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Hi, I'm just wondering - is Allah the same as our God? Or are they two different Gods?

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Hi Sunny Pai,

Your answer is typical of those who accept the Quran as the Word of God. I wonder if you realise that you are
spelling out why the Quran is unacceptable to sane people and acceptable only to those who read it with blinkers on.

The Old and New Testaments speak of a God of Love who opens the eyes of Unbelievers, that they may come into a relationship with God. What chance then would all unbelievers have of coming into a relationship with God, when as you say:

"In the Holy Quran, it specifically states that God will put a veil over the eyes of the unbeliever and will put hate and enmity in his heart."

What kind of a God is that? He as you say, specifically closes my eyes (an Unbeliever) before I even have a chance of believing??????

What I have just pointed out, is only one of many Quranic statements that don't make sense. Allow me to point out another stupid belief. The best chance a Muslim has to get into Paradise, is to die in a Jihad. Which means attempting to kill or blow up others. He will then attain Paradise, where he will have 70 perpetual virgins at his beck and call.. Imagine those poor virgins? Everytime, Yes everytime, they have to "sleep" with our "hero", Allah has seen to it that they will suffer pain when their virginity is broken, only to have that pain again the next time and every time they share our "hero's" bed. Because they are perpetual virgins, this will go on for eternity. Do you really believe that this is what Paradise is all about? Sleeping with Virgins?????? Yet Muslim Scholars tell us that to die in a Jihad is the only certain way of a man attaining Paradise.

Then there is those who are Unbelievers.... The last thing I would want to do is force a man to become a Believer by threatening him either with death, or make him pay a tax for the rest of his life as the Quran demands.

May I ask if you read my explanation of how the Hebrew Scribes copied the Old testament Scriptures? There was absolutrely no room for mistakes or changes.
To prove that there have been no changes, God allowed manuscripts that were copied before Christ was born to be found intact, in a cave. Take for instance the Isaiah scroll which was found intact. It is word for word the same as the book of Isaiah that we have today.
Once more, quotations and letters of people who were alive during the time of Christ or shortly thereafter, quote Old and New testament Scriptures in their letters. These quotations of verses are exactly the same as the scriptures we have today.
In fact let us destroy every Bible in existence so that there are no Bibles left to copy. We could still recreate the entire Bible just from these letters and manuscripts wherein they quoted Bible verses shortly after these verses were written.

When you say: "God Almighty reveals His plans to humanity through prophets, and it is up to us to believe them or stone them to death."I trust that you are talking about the Quran and not the Bible. I don't believe that Believers of the Bible have been instructed by God to stone to death, those people who do no believe what is written in the Bible. But that practice is typical of Islam where people are forced to believe on pain of death.
The Bible tells us that the Just shall live by faith. God forces no one.

Sunni Pai, I trust that this will help to remove the Blinkers when reading the Quran. Should I advise you to throw the Quran away, it is not hate or malice, but simply concern for your soul. Failing which you will have to convince me, by explaining away the points I have made above.
Hey Sunny,

You said:
>>we are all God's children

We are not all God's children if we believe in the biblical God. The bible only calls those who Repent of their sins and accept Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives as sons and daughters of God. The rest of the people in the world are God's creation, but not his children.

My first question to you is: Are you born Again? Are you a Christian?

My second one is: Do you read the bible and why do you read it?

My final question is:/u>b> Are you here to learn about Christianity or do you have it all figured out all ready. In other words are you here to teach or to learn and have meaningful exchanges with us?

Not trying to pick a fight with you Sunny, just asking you some very basic questions. I see you told Margaret not to get defensive by her normal response to you. She gave you a normal Christian answer to your post. She was only stating facts, so I say that to say, no one here desires to be offensive, but we will speak the truth to you, because you matter to us. If you are not some fake profile trying to rattle us Christians and you are here because you truly want to learn, then God has brought you here not to fight with us, but to reason with you.

Blessings Sunny
Hi Sunny Pai,

I am afraid that you have made God impotent. He has to rely on what people think and say. Anything written about Him is simply hogwash. His Character, His Laws and everything we thought we knew about Him, has been changed and switched around to suit ourselves. This is done by mere mortals while He sits there helpless.
Instead we spread our ideas on what we think God should be. This then is what you are in agreement with when you say we have changed the Bible to suit ourselves. By your own words you have made God a helpless diety who hopes we get it right.

Allow me to give an illustration. Your words:

"All I'm saying is it doesn't matter how we worship God almighty"

You won't find that in the Bible or the Quran. As I said, these are the thoughts and wishes of men, who make up their god to suit themselves.
What He says, has already been weighed up as lies and should He add anything that does not suit our belief, then
He better just sit back and let us dictate to him what we require. The God of your belief has to listen to your ideas and is completely incapable of changing it. WHY? Simply because you are not exercising any faith in what He says. I am reminded of Frank Sinatra singing: "I'll do it my way."

What is it that gives Christian's the assurance that the Bible is true and are the very words of God?
Besides receiving the Holy Spirit as a Comforter, friend and teacher who continually confirms what is written in the Bible to be true, even as we read it, we also have prophetic statements listed in the Bible, over which no man can control or change.
Allow an example of some prophecies written in the Old Testament some 800 years before Christ was born.

1. He would be betrayed by a friend. Psalm 41:9 Fulfilled: Mathew 10:4
2. Sold for 30 pieces of Silver. Zechariah 11:12 Fulfilled: Mathew 26:15
3. Forsaken by His disciples. Zechariah 13:7 Fulfilled: Mark 14:50
4. Accused by False Witnesses. Psalm 35:11 Fulfilled: Mathew 26:59-61
5.Dumb before His accusers. Isaiah 53:7 Fulfilled: Mathew 27:12-19
6. Smitten and spat upon. Isaiah 50:6 Fulfilled: Mathew 26:67
7. Wounded and Bruised. Isaiah 53:5 Fulfilled: Mathew 27:26
8. Hands and feet pierced. Psalm 22:16 Fullfilled: Luke 23:33
9. Crucufied with thieves. Isaiah 53:12 Fulfilled: Mathew 27:38.
10. Clothes removed and gambled for. Psalm 22:18 Fulfilled: John 19:23-24.
11. Gall and vinegar given to Him. Psalm 69:21 Fulfilled: Mathew 27:34.
12. His Forsaken cry. Psalm 22:1 Fullfilled: Mathew 27:46
13. Bones not broken. Psalm 34:20 Fulfilled: John 19:33.
14. His side pierced. Fulfilled: John 19:34

Josh Mc Dowell in his book "Evidence that demands a verdict" has the following comment: "The chances that any man could fulfill only 8 of the prophecies would be 10 to the powe of 17.
That would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. Supposing we take the same amount of silver dollars and lay them over the entire state of Texas and paint one of them red. Then get a blind man to walk the entire state for as long as he wished and when he bent down to pick up a dollar it would be the red dollar. This is just the same chance that the prophets would have of accurately predicting only 8 of those prophecies hundreds of years before Christ was born. Yet they got it right every time.
The Best Islam can offer is that Jesus never went to the cross. It was Judas who died on the cross in Christ's place.
How did this happen? Well another miracle you know. Muslims proclaim that when Judas kissed Christ in the garden of Gethsemane, he exchanged faces with Jesus. Therefore Jesus ran off with the disciples with Judas' face and Judas went to the cross with Jesus' face. ????????????

Another thought. Every Disciple except John, but including Paul was Martyred for their beliefs. Do you honestly believe that these men would be willing to die a martyrs death if they had manipulated the scriptures?
But not only them, Many of the early church Fathers were willing to die in the Roman Arena, eaten by lions rather than deny Christ. Would they be willing to die for Twisted Scriptures the scriptures they themselves changed? Remember, I told you that we have their writings where scriptures are quoted and they say the same as the scriptures do today.
Therfore logic tells me that if scriptures were changed it must have been changed by them.
Hence these foolish men died for something that was a lie.. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT?

It is the false interpretations and beliefs that Christian's hate Why, because they know that Christ died for the entire world, yet many through these lies and manipulation of God's word people are going to be separated from God for eternity. This is what Christians hate and refuse to become a part of the thumb sucking of man's own ideas, regarding what they want to hear or believe about God..
I know for a fact that there are Christians out there praying for you at this very moment.

Remember Satand words to Christ; "Hath God Said?"
Maybe you should read the Bible more closely????
Hi Vella,
I am not quite sure who you referring to.
There are many instances on AAG where replies do not fall directly under the
post you wish to address, hence I find that it does help to greet the person
you wish to reply to.
I trust you are well, have not heard from you for some time.
Sorry Ron, I was replying to Sunny I beleve , who said the Bible and the Koran were a lot(not exact wds) alike
and said the same things. NO,NO, No!!

You sound so much like an acquaintance of mine. Tom believes almost exactly as you do, so I will tell you as I told him.

No one is born a Christian as you probably well know. If you are truly seeking God is only because He is first seeking you. No one understands that until later on his walk. The bible is not like any other book and only those who are children of God can understand it. And even we study hard to do so.

1 Corinthians 2:14
The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Yes, a life time of sin can truly be erased if we Repent as the Spirit of the Lord is calling us to himself. In a blink of an eye you can become a new man. Cry out to Jesus and you will see. Christianity cannot be fully explained to an unbeliever for it must be experience.

We can argue with you why Christianity is the only sensible choice and the only way to God through philosophical arguments, historical ones, manuscript evidence, prophecy fulfilled, Archeological findings and statistical evidence, but if you do not Repent of your sins and cry out to Jesus to save you from yourself and the power of sin. All the things I mentioned are but data.

Sunny - You did not answered any of my questions. Would you please answer them.

Sunny hahahha Thanks for the laugh (CIA or FBI - I wish, I would be making good money),

It's good to see you have a sense of humor. No man, I am not trying to pick a fight with you.

I have loved you with the truth, how is that a bad thing? You are seeking God you said. Well I am giving you the info to find Him. If any man on the face of the earth was to ask me if I am born again, I would not hesitate (even with a gun to my head) to say that I am, for if I am ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of me.

This is a Christian community; your profile states that you are seeking God. I am telling you what the answer is, you are seeking, and I am telling you how to find Him. How is that trying to pick a fight? In order for me to know how to approach you I need to know if you are born again or not, for there is a humongous difference between a Spiritual person (and I do not mean spiritual as the world uses the word, but is the Holy Spirit in you) and an unsaved person. One can understand the things of God superficially and the other can understand the things of God experientially.

I care about your eternal state. Apart from God (Hel)l or with God, so I am asking you are you born again, so I can know if you need to be saved or not. A doctor needs to know the symptoms before prescribing treatment. I am a servant of God as all others here and i need to know how to proceed according to that simple question.

If you are not born again we are happy to have you here and you can shoot me as many questions as you would like thru my mail or on my page or you can ask them via these forums. But you have to understand that to those who are not saved our belief is foolishness. Until you repent of your sins, confess Christ as Lord and Savior this all is just theory. If you are not saved you will see things way different than we do and your contribution here will always be challenged by people like me. Not challenged in a mean way, but in a healthy, friendly exchange. You know that. You are very intelligent. I see it all over your writings. You are very analytical, an excellent quality.

So welcome to AAG. We are glad to have you here and tell me friend are you born again?
What up Sunny,

Thanks for your honest answer. Everyone that has repented and accepted Christ as Lord and Savior is a born again Christian. Born again is synonymous to being in Christ. There are real Christians and there are some by title only. Born again Christians are all over the world. In fact Christianity is the number one religion in the world. You do not have to take my word for it, just do a Google search and all the polls state that point. Muslins also have their share of members who are muslins by title only, like any and all religions. There are many Christian denominations that is true. But all the denominations that are under the Christian umbrella have unity in the essential doctrines we believe. We do differ in secondary doctrines, but we are all Christians. Wherever you are getting your info from, you better dump them and get some reliable sources. And leave America alone dude. I guess India or Iran does not have SUV's etc huh? We Americans have a God that drowned the human race for the exception of 8 people. So I am not shocked by the Quran. I have never read the entire Quran, but I have read parts of it. I have read enough of it to know is not a Holy book, nor inspired by the God of Abraham.

We have eye witness’s accounts/testimonies in the bible of people that saw the crucifixion of Christ and His resurrection. People were killed and tortured, so they could deny the resurrection of Christ and they paid and wrote their testimony with their blood. 600 years later a so called prophet of God through the revelation of an angel is enlighten to believe that Christ was not actually killed. Please give me a break. I will take the abundance of immediate evidence offered in the Bible than what some guy was made to believe by an angel. That angel no doubt was Satan himself. I do not doubt Muhammad had a real experience. I am sure he did speak with an angel, but a fallen angel appearing as an angel of light. Islam is a false religion. It enslaves its members to rituals and not to a real relationship with God. It teaches that a pious life is our ticket to God. You are not muslin, so i do not see how someone who appears to be as intelligent as you appeared to be, to even consider the Quran in the same league as the Holy Bible.

2 Corinthians 11:14
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Joseph Smith of the Mormons had the same experience as Muhammad and so have many other false religions of the world. Guess what – they have the angelic visitation in common to give them this new revelation after the bible truth had already been established.

Check this video out.

Two Different God's! ALLAH HAD NO SON!!!!!! Please go to a web site called "Chick Publications" A great apologetic cartoon....

Our Triune God and Allah are not the same.. Please do not be deceived!! We serve the living God in Jesus Christ our SAVIOR.
You are on a christian web site. We do not embrace Islam in any form. That is not being prejudiced, that is the belief that I(we) personally embrace. Historically Isaac and Ishmael were half-brothers with different mothers.

Islamic traditions consider Ishmael as the ancestor of Arab people,[1] while Jewish traditions are split between those who consider Ishmael the northern Arab ancestor and those, like Maimonides, who believe that the northern Arabs are descended from the sons of Keturah, whom Abraham married after Sarah's death.[3]

Judaism has generally viewed Ishmael as wicked though repentant.[1] Judaism maintains that Isaac (the father of the Jewish people) rather than Ishmael was the true heir of Abraham.[4] The New Testament contains few references to Ishmael. In some Christian biblical interpretations, Ishmael is used to symbolize the older—now rejected—Judaic tradition; Isaac symbolizes the new tradition of Christianity.[1]

Islamic tradition, however, has a very positive view of Ishmael, giving him a larger and more significant role. The Qur'an views him as an Islamic prophet.

There are many religions to choose from in this world...I personally believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
who voluntarily came to earth to save us from our sins by being the perfect sacrifice through his shed blood on the cross to bring us back into a relationship with the Creator of the universe, God the Father and left us, as christians, the Holy Spirit to indwell and empower us to live the obedient life of a follower of Christ Jesus. (ISlam does not teach the death and resurrection of Jesus christians our whole faith is invested in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Bible was originally written in Hebrew(first 5 books-Pentateuch OR TORAH). Genesis17;7-21 is the covenant between Abram(Abraham) and God.

Islam considers us christians as be converted or killed. Christianity does not demand death for non-believers, but love and mercy, in hope that God's love will shine thro them and lead them to repentance and belief.

With love,


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