by Sharia Councils and Muslims Arbitration Tribunals. Both operate on religious principles and are harmful to women although Muslim Arbitration Tribunals are wrongly regarded as being of more concern because they operate as tribunals under the Arbitration Act 1996, making their rulings binding in law.

- Sharia Councils, on the other hand, claim to mediate on family issues but in practice often this differs little from arbitration: they frequently ask those appearing before them to sign an agreement to abide by their decisions; they call themselves courts, and the presiding imams, judges. Their decisions are then imposed and regarded as having the weight of legal judgements.

- There is neither control over the appointment of “judges” in Sharia Councils or Tribunals nor an independent mechanism for monitoring them. Clients often do not have access to legal advice and representation. The proceedings are not recorded, nor are there any searchable legal judgements, nor any real right of appeal.

- Sharia law cannot be compared to secular legal systems because it is considered sacred law that cannot be challenged. There is no scope to look at the interests of the individuals involved, as required by UK family law.
Sadly the enforcement of Sharia law is slow but sure. By the time a country wakes up, it is too late.
It starts with Muslims being placed in government and positions of authority. Threats similar to 9/11 incidents - Suicide Bombers.

Murder and threats to people who warn against Sharia leave a population speechless and afraid.

Our own laws are used against us. i.e Freedom of Speech and the right to vote.
Dare to oppose these voices and you will receive hints of a death threat.

WHAT THEN IS THE ANSWER? This is what the main thrust to eliminate the threats should be.
This is America and we have our own court systems. When you go to he polls make sure you know who you are voting for!!!! This is why it is important that the states pass regulatons banning sharia law iin each state!!!!!!!!!! If you are a citizen you have a vote!! The people running for office have bio's on-line in each county,etc Please read the and vote accordingly. It is our responsibility as citizens of U.S. to be active in our government and responsible at the polls. Apathy is one thing that has brought us to this point. Political "correctness" is killing us!!! God doesnt relieve us of responsibility...He expects us to be watchmen for what He has allowed us to have and given us to take care of, just as children are gifts to be nurtured.
David Barton is an awesome christian historian.
Author and historian David Barton is WallBuilders’ Founder and President. He is the author of numerous works on the original intent of America’s Founding Fathers. Barton speaks to hundreds of groups each year across the nation, and appears on numerous television and radio programs to communicate his views on our country’s religious roots and the role individuals can play in reclaiming America’s spiritual heritage.

David holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Oral Roberts University and an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Pensacola Christian College. He has been a recipient of national and international awards including Who’s Who in Education and DAR’s highest award, the George Washington Honor Medal. His work in media and the educational medium have merited several Angel Awards, Telly Awards, and the Dove Foundation Seal of Approval.

I have seen Mr. Barton on Dr. Stanley, Andrew Womack, Glen Beck, etc. He is awesome!! We should do what we can to preserve our "nation under God." We cant just "sit back" and watch it happen!!
I salute you Vella,
Well done.

There is still the other leg of Sharia spreading around the world and that is Sharia Banking.

Their claim is that they do not charge interest. What business could operate efficiently without interest?

So what is the big cover-up for the lie.

It's quite simple, should you want to buy a house, they will puchase the house and then sell it to you at a ridiculously inflated price. It does not end there. The house belongs to them until the last installment. By the time you have finished paying off the debt and calculated the total cost, it would have been cheaper by far, had you simply taken a loan from a Bank and paid the accepted Bank rates for the loan. I believe that there are more problems should you want to sell the house, particularly if the house is still held in their name. I am not sure what the exact problem is, but possibly they would want to sell the house and sell it at a higher value that the house may have gained through the years, which they will keep for themselves. You would not get any part of the extra value.
You know Ron, this sounds familiar....A lot of people in US are "upside down" on their mortgages because of "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" , a government loan program that went "belly up'
Last year. The gov is offering them relief with some kind of long-trm loan, etc. I dont know all the details. People bought bigger houses and spent more than they could afford, and when the economy started down hill they were in a bad situation financially.

We are so blessed and have more than we need, but people become greedy and their "eyes are bigger than their pocketbook". I grew up in an era (end 0f WW2)when did not have a lot, but we never went hungry. We were taught to "live within our means" and save money.
There are a people here n US now that are on the street with their families. Every day when I drive out of our housing area, there are men or women and sometimes young people begging beside the street. Most All our churches have feeding programs and food pantry's We took 2 bags of groceries for food pantry to church on Sunday. Most missions and ministries that depend on donations are having financial problems now. The Gulf Oil crisis is going to contribute to more loss to business and families. I love seafood and I am sure it will be more expensive soon!!

Our country needs a great revival now!!! We need to pray for God's mercy. Rev.22:12 Behold, I am coming soon!! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done!!
Thank you Val for your input.
While this short exchange has nothing to do with "Muslim God etc" May I just add in that I believe most of the problems come from Supermarkets that are taking full advantage of the situation and charging what they like. I bought a torch light last month that does not require batteries, one simply winds it up. I paid roughly 1 dollar for it. I went shopping three days ago and saw the exact same torch but in different wrapping. The price was roughly $10.50.
It seems we need to get back to 1939-1945 war years where there was strict price control.
Food in those days remained the same price no matter where you went. Today anything that sells fast, is twice the price of what it was yesterday.
Hi Vella,

Just one point to consider here.. The people on AAG are from all over the world. Many are from the US..but many are not.

Blessings, Carla
Thanks Carla, I thought about that after my last post! Thank you!!
thabk u..they are totally different..God is sovereign and doesnt contradict way is Allah the same as our Soverieign God
HI Diana,
You are quite right Diana, One thing certain there can only be ONE God.
The God whom the Jews and Christians serve, is the God of Genesis who created the Heavens and the earth and all that is within it. He has many names that are given in the Bible, but Allah is not one of them.
Roughly 700 of years after Christ was crucified, Allah became the creation of one man. The New Testament is in line and in agreement with the God of the Old Testament. Whereas the Quran is not. The Quran contradicts many Old Testament passages. To get past all the different interpretations and contradictions in the Quran, they claim the Jews twisted and changed verses in the Old Testament and they (the Muslims) have simply straightened them out to what they should be.
To understand how ridiculous that statement is, one simply has to look at the procedures that were undertaken when the Old Testament was copied by Scribes. One Scribe would write a word down, and another would check to see that it was correct. The number of letters and even the spaces were counted and compared with the original. If the numbers or letters had one mistake, the entire manuscript was destroyed and started again. That's how careful the Jews were to ensure that the same Old Testament we read today is the exact same that was written thousands of years ago.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Mathew 5:18
Finish your book. Wait till you get to the parts that justfy killing unbelievers. I know the old testament also did this, but we are 'Thank God' under the New Testament. I do not know many christians who stone people or cut off thier heads either. But then...I suppose this forum is called 'All about God', I somehow got the impression that it was all about God the Father of Jesus.


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