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Eph 4:26 If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day. Eph 4:27 Don't give the Devil a chance.

At church today my pastor was teaching about anger, be angry and sin not. He told a story from Max Lucado’s book “A Love Worth Giving-
Many years ago a stressful job stirred within T. D. Terry daily bouts of anger. His daughter, upon hearing him describe them years later, responded with surprise. “I don’t remember any anger during those years.” He asked if she remembered the tree—the one near the driveway about halfway between the gate and the house. “Remember how it used to be tall? Then lost a few limbs? And after some time was nothing more than a stump?” She did. “That was me,” T. D. explained. “I took my anger out on the tree. I kicked it. I took an ax to it. I tore the limbs. I didn’t want to come home mad, so I left my anger at the tree.” (p82, 83)

We all need to learn to leave our anger at the
tree(the cross).

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Posted by Bob B on March 13, 2008 at 6:23am in Anger in a Christians life

Forgiveness is the mental and/or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution.
Let's talk about what forgiveness is and isn't and share our stories of how we learned to forgive.
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Permalink Reply by Mandy on March 14, 2008 at 12:39pm
What if a co-worker, angers you and you react to quickly. I am working on this. I have some very strong and aggresive people that I work with in a high stress environment. Although I don't go home angry. It is usually fleeting. But sometimes I am not sure if forgiveness has occured, because the same person continues to bring about stressful and angry emotions. I did however learn something from my daughter. She was upset about her coach yelling at her. My very own words hit home to me. I told her will it really matter tomorrow? Does it affect your life? Then let it go because God doesn't want us to be angry, espesially at the little stuff.
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Reply by Bob B on March 14, 2008 at 4:53pm
I know exactly what you’re saying; sometimes people can get under your skin at times. We are told to be slow at getting angry, to put it away. I heard Joyce Meyers say one time, that she would be spitting mad and yelling at her husband, then the phone would ring and it would be the Pastor and all of a sudden a miracle happened, her tone in her voice changed, her blood pressure came down, and she became like an angel and hallo appeared over head. LOL
Well I am trying to make a point. We are to put away all anger, but it also tell us to put on. We have the love of God shed upon our heart and the Help of the Holy Spirit so we can find grace in our time of need. I have developed what I call a neighbor policy in my life, which mean I will treat every one like they live next door and I know how awful it can get if your at odds with your neighbors. So I keep the peace no matter what because I can't live with the alternative.
Some how in life we think that we have permission especially in our homes we treat each other like we would never treat or neighbor or even our church friends.
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Reply by Mandy on March 15, 2008 at 9:57pm
You are so right. And many don't give it a second thought, because they feel it is our way to vent our frustrations, when in fact we are hurting the love between us and out own family. In John I read that we are to let go of the trivial things. But it does not mean that unjust manner is to be acceptable. Of course that is not saying we have a free check to have feelings of revenge, the opposite, pray tht they will have a change of heart through the Holy Spirit and be blessed by it. We know that not all we hope to recieve to Holy Spirit will, because this is a gift from God. We should rejoice noing that we were chosen to have the Holy Spirit placed in our hearts and be joyous. And keep praying. God did make us to have emotions; we have to evaluate our emotions and decide if we are taking something personal or overreacting. This is difficult for Christians to deal with. That is why we need to help eac other here. Your friend in Christ mandy
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Reply by Bob B on March 16, 2008 at 1:38pm
Amen Mandy, I had hard time forgiving the pastors in the church where I went through spiritual abuse. I was challenged by the scripture; Act 24:16 And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.
One way that has worked for me is to do this by prayer. I use to have to drive by those pastors house every day and I began to exercise my conscience and pray the word of God concerning them. It took a while but soon I found strength to forgive them.
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Reply by Mandy on March 19, 2008 at 9:42pm
Delete Another thing that I have recently learned about forgivenss is: When we hold that desire of anger in our heart, we are not only placing that person into bondage, until you feel justice served. But you place your very own heart into the same bondage as well. To set your heart free to love as Jesus wants, we must move away from this bondage and keep our hearts free to love. As Bob said before it does not mean to allow continual mistreatment. But if we can keep our hearts open to follow Christ; we can through his Holy Spirit come to the Peace, that we know God handles all things. We cannot let our decisions get in the way of God's plan.
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Reply by Mandy on March 20, 2008 at 10:57am
Also Bob, I loved what you said about, treating everyone as your neighbor. That is a very good way to put it. Because in essance all are our neighbors. Thanks for that tid-bit as well. You always have such great advice from your heart and your experiences. Thank you
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Reply by Milena 20 hours ago
I am still working on my anger, ever since I started praying more than ever I feel that god has been taking that load of anger off me, but I still have more to go. I got to stop being angry and then I will forgive. Thank you Bob for starting this group.
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define your anger, where is it derected to? Self? others? God?
By breaking it down you can get a better grip on it. Holy Spirit will guide you so you can put away all anger, wrath and malice and evil speaking. God bless

by Callie on March 17, 2008 at 5:54pm in Anger in a Christians life

Proverbs 14:29 People with understanding control their anger, a hot temper shows great foolishness.
Proverbs 12:16 A fool is quick tempered but a wise person stays calm.
It is hard to control anger sometimes, but a couple of weeks ago, I participated in a childrens program that discussed just this. Staying Calm is hard to do, especially when we are hurt, insulted or stepped upon. Our lesson was to take a deep breath and count to 10 before responding or becoming angry.
It is also hard to control your anger if this is how you were raised or if you continue to be in this type of enviornment. I think what is more powerful to those who intend to make us angry is to respond back in the total opposite attitude. I often say that you cannot fight fire with fire.
I also read something today about practicing what you preach. This is one of the biggest problems. I have the hardest time with this. I let things get the better grip of me and respond quickly before thinking sometime.
Posted by Bob B on March 13, 2008 at 6:15am in Anger in a Christians life

The Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia says that Betrayal, as a form of deception or dismissal of prior presumptions, is the breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract (trust, or confidence) that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations. Often betrayal is the act of supporting a rival group, or it is a complete break from previously decided upon or presumed norms by one party from the others.
Let's discuss how we as Christians are to deal with betrayal when faced with it.
The issue of anger is one that keeps "bubbling up" in my life. I'm not a quick tempered person... I'm a slow-boil person. I tend to not deal with things until the proverbial pot starts to boil over. There are particualr people in my life who have hurt me... and I deal with it, I bring my hurt to God, it takes some time but I finally come to the point I can forgive them... and then it begins again when the same people start up again. In my anger, I grow defensive, and I tend to pick up other old hurts and betrayals that I had previously layed down at the Cross, and hold on to them like a sheild. I pray for the people who hurt me, but mostly I pray for myself. First, for the ability to LOVE these people, when they are often so unlovely. And second, to be set free from this particular bondage which impedes my spiritual growth. Lord, help me to lay it down and LEAVE it down!
Christian and road rage
Dear Bob,

Thanks for your blessed words. At this point I would like to share a very small part of my Sunday sermon. I would like you to kindly add your spiritually enriched word for it. A part of which says, “While being a spiritual adolescent we should rather calculate the bigger gains. Now in few merchandizing sides “Omitting Anger” can get you off you’re your physical disorders which may lead to diseases; mental stress that can lead to anxiety; pessimism; loneliness; boring; sleeplessness; horror dreams; nerves stiffs and lot more;

Besides the previously mentioned physical and mental harms it can reconcile your relations and fertile them.

The fertility of relations brings you the support for your worldly and spiritual gain and growths by your reconciled ones and as well as from their allies.

Further more it brings opportunities of friendship within your families and generations to come which would make you politically strong …………… and so on

Pastor Inderias Dominic Bhatti,

Dear Pastor It is 6am here I hope I catch you to answer your question before you leave for church.
I would never suggest that we should omit anger, but rather express anger in ways that are not sinful.
We saw Jesus angry for right reasons.
The word says; be angry but don't let your anger lead to sin.
Some one can get the impression that if they ever feel anger they are sinning.
There is for sure a temptation; It is kind of like a fever.
It tells us something is wrong; and if we ignore anger, we will not get to the root of our problem. Paul taught us to put it away and instead be kind tenderhearted and forgiving to each other. Once again anger is controlled. anger that boils over into sinful behavior is sinful because it is mixed with the bad behavior.
I suggest that anger that is ignored and is not dealt with properly will cause all the problems you mentioned.
Again anger is like a fever, which is a symptom of something wrong like unforgiveness, hurt, frustration, denial, etc. Hope this is helpful.
Dear Bob,

Thanks a lot for your spiritually enriched and blessed words. It has really widened my vision about "Anger" which by itself is "An Affect" and is not a cause (The Logic premises of Cause & Affect). The Affect that instead to be analyzed, operated and treated with Our Christian dedication. The dedication of “LOVE” that always seeks to do good to help and heal; never to hurt or destroy.

What do you think of it?

Once again I am much thankful for your words that have not only touched my heart but also my rationality as per being logical (worldly knowledge).

Yes!!! I have put a petition to My Lord if HE can make an opportunity to have you in our midst in Pakistan to listen your blessed words.

May God continue blessing you; May He continue His face attentive to you; May He continue His Face shines upon you, your family, your pastorates, your worldly and spiritual needs now and forever Amen!!!

In Christ (The Way; The Truth and The Life), I am,

Pastor Inderias,

Thank you for your kind words, I am so blessed to have an opertunity to share with others the things God has taught me. Some one once told me that God will allow situations to arise over and over in our lives until we learn the lesson He wants to teach us. This how I have learned about anger in my own life. Please as God gives you more truth on the subject of anger, share it with this group. BobBu
I get annoyed with my family every time they do something or play the piano or talk and I get angry everytime too


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