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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am throwing out this discussion for EVERYONE. Being a single mommy and the sole source of guidance and support for my kids, I need HELP, ADVICE, INPUT and IDEAS!!! Not only am I the boo boo kisser, hugger, maid, taxi, cook, seamstress, mommy; I am also the bread winner, bad guy, jailer, punisher, task master, chore hound, etc... well you get the idea. I wear many hats and none of them even remotely cover what all is expected of me according to Proverbs 31 (now that is really a challenge). I am faced with disciplining my children in a society that frowns on discipline....I am fed up with the "reason with them" mentality. KIDS NEED DISCIPLINE. Am I the only one that got spanked and survived. How my parents disciplined taught me values, character and even though I made awful mistakes they loved me and I still love them to this day!! We live in a society that doesn't understand why kindergarden children are buying drugs!!!! BECAUSE the parents REASON with them. If I ran around in a restaurant my dad would have tanned my backside and grounded me! They have laws now that state "a red mark is abuse" Hey one small spanking leaves a red mark for about 10 seconds but abuse NO!!! I am speaking frankly here because I am a mommy that WANTS well behaved children and REASONING ISN'T WORKING HERE!!!! I have a 7-1/2 year old lawyer for a daughter and a 2 year old tantrum thrower son. Reasoning leads to frustration and frankly I am hoarse (for real) from screaming. One half tells me a good old-fashioned belt whuppin is what my daughter needs and she will respect me and so will my son...others say oh no that would damage my relationship. Okay folks... lets hear spank or not....HOW DO WE DISICPLINE ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE!!!!????

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God has given a position to husband as a head of christian home.So husband has a responsiblity to take care of his family. Gen. 18: 19 says For i know him , that he will command his children and his house hold after him , and they shall keep the way of the lord , to do justice and judgement , that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. the household means that include the wife , children and all those who are in home. For this husband must be born again. than only he can lead his family according the Bible. Eph. 5:23 says For the husband is the head of the wife , even as christ is the head of the church. This does not means that wife has a lower position . She is his helpmeet taken from his side , and she is a equal partner. So husband 's duty to love his wife . Eph 5:25. and also love his children. The christian husband will always put christ first in his life Luke 14:26. He must love his wife , but he must love christ more.So daily family prayer , worship , will help to your children to keep away from the Babylonian society. Born again mother will help in this matter. Please read some Bible verses ------------Deut.6:7, Prov. 22:6, 2cor. 12:14, Eph. 6:4, col. 3:21, 1tim.3:4, 1tim. 3:12, titus 2:4, prov. 13:24, Prov. 19:18, 22:15, 23:13,Deut. 4:9, 6:7, 11:19, 31:13, Prov. 22:6, Is. 28:9, Prov. 15:20, 23:24, 27:11, 29:3, Luke 15:23-24,
DRUG ABUSE....2TIMOTHY 1:7, JAMES 1: 14, 15.LUKE 4:18, 19, 21, 36. 1PETER 4:3, (NIV), JOHN 8:32,
36, 1COR. 10 13, EXHORTATION TO ....PS. 34:11, PROV. 10:1 , 20:11, 23:22, ECC. 12:1, MARK 7:10, EPH 6: 1-3. I HOPE THESE ALL BIBLE VERSES WILL HELP YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. JOEL CHARAN .
While I appreciate what you are saying, you are saying this to a SINGLE MOM!!!! The head of our family is ME. While the bible does state that while I am without a husband, God will be my husband, and I am working through this....I am still physically all my children have. I also do NOT have an ex-husband that is in the faith as I am therefore his teaching methods often times directly and adversely affect my discipline efforts. I appreciate your comments and I most certainly will read the verses you recommend and thank you. I am looking for some approaches that help women that do NOT have a husband. Be Blessed Kristin
In this situation you can become the spiritual head of the home. and on the following way you can discipline your children.......(.1 ). Teach them..Deut. 6:6,7. 4:9. ( 2 ) Train them Prov. 22:6, Eph 6:4.
( 3 ) Sanctify them un to God. Job 1:5, ( 4 ) Reprove them Prov. 29:15, Rev. 3:19. ( 5 ) Control them.
1Sam. 3:!3, 1Tim. 3:4, 12. (6 ) Chasten them Prov.13:24, Heb. 12:6 .(7) Discipline them Prov. 13:24, 22:15, 29:17. (8) Love them. Titus 2:4, Prov. 13:24. (9) To not provoke them to anger Eph. 6:4. (10) Be a godly example to them 2Tim. 1:5, 2 Chro. 26:4. (11) To be forgiving towards them Luke 15:20-24. (12) To include them in worship time. Joshua 8:35, Nehmiah 12:43. I hope now these all BIBLE verses will help you to discipline them. I am praying for you , that Lord Jesus may help you in this matter. God bless you. yoel charan from INDIA.
thanks for the link AWESOME!!!
Wow! You are the definition of the ultimate SuperMom! I have much respect for you! My husband and I are divided on the issue of spanking, I myself don't believe it is wrong I have just found that it doesn't always work. My husband on the other hand believes whole-heartedly in spanking.
The reason I believe it doesn't work is because I have tried virtually everything in the area of discipling including spanking with both hand and belt (the latter, I have found causes a whole lotta guilt for the parent). I have 3 boys, the oldest is 7 and is autistic, my 5 yr old has adhd, and I have a 2 year old who just started with the tantrums. So, my house is crazy most of the time, the best discipline for me is talking, not reasoning, never ever allow your children to argue with you, when you set a rule it has to followed, no questions asked! You should always be consistent, and use time-outs and take away privilidges. My boys loooove video games and we just got a Nintendo Wii, so when they back talk or fight they are not allowed to have their time on the game. It works most of the time!
I don't think that spanking is wrong, but I do think that talking with them keeping your patience and using alternative methods like time-outs and losing privilidges just works better.
I hope this helps and I will keep you in my prayers!
SuperMom I am truly not!!!! (Trying and Failing but through His Grace loving every second). Thanks for the kudos though!!! I sympathize and empathize with all of our childrens issues. My daughter was diagnosed ADHD at 4 (however now I am discovering she only had MDD..mommy deficiency disorder... I was not only not discipling her, but spoiling her rotten and ignoring her and running around doing very non-christian things) My son is almost 2 and going through the tantrum, head banging, whining, throwing himsef on the floor or at me, hitting , biting...good grief. I so appreciate the input and information and the PRAYERS. I too will pray for your busy and wonderful family. Keep in touch. I will be adding more discussions and started a group CROSSRoads to try and open up some avenues for bible studies and discussions. Isn't the Lord just wonderful. Even through our trials He keeps us safe and sends us children to love just as He love's us.

PS It just seems to me if my son is hitting me....hitting him and saying no is, although a quick way of getting his attention, kind of defeating the purpose. My friends in the church believe in spanking. I don't quite believe that that is the only way. I am curious what Jesus would tell us!!!
Dear Kristen, I feel for you, it has got to be extremely difficult and frustration. Now children need discipline, without it they will turn to sex, drugs and other inappropriate things to fill up their emotional love tank. The thing I realized is that no two children can be disciplined the same. When my oldest was 2, she would throw tantrums as well. I would put her in a safe place and go about my business like nothing was going on. It took perserverance but finally paid off. Also have another child that came along after her. she was much more vocal. I found that what really got to her, was: if she was disrespecting me, I would tell her calmly that she will have to stay in her room until she could talk to me with respect. I actually put a reverse lock on her door and kept her there until she was sorry. Maybe that sounds alittle harsh, but she couldn't stand it, and it almost always worked. But no matter what, once they where calmed down I would hug them and tell them I love them. I'm definetly no expert. And I am constatly having to change things up as they get older. Now my oldest is 12. If she speaks to me disrespectful, I take her cell phone away and don't allow her to visit with friends. Usually grounding her to her room. She is always quick to apoligize. My younger one is still quite the challenge. I have to change things up with her. One thing I do try to do everyday, is spend some amount of time with them each day, if possible. It seems to keep the bond stronger and lines of communication open. At night we read from there devotional together, which comes with a scripture and a prayer. Of course my children are 12 & 9 now. I let them know how much I love them and respect them and that I deserve respect from them. But hang in there girl. You will have to use different measures with each different child and change as they get older. And it sounds like your little lawyer needs a lesson on who is the one in charge! God bless you in your efforts. There are allot of good spiritual CD's out there. I espesially like Dr. Dobson. I listen to him on the way to work. and he is a strong christian. Take care Mandy
God has blessed us with each other to talk through these times!!! As a single mom, I am often faced with being alone (except for the presence of the Most High). It is hard to be a sounding board to myself without feeling like a nut case talking to myself. Thanks for the input. I agree with the time outs....I am finding that I just don't have the spanking gene in me. I have to go cry in the bathroom just for yelling at them (which by the way is CLEARLY ineffective because I know I am out of control and they know it). You are a doll for giving me some great information. I am blessed with new acquaintances every day!!! God bless you and your family..Kristin
Thanks everyone... I too am a single mom and grandma. The ex husband is not saved and what is even worse is he is going thru midlife crisis AGAIN and chooses what ever women is there at the time instead of his family, I have a 21 year old son who I had arrested Monday for battery on me when I tried to get him back into the drug rehab center, I have my 18 year old daughter and her 17 month old daughter living with me and their father has walked away. It is a very frightening and lonely place here too munchiesmommies...thank you for bringing this out into the light. I don't feel so alone right now, as I have all week. It has been so very hard to even breath. I Pray alot and talk to people alot and cry myself to sleep alot. Good night...God bless us all.
My dear dear sister... do not despair God is definitely carrying you through this whether you know it or not. He has put messages to you through others everywhere, just stay in the Word. I know ALL ABOUT ex husbands and their insensitivity to our plight. I know about difficult children because I was one to my mother. She prayed for me though and never gave up and I can assure you your prayers for your troubled son WILL be heard and God will work in his life. Prayer and time in the word are what has saved me during my darkest hours. Seriously, don't sleep alot, don't give into the depression because discouragement is Satan's greatest too against us. I know of what I speak because I was there trapped in the pit. May I suggest reading Get out of the Pit by Beth Moore. She is fantastic. Bible studies always help me!!! Every time I feel sad (at least I try to do this every time) I grab the WORD...and some good Christian music. Singing for me is also a way to cheer me up or help me cry healthy. At any rate.... I empathize, I understand and anytime you need to talk, just write!!! I love to be of service to my sisters and brothers in Him (and those that aren't too)!!!! God Bless and Keep you. Psalm 34 is always good!!!! Kristin


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