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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I as a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as I get older am ashamed of how few of God's children are standing boldly before the secular world and witnessing that His world will overtake this dark valley of sin and rebellion. When a teddy bear can get a woman in trouble with the Muslims for naming it Mohammed and nobody murmurs against all that is said against our Father and His Son...something is very wrong. Atheists are coming out of the woodwork to rant that there is no God (Dawkins and others). We are as far from the Lord as one can get and the world situation shows it.
Homosexuality prances about in "gay" abandon and they need badly to be reached that their life style will damn them to hell. God wants not to lose even one and He needs us to show the happiness of His kingdom and that this shadowy world is fast passing to be replaced with the true substance of His eternal kingdom.
Also the slaughter of the innocent which has reached higher than the numbers who died during the Holocaust. Abortion is an egregious sin against us and the blood of those unborn will be on our heads. Each life from conception on is precious in God's sight.
Well, enough for now. Will anyone join in on this hot topic?

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I don't believe that Gods children are standing by doing nothing.An awful lot of Gods children are trying.I think an awful lot of the blame should be rested on us as christians for the lack of interest from the secular word.I feel your words are very strong,there is strong condemnation in your words,if we as christians approach the secular world with a very strong opinon of gods word condeming others actions they are very quickly going to be frightened off,but if we approach with love and understanding as God would,i feel others would be more accepting to our ideas.A lot of people sin badly for a variety of reasons,mainly because of the tough life they have had,showing them a loving way out of their lifestyle is much better than condeming them....And just a little thought to ponder.....we ALL sin,God see's all sin equally,gossip is no different to murder in his eyes,what right do we have to condem and judge?......we as christians need to take a good look at ourselves.......would love to hear from you soon.......moomins.x
I believe the Lord asks us as individuals to lead lives and perform acts of kindness.
It is with faith I go through my day. I do not criticize others for their ways of sin.
I do not condem them for I am an example of Gods love. I share the peace I carry
with me. I am an example of of Gods love. I am not here to judge.

I too am a sinner who asks God daily to not lead me into temptaion and deliver me from evil.

May peace be with you my friend.

Thanks Laurie,heres to more of us living within the realms of gods love.....
Laurie....we have a problem here. Would you not say that the "sinning" is getting more egregious? I do not mean to criticize anyone but obviously by our saying nothing the homosexual lifestyle sprouted out. When I was in high school that word was whispered. I never dreamed back then that society accepted a way of life that is totally condemning to hell! It is condemned in both Testaments but now same sex marriages and gay clergy are no longer spoke against. All the gay are going to hell and that is a fact that Jesus spoke against. We are now to give warning to those in that way and tell them they are going to hell. This is not being done and many will want to know why nobody warned them when they are already condemned. I simply ask how much further must this twisted lfe style go before someone will see the ugliness of it all
Right on, sister moomins! I am complete agreement with what you said in your post above. There is a way to speak the truth, but in a loving, gracious manner. Jesus "came from the Father full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). That is why people were so attracted to Him.
Moomins......could you at least tell me if you are male or female? It is much better to take some kind of stand than to say nothing. Do you not agree that the world's situation is NOT getting better? Why are there too many lukewarm Christians taking no stand against this secular society? I weary of the homosexuality which is now so common. Pity the poor child that has two mothers or fathers and not one of each. American TV programs pander to them. The upcoming generation will soak up their lifestyle until it will NOT be normal for a man to marry a woman. So, yes I feel strongly here and if I sound harsh I am sorry but the soft way has gotten us nowhere. Say a soft message and be ignored. Look around and take notice how bad it truly is. Please do reply. I do not mean to chase you off and would like to have your input.
Jacque.........Please.........I am NOT Moomins. I am Noreen Moyer. I am the one who started this discussion and not moomins. You are right. It does get to look negative all around. So much outright sinning and too many accepting that this is ok. I can remember in high school why the word gay was whispered. I thought they would never ever come out of the closet. How did all this happen??? Now we have same sex unions and children from artificial insemination...donor sperm from men not acknowledged as fathers. I wish you could read Chuck Colson's column Prison Fellowship. He has joined with another author in writing a book that explains about the high tech things to come to pass in the future years and they are not pretty. I know not how to face this sin depraved world so I get very close to my Savior and He comforts me. Thank you for understanding.
Jacque.....I was referring especially to how this method is used to help same sex couples bring forth life into their way of living. No child should have two mothers or fathers but one of each. This abomination is a sin against God........and God hates sin...all sin and we have to be made aware of that. We never hate the sinner but we do hate the sin and that includes homosexuality. To not reach out to these deluded ones and alert them that they are on their way to hell is to be derelict in our duty from God to them. I am sorry but this is reiterated in both Testaments and I am only echoing God. So I agree that if this helps the man/woman couples to have children I am for. The ugly blasphemy of the gay lifestyle has grown like a noxious weed of depravity and needs to be excised out.
This is Noreen responding to what I said above and I still feel the same. I only mentioned the two most egregious sins being practiced to the point that even God's children stand by and do nothing. The Muslim are more supportive of their religion than we are of the Son of God! I see my Savior being maligned and mocked and who speaks out that He is not to be mocked? Who says anything about the homosexual lifestyle which we know is condemned in both Testaments. Now we have same sex marriages and gay clergy. Two women had their son wear a tee-shirt saying he was conceived by "donor sperm." And that is a normal way to be??? Then the abortion issue. Nobody loses sleep over how many? of the innocent fetuses have been ground up!! Yes, I feel strongly that our Lord is "buried" by this secular society and us Christians asleep at the switch. If we were the Light of the Holy Spirit we ought to be then we would have an effect on the outright sin and rebellion. The war in Iraq and Iran over Israel.....the killings in our cities.......horrible mutulations as one man here in Michigan has cut up his wife. This is getting all too common. Where is the end??? Children killing other children in schools. Now tell me I am off base...........but first look about and take notice of the daily newscasts.
I will not judge others. God will do that.
I will live a life like Jesus.

I guess I am at the stage of my life where I wonder where it all will end. I weary of how others like the Muslims get riled if their type of Bible gets flushed down a toilet while nothing is done to support our loving Savior. All kinds of ugly things are said against Him and I hear silence in return.
Why are the gay so prevelent? Chuck Colson backed me in his column about artificial insemination. This is where a man donates his sperm so that two women can raise the child one has. It is just crazy all over. I am sorry if I sound harsh but as the years go by and I get older I see a less religious society. God needs a truly transformed believer who would have the Light of His Holy Spirit to sprinkle the salt to a decaying world. We are only getting one half born again. He needs a deep and intimate committment so something of Him would shine forth into this depraved world. I apologize again and will try in sorrow to back off. To live like Jesus would have you stand forth as He stood forth....Jesus was definitely noticed in His walk in the flesh. We are not. Sin and Satan must be stood against but he does not want this to happen so I am silenced.
I hate to see and be aware of gay clergy in main line churches but they are there. How bad must it get?
God tells us to make a distinction between how we treat those on the "outside" (non-Christians) versus those who call themselves "believers". The two approaches are very different.

"When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn't talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or who are greedy or are swindlers or idol worshipers. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that. What I meant was that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a Christian yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or a drunkard, or a swindler. Don't even eat with such people. It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your job to judge those inside the church who are sinning in these ways. God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, "You must remove the evil person from among you." (1 Cor 5:9-13, NLT)

Note that it is not just engaging in sexual immorality or homosexuality that is focus here. It also includes greed, idolatry, abuse, drunkeness, swindling, etc. Also notice that it talks about those that "indulge" in these practices. There are sincere Christian believers who may stumble from time to time into any of these, but the difference is that they hate that part of themselves, confess it and want to be free, while there are others that "indulge" and relish their sin and think they can hang on to their sin and Christ at the same time. It is those in the latter category that we must not associate with.

So, in summary, share the gospel and the loving, winsome way with unbelieving immoral, greedy, abusive or idolatrous people, but for those who call themselves "believers" and are doing this, lovingly and gently call them to repentance, but if they do not listen to you, have nothing to do with them.


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