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This is a question Ive thought of alot and was just wondering if anyone had any input on this. thanks

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Reading the comments in this page is really a light spot of my day.
Yes, God sees our unfaithfulness, but He also see our potential and value, and He loves us so much that He does not willing to give up and destroy.
God's way runs so deep that I can not understand, yet it is true that He is good, so I can totally have faith in His choice. He did everything with so much love that there is no better way! It's all about faith. I really don't need to understand but have firm faith in God, because He is God the Holy Lord who has died for all of us willingly.
Where there is love, there is forgiveness, patience, tolerance, truth, kindness, wonder!
I pray that you will choose to love Him with all your soul and pray that you will have a tender and grateful heart!

Hi Sister Angie,First off just imagine if you will God almighty sitting on the throne wondering what to do with His feelings, of creating something to love Him back? ok Master plan in action create angels to worship Him... give them planets to rule over, And to sit down at an appointed time to discuss what is going on!He created Lucifer the most beautifulest angel made him ruler over praise and worship. Master plan in action, He God let's it be known to the angels that He is creating Man.Jealousy comes out Check between Gen.1:1& Gen.1:2 something happened here.For more go to bibletruthsunmasked!!!!!!! In His Service
Pastor Robert
This is the same question I have had lately, especially when struggleing with the bondages I am in. I am soo tired of satan's attacks on me even after reading this entire thread still struggle with the question. I confess that I get angry at God for allowing satan to exist. I will probably ask this as my first question if allowed to do so in heaven.
I've had similar questions as WaitingForMiracles nagging me lately. I cannot understand why God would create humanity fully knowing that the majority of humans would go to hell. Matthew 7:14 says "But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Would it not be better to have never created humanity than to create people that would go to hell even though this would mean those of us that are going to heaven also would not have been created? I understand that hell must exist in order for God to be just but then why create humans in the first place if so many of them are going to reject God. No human ever asked God to be created and placed in a fallen world where "the way is spacious that leads to destruction". I know that Christians must trust God with this question because it is one that cannot be answered by our finite minds. However, I would like to know how other Christians have dealt with this issue.
Ok first off God bless you!!! Well it took some soul searching and a lot of prayer,What i have received is that God is God,He does what He wants and who does He need council of? But look at it this way.God wanted something to worship Him in Spirit and in truth,To keep it fun and with honor He allowed outside temptation in. No puppets, free will choice. and to let you choose the devil,money,sex,drugs,demons. Or all the good things God has for you!!! By prayer and alot of looking back over my life of sin i find that GoD was and is the right choice!!!Amen! Hopefully this will help you.
In His Service
Pastor Robert
We have to see that God is good and just in His dealings with each one of us. God gives choice because there cannot be love without a choice. It is almost like a law of gravity.
Is gravity evil because some one jumps off a building and dies? It is just the same way with salvation, you reject the salvation Jesus has provided and you suffer the consequences. I do not have answers that have not been revealed in the Word of God. All I know is that from every thing I have studied convinces me that God is good and just in all He does. Whether I like it or not, He is all wise and the way He deals with humanity is just and good. He has provided the answer and every one has the same chance to be saved. God is no respecter of persons, He desires all to be saved, only one sin will keep people out of heaven and that is rejecting the gift of love from God.
Is it not like procreation?

We are suffering in this mean world and, yet, we still get children, fully knowing that they'll go through all the same suffering.

We care for our kids, we sacrifice our life for them and enjoy doing this.

In doing this, we mirror God's love for us.

Our kids may often betray us, abandon us, mistreat us, neglect us ... yet, we love them!

Most here will not appreciate such antagonistic language on your part.

Let's take a look at a couple of things:
1) The Greek word in John 8:44 is "Arche" and means "a beginning." What is the event that time starts recording from the "a beginning?" It is clear in Scripture that it relates to His fall. He surely was not a high angel in heaven while being the father of lies. When he became the father of lies he ceased to be an angel serving God. (Isa. 14:12; Lk. 10:18). By his sin he was changed, He is not the same being he was before he sinned, no more than Adam the sam man after he sinned.
2) The Hebrew word in Isaiah 45:7 does not carry the singular meaning of evil as a state of being, but rather actions. The NIV translates it "disaster" the NASB and NKJV translate it as "calamity." Better translation from the original word.
3) The best one can do to attribute evil to God is in that He created the beings that have fallen into sin and made their choice. Man initially through Adam, bringing the curse of sin on the human race. Satan and the fellow angels that fell with him by personal choice. Therefore, God created that which became evil. That is not the same as initiating the evil.
4) The will of God is supreme and in His will He gave man freewill. This freewill has limitations and thus people ask if it really is free. The better term would be man has certain liberties.
5) These liberties fall under the plan of God and thus predesination and freewill coexists, which most cannot accept for some reason, but will not go down that rabbit trail.
I will gladly address any teaching that is in error to rebuke it openly. I am curious though. Why do you redirect me instead of refute what i have posted? Your challenge is to send me to some man's teaching on the subject?

Oh No!!! Not "Ray the Everbody is Saved Guy!!!"
Thanks LT...I have often wondered about 'presestination' and
'freewill'. Good explanation! ...we are given freedom to choose...and at the same time, what God has predestined takes precedence over our freewill choices. HIS Ways are best!!!

God bless,
Mary Ann,

There is a lot more to this, but suffice to say that there is a cohesion that exists between the two. it is not an either, or.



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