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I'm a little confused about the whole Creation story - Catholics believe that it didn't actually take seven days, that it really took billions of years. What do other Christians believe?

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I just passed by, and want to ask you this, where the world belong, to science or to God?

If you answered it belong to "Science", then believe that the whole creation and all other things coming from Science. Then, let all these things can be explain by science.

If you answered it belong to "God", then i tell you that "Science" also to belong to God.

We use our own thought to what we believe in coz we have a freedom to chose.

Just want to remind you/us that life is straightly going forward and not backward, try to ask this one, what should i/we do when the Son of God return?

God Bless You.
I was sending a message to a friend when somehow I hit a wrong key and ended
up here.So I read all of the replies to this Discussion and I believe the Holy Spirit
is speaking through me. This is an unimportant waste of time. God has always kept secrets from us! If we knew all of these things, why would we need to be faithful
to Him? We are to pray for wisdom! We are to tell the Gospel of Christ to all! He
wants us to Love one another and encourage each other as the apostle Paul did
for us. God is Love and He wants us to spread His love. So I just want
you to know that I love all of you.
Study the Book of Romans, this will be a Blessing to you.
In God's peace.
Well other christian believe that there is no god or that 2000 years ago there used to be a man called Jesus
I think it is possible for the earth to have been here, for an undetermined period of time, Before... God, decided to inhabit it. If that were so, it would explain the theory that the evolutionists have, of the earth being billions of years old.
Hi Gayla..

you say that you think it is possible for the earth to have been here for an undetermined period of time, Before... God, decided to inhabit it...but my sister, that goes against God's word!

Genesis 1:
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created [fn] the heavens and the earth.
Gen 1:2 The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.

That theory simply can't hold up because God's Word says that the earth was formless and empty before HE created it....

Blessings, Carla.....taking ahold of Jared's words below: I believe it says what it means and means what it says.
Genesis 1:5 " And the evening and the morning were the first day" . I believe it says what it means and means what it says.
Hi GoingMyOwnWay
The creation of the earth, as it is now (2Pet3:7) was done in 7 24 hour days as explained below.

The Word "Day" in Genesis 1.
This Is Appendix 11 From The Companion Bible.

The word "day", when used without any limiting words, may refer to a long or prolonged period: as, the "day of grace", the "day of visitation", the "day of salvation", the "day of judgment", the "day of the Lord", "man's day", etc. But when the word "day" is used with a numeral (cardinal or ordinal), as one, two, three, etc., or first, second, third, etc., "evening and morning" (Genesis 1), or the "seventh day" (Exodus 20:9, 11, etc.), it is defined, limited, and restricted to an ordinary day of twenty-four hours.

The word "day" is never used for a year. Sometimes a corresponding number of days is used for a corresponding number of years, but in that case it is always expressly stated to be so used; as in Numbers 14:33, 34. But, even in these cases, the word "day" means a day, and the word "year" means a year. It is not said that a day means a year; but the number of forty years is said to be "after the number of days in which ye searched the land, even forty days".

It is the same in Ezekiel 4:5, where the years of Israel's iniquity were laid on Ezekiel "according to the number of days". In this case also, the word "days" means days, and the word "years" means years.

There is no Scriptural warrant for arbitrarily assuming this to be a general principle in the absence of any statement of that effect.

I Hope this helps...
Hi again GoingMyOwnWay,

The article below will explain the "gap theory". The gap between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2.

I believe the earth may be billions or more old and GOD made it perfect in the begining. I also believe He made the earth as it is NOW in 7 24 hour days.

notes on Isaiah 45:18
This Is From The Companion Bible.

Isaiah 45:18

18. For thus saith 1 the LORD °That created the heavens; God Himself °That formed the earth and °made it; he hath established it, °He created it not °in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: " I am 1 the LORD;
and there is none else.

That created = the Creator of. Note how these expressions are heaped together to impress us with the fact that the One Who created all ought to be able to tell us, better than ignorant man, how He created it.
That formed = The Former of. Hebrew yazar = to fashion.
made = the Maker of. He created. It did not come of itself by evolution (see Appendix 5 and 8). Reference to Pentateuch (Genesis 1:1)
in vain = tohu. The same word as in Genesis 1:2 ("without form"). Therefore it must have become tohu: which is exactly what Genesis 1:2 declares (See Below). In Genesis 1:1 we have "the world that then was" (compare 2Peter 3:6); and in verse 2 we have ruin into which it fell.

We are not told how, when, or why, or how long it lasted. When geologists have settled how many years they require, they may place them between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1.

In Genesis 1:2-2:4, we have "the heavens and the earth which are now" of 2Peter 3:7. Both are set in contrast with the "new heavens and the new earth" of 2Peter 3:13.

1The Lord = Hebrew; Yehovah

notes on Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
This Is From The Companion Bible.

1. IN the beginning °God °created °the heaven and the earth.
2. °And °the earth °was °without form, and void; and darkness °was upon the °face of the deep.
And °the Spirit of God moved upon the °face of the waters.

1. "THE WORLD THAT THEN WAS" (2Peter 3:5,6). See Structure, page 1. Creation in eternity past, to which all Fossils and "Remains" belongs.

God. Hebrew Elohim, plural. First occurence connects it with creation, and denotes, by usage, the Creator in relation to His creatures. See Appendix 4. The Hebrew accent Athnach places the emphasis, and gives pause, on "God" as being Himself the great worker, separating the Worker from His work.

created (sing.). Occurs 6 times in this Introduction. Other acts 46 times. See Appendix 5. Perfection implied. Deuteronomy 32:4. 2Samuel 22:31. Job 38:7. Pslams 111; 147:3-5. Proverbs 3:19. Ecclesiastes 3:11-14. [Even the Greek Cosmos = ornament. Exodus 33:4-6. Isaiah 49:18. Jeremiah 4:30. Ezekiel 7:20. 1Peter 3:3]

the heaven and the earth. With Hebrew Particle 'eth before each, emphasising the Article "the", and thus distinguishing both from 2:1. "Heavens" in Hebrew always in plural. See note on Deuteronomy 4:26.

2. And. Note the Figure of Speech Polysyndeton (See appendix 6), by which, in the 34 verses of this Introduction, each one of 102 separate acts are emphasised; and the important word "God" in verse 1 is carried like a lamp through the whole of this Introduction (1:1 - 2:3).

the earth. Figure of Speech Anadiplosis. See appendix 6.

was = become. See Genesis 2:7; 4:3; 9:15; 19:26. Exodus 32:1. Deuteronomy 27:9. 2Samuel 7:24, etc. Also rendered came to pass, Genesis 4:14; 22:1; 23:1; 27:1. Joshua 4:1; 5:1. 1Kings 13:32. Isaiah 14:24 etc. Also rendered be (in the sense of become), verse 3 etc., and where the verb "to be" is not in italic type. Hence, Exodus 3:1, kept=became keeper, quit = become men, etc. See Appendix 7.

without form = waste. Hebrew tohu va bohu. Figure of Speech Paronomasia See appendix 6. Not created tohu (Isaiah 45:18 See Above), but became tohu (Genesis 1:2. 2Peter 3:5,6). "An enemy hath done this" (Matthew 13:25,28,39. compare 1Corithians 14:33). See Appendix 8.

was. This is the italic type, because no verb "to be" in Hebrew (see Appendix 7). In like manner man became a ruin (Genesis 3. Psalms 14:1-3; 51:5; 53:1-3. Ecclesiastes 7:20. Romans 7:18).

face. Figure of Speech Pleonasm. See appendix 6.

the Spirit of God moved (see Appendix 9) = The beginning of "the heavens and the earth which are now" (2Peter 3:7). It is even so in the New Creation. The Spirit moves (John 3:3-8. Romans 8:5,9,14. Galatians 4:29. 2Corinthians 5:17,18).

I hope this helps you understand why people say the earth is billions of years old.

Much Love To You & Yours
Well this is what i believe, Its true that creation took seven days. But there are some things we have to note here. Creation took place in seven (God) days. pay attention to the wording GOD DAYS. let me take your attention to Gen 1 vs 3-13, the first 3 days of creation. please note these days refered to are not like the days we know. They are God days. The days as we know them wee only crated on the fourth day of God's days. So looking at Gen 1 vs 14-19, God then created the days that we know and live in today but they are not God's days. I dont know the ratio of God's days to our present days but i strongly believe they are different based on the verss i have mentioned above. i hope i have helped you. Stay blessed.
very good reply:-) a God´s day could be a 100.000 years?
It's funny that I found this today.Just yesterday my 10 year old read the first three chapters of Genesis and came back and announced he thought God must really love us alot.In the 2nd chapter verse 3 it says that God blessed spoke good of the seventh day and rested from ALL his work which he had created and done.verse 4 says that this is the HISTORY of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.It says there was evening and morning between each day.That sounds to me like one 24 hour period between each day.The Bible says in the beginning the Word is the word was and the word will be.The Bible was prewritten before it came to fruition.The Bible says before you were ever even formed in your mother's womb that God knew and approved of you and called you his own.I know that there are several different titles and religions and different Churches but I only serve 1 God.We as children of God as believers in His son have a ministry of reconciliation we are reconciled to God through Christ.I keep it simple.Yesterday I was grieved when I read on CSNBC NEWS about the lady in Korea publicly executed on the border of china for passing out a Bible a few weeks ago.I pass out Bibles all the time and own so many different versions.I was in tears that her husband and 2 children were taken to a 'prison camp" there were other similar stories where others had witnessed terrible crimes at these camps including extermination.This wasn't the diary of Ann Frank this was last month.There is nothing new under the sun and for generations people have been losing their lives over the Word of God.I suppose I just take God at his word, His Word is true.
Gen 1:1-5 in the KJV says: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and He called the darkness Night. And the evening and the morning was the first day."

I used the KJV's version here, because, while it is not an easy translation to read, it is the most accurately translated from the original Latin. God created heaven and earth BEFORE He made day and night. It doesn't say how long it took, but if you believe your Bible as I do, I'd say He probably did it in a moment! He IS God. It would have been possible for Him to just THINK "creation" and it would be so. Until the first day and night was officially created, there really is no way to tell how long the creation of earth took. What the Bible does teach is that 1 day is like a 1000 years to God and a 1000 years like a day. For all we know God took His time in creating heaven and earth before taking another 6 days to sort out the "minor details" like the sun and moon and stars and all the rest! (Remember God rested on the seventh day!!)
I used to try and fit everything into a historical timeline of sorts, by using the same line I used earlier (1 day a 1000 years and vice versa). My point was that if this is true then there is no telling how long the days were back when God created it all. If we keep in mind, however that the first 5 Books in the Bible were written by Moses, after being divinely inspired by God, then I can come to no other conclusion than: 1 day - from the day the 1st day was created onwards - was in fact 1 DAY, as the Israelites, who it was written for originally - understood 1 day to be. That is from sunset to sunset or 24 hours.


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