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End Times Study and Sorting Biblical Truth from False Statements

There is a lot of material out there drawing your attention these days. Specifically, I think you will see a number of discussions in church that pay a lot of attention to "end-times' prophecy. I feel that a broad-based study of the full Bible is a healthy place to center your attention.

I'm curious if the membership here has formed any opinion on the material by Ronald Weinland. He has done a couple of publications that are directed toward end-time prophecy. I will join the discussion with some specific opinions after some dialog from others has been shared.

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Thank you for starting this Stew. I am interested in hearing what people may have to say on this topic. I'm sure I will likely have questions, I'm just not sure what they are yet!

In Him, carla
I have an idea that the redemption of a slave has allready takin place through the cross. Abolished the curse of the Law. Thier is some funky cliqches with the charismatics concerning the Law believe you me I am one of them. Here is where we need to get it as Christians that God is ONE. Yahweh is not in controll of anything only if we let Him. He is not in controll of me Only I am responsible for my own actions and to say that it is Gods will is a scape goat for the ill willed Christians.
Redemption of property is whats to come where we come together through the marriage supper of the Lamb.
First a few things must take place. Jesus made a clear point to say Ill be back...
Its alot like buying a coat and putting it on lawaway. I dont think he would like to come back and find it ripped. It is not takin good care of it if we all go to church then went out to applebees.
Did he not say when He does come back will He find any faith on the Earth. He had a good reason for saying that.
Then after the earthquakes " not the laser guided mitsles but a hail storm" and it ripps the earth in three different places. Where we cant even get across. But God says I am not done yet....
Thier is one city in the whole earth that God is more mad at then any other city. Not Las Vegas cause thier fillthy vile people but .......... Babylon/ Iraq.
An angel takes what might be a mill stone or a comet/ meteor and thrust it at the earth and knocks a hole where the city of Babylon once was. Then the First time the word Halleljuia is written in the New Testament. HALLELJUIA! Do you think the people got down on thier face and said IM SORRY no they cussed God....not a good Idea.

If you think it might be the last days you might be right. Look at the play people are putting on at Carnegie Hall. Where my Lord is hung naked and they have His mother on ther too also naked with male genitals.This is the country were are living in if it was a muslim play doing that they wouldnt go for it. We cant even stand up to that we need to pray this is stopped.This is a few words of my pastor at Conerstone its funny cause I have almost the entire segment in my head. It is awesome to hear his sermon on the tale of two citys and its origins. From Nimrod and Melchisadec with Abram. Try going to
Well we all know that Jesus will come back in all his glory; however he said that all should be ready for that day, because it will not be revealed. I don't believe anyone on earth can predict this. Yes it is true some very bad things are happening around the planet. So we all should live each day as if it was our last day on earth. And rejoice for he has prepared a place for us. We should not fear. For God loves us deeper that the deepest oceans. Praise God every day. Treat everyone as if it where Jesus, forgive, love and stay on God's path. Be a witness to him, and you shall receive his glorious blessings he has in store for us. Praise our Lord. Mandy
I think it is important to stay in God's word.
Please read 2 Timothy 3:1-9.

Eph 4:3
"Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace".
I recommend reading all of Ephesians 4.

Also Ephesians 6:11-19. Put on the full armour of God daily, and be ready.

Personally, I will resist getting caught up in any of the 'media' hype. I am going to stay close to Jesus.

God Bless, Carla
Goodmorning Stew,
No I have not read Weinland's work

In regard to prophecy and the Lord's promise: “I will come again………
As we all know, the disciples were expecting Jesus to return in their lifetime. This expectancy is a Thermometer of a Church’s health.

When Israel became an Independent nation in 1948, our Church was convinced that the return of Jesus Christ would happen at any moment. There was a lot of excitement and joy. One began to feel that there was a need to go out witnessing and warning people, rather than going to work. Fortunately the Lord’s command to: “Occupy until I come” was adhered to and normality remained. But a surprising thing happened. A degree of fear and conviction had set in. Many Christians who appeared to be standing on solid ground started to openly repent of hidden sins. It was a period of revival until the realisation that the Lord was not going to return at that particular time. Sadly tears of repentance soon stopped as did the fire that drove them. Their return to Laodecia was delayed no longer and a cooling wind blew through their hearts once again.
It is so important for us to retain the need to ‘Look Up’ and pray that the Holy Spirit will continually suppress any desires that may be in our hearts, to visit the city of Laodecia. Rather let us say with Paul:
“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Php 1:16 ”Let us press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Php 3:14
For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. 2Tim 1:12
I agree! It all boils down to what we do with Jesus. Amen. End times are not an exploited topic to much with media. Be we can as Christianes can make it one a quite a bit. Which is ok just as long as you are seeking His will. Just as the scales are lifted trough seeking His face and mercy we can only have the eyes of an enlightnened understanding.
We have alot of Christians I feel that are not teaching repentance, and that was the first thing spoken of concerning the new testament. Some of them say well I am going to do this and then repent. I sorry but that is not how God works.

I am going out on a limb and I invite anyone to respond
but Joel Osteen has the largest church so called and he says he does not mention sin cause he doesnt want to offend anyone. BANG right ther I will pick up John Bever's "Bait of satan" the rock of offense lest we offend them. We cant just go around saying it is ok you stay just they way you are.
Cause Jesus loves you anyway. That would be puttin limits on a no LIMIT God. What about the parable of the king and we forgive our brothers 777 times but only if they repent and it also says "somewhere that are we not to judge those that are in the church", because it also says "we will judge angels." If they dont repent you get thrown to the wolves so the spirit may be saved.
One more the couple who sold the goods for the church and they withheld some and God struck them dead.
I am just making a point to or own lives. Not legalizm or liberty. Just relationship.
We have people who dont like what the pastor says.
Well it also says in Timothy they heap to themselves itchy ears and a time will come when they no longer endure sound doctrine.
Poeple dont want to hear the truth you will find many spiritual vegabonds bouncing from one place to another. Getting offended wherever they go in a fleshy society. The bible is written for
Christians SORRY not the world. You know they dont read it. Take it for face value. In 1 Cor 7
Nethier wil forinicators or idolaters will inherit the kingdom.

When your kids mess up do you get angry, yes. We correct them cause we love them. We dont go to church to be pet. We have animals at home for that. Yes God is love but he will love us striaght to hell if some dont change it is that easy. God is not responsible but we can invite Him to take control to help us change.. Really I am interested in how some respond.
We have a church that takes place in our theaters in Iowa and I have been there once and you could have fun and enjoy yourself but one of thier qoutes was no making out in the back row. Wierd if it is God's House and he would be ok with it.
Do you get the idea that God wants us to have dominion incertain areas and not let ourselves be the doormat for the world.
They also let people drink pop and eat popcorn in the stadium seated room. Little user friendly.
I just dont see us riding on both sides of the fense.
Some say well you got to reach them for God. I dont see that as trusting Him. First because of the word He found me.
Smith wiggelsworth had it right back in the olden days along with Brother Lawrence and Frank labaugh. Speaking of the 1940's also C.S lewis
Well Wiggelsworth had knock someone right in the jaw for puttin the Lords name in vain once just cause we are Christians doesnt mean I have to accept every little annoying thing we do as Christians and the world with the power God gives us.
i feel that would be a good way to extend the Lords Love by telling them or something to take a stand lay up treasures in Heaven dont be a bible thumpper or abnormal or subnormal just normal.
Let your moderation be known that you have no fear. the phillipians were not a wild bunch they were withdrawn and quiet paul was saying livin up a little. Get some Guts.
He didnt shake that snake off by loving everyone in a fleshy world he denied himself the luxuries even though the things he did he did not understand. he praised his way out of prison. And he is calling out a worthy cause from those prisons.
Hi Lynnie,
God loves us with a tremendous love all the way to our Death Bed. It is at this point where the decisions we made earlier to accept or reject His Son Jesus Christ, will decide whether God's love remains with us for eternity or He turns His back on us just as we turned our backs on His son. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John3:36) The wonderful thing is Lynnie iis that God in His Mercy and Grace, is not willing that anyone should perish.
May the Lord Bless you Lynnie as you walk closely next to Him - Ron
Ron, I came to know the Lord in 1975 and at that time The Left behind movie came out and it seemed that everyone was antisipating the return of Christ. The Word teaches that we need to be ready and antisipating the return of Christ and that it will help us to stay pure in our lives and not gravitate as you said into the Layodecian mentallity and become not hot or cold but luke warm. As the church got closer to 2000 many started once again antiscipating the return of Christ. I think God desires that we never loose that antiscipation, but that it would develope into a passion, a heart desire for the return of Christ.
How right you are Bob,
When we find that we are entering into a "Christian Chill" there is nothing better than to start
praising God and thanking Him for His Son. Also when I am hounded by Satan who loves telling me that I am a useles Christian, I open my Bible to Reveleation 20:10 and say out loud. "This is not the end of the story Satan I have some news for you that I want you to listen to very carefully." I then read Revelation 20:10 and Bob, before I am three quarter way through, the depression leaves me. Joy returns and the song "What a Mighty God we serve" fills my heart.
The moral of the story is: "Keep your thumb placed on Rev 20:10."
Christian Blessings Bob.
Very Cool! Thanks for sharing that Ron!


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