All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

As Christians we accept the truth of God's creation. When presented with the theory that man is "evolving" as a species on earth, we are appropriately skeptical. From what we know, man has been devolving since the fall in The Garden. We started out in perfect harmony with God. Walking with Him and in His physical presence. In full and complete fellowship with our Creator. We had the benefit of free will at this moment. God created us so that we could choose our path. So there was Adam, on a daily physical walk with God. Then sin entered The Garden. How would Adam and Eve react to this? Would they put everything at risk to test what God had declared? Sin is always dark, never truthful, and tempts by appealing to self and pride.

"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Adam and Eve disobeyed the clearly marked and articulated "DO NOT TOUCH" sign that our Father in Heaven had provided. But that appears not to be the critical factor. As God sought Adam, He knew that Adam had sinned and being a forgiving God allowed Adam to come clean with his sin. Adam did not take accountability for his sin, nor did he seek forgiveness from his Heavenly Father. That was an action driven from the state of sin taking root in Adam's heart. That it appears was the beginning of man's cycle of devolving. While we might have fancy and improving "technology" more than 6000 years later, we do not yet share the same "fully evolved" relationship with God that was present in The Garden. We have devolved!

However, there is a place where the Christian can accommodate the concept of evolution. Not in the Darwinian sense of fish to lizards to birds to monkeys, but in the glorious and amazing evolution that occurs after we are born again and are justified before God. At the moment we are born again, and as we allow the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts, we start an "evolutionary process" called sanctification. This is the Holy Spirit working in us to transform us and make us more like Christ. That process completes on the day that we meet our Lord and Savior when we experience the glory of being in his presence and fully like Him. Now that is a form of evolution that we can rejoice!

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Great stuff Stew
I guess creation and evolution do reconcile after alll
God Bless
Hey Phabs,

Where have you been? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

L - O - O - O - N - G Time No hear.....

Glad to hear you again

Lotsa Christian Love to you.
I know we did not come from Monkeys......... BUT

Love this little bombadier beetle....I just ordered three videos in this series. I want my kids to be prepared when they are in school.

God Bless, Carla
Good for you, Carla, making sure the boys are grounded in a strong biblical worldview.

In the June-August 'Creation' Magazine I learned that there are over 350,000 described species of beetles and probably many more yet to be discovered. God has many roles for them, only one of which is ecological. It's easy for biologists to miss other things, like the creativity and lavishness of God. And the aesthetic value -- they exist for His pleasure as well as ours. Many beetles are incredibly beautiful.

These amazing, exceedingly complex designed bugs absolutely defy the theory of evolution.

Thanks Stew for your precious heart rejoices at the thought of becoming like Christ.

In 2 Cor 2:9 it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.'

We are in for a very special treat when we meet our Bridegroom face-to-face. In the meantime, let's celebrate Kingdom Living here and now, and continue to pray HIS Kingdom will come and HIS will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We are citizens of Heaven, as we learn to surrender to the Holy Spirit and become salt & light in a very dark world.

Thy Will be done, LORD!

It would be my suggestion not to mix the terminology of evolution and sanctification in the same dialog. It would likely create confusion for those that are new to the faith. We don't want to create a situation where others stumble. I see the connection and relationship you are making and it is accurate. Picking another word like "transforming" would likely carry less baggage than evolutionary. The beauty of our sanctification is truly amazing. Something that we can be eternally thankful for.
Amen Amen Yevgeny!
Hi Yevgeny,
Excellent idea on Sanctification being a form of Evolution.
Although Stew's concern is correct..
Therefore back to the Topic put forward by Stew on Evolution vs Creation.

Perry Marshall puts forward the strongest evidence for the existence of God, which refutes any possibility of
creation been a process of evolution.

The simplest way of proving the existence of God is our mind and it's thought process.

For anything to happen, first requires a thought. Failing which, nothing, absolutely nothing can take place.
To move your arm, build a wooden table, plant a tree, jump, sit, stand. All requires a thought process
failing which, nothing happens. It is as simple as that.

This fact speaks volumes about the existence of God, that even a child can understand.
Failing which, try and answer this mail without thinking about it. Or for that matter anything else
you would like to do.

Naturally the creation of the entire Universe with the billions of complexities required to sustain life
had to depend on a mind, without which there nothing would exist. Even time itself had to be created.

I believe that Richard Dawkins - Renowned evolutionist - was challenged with this and is still unable to give
a satisfacory answer.
Good points Ron. And in the spirit of Christ's definition of "neighbor" (someone that it is most inconvenient to care for and to love), we should pray for Richard Dawkins: Father God, please allow the eyes of Richard's heart to be opened to the splendor and magnitude of Your creation. Let him finally understand the folly in the man made idea that Your creation was a cosmic accident. May the grace and love that you have given to each of us continue toward those that have not yet accepted your free gift of salvation through the sacrifice of Your one and only Son Jesus Christ. As Christ lives today may we all take comfort in your eternal promises and work for Your Kingdom here on earth as we eagerly await the return of Jesus. Amen!


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