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I find it interesting what they believe. I know what I believe, and I believe God is spirit. The trinity. But how do I convince that to a mormon when they go directly to certain scriptures in the bible and show me that is says He is flesh. example:How did God have a SON? example:We are made in HIS image. Also they point out that God "knew us" before we came to earth, so we must have all been spirit babies with a heavenly mother." Anyway, help me to help them.

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I'm afraid I don't totally understand the argument they are using or the argument you are trying to use, but in a nutshell, I would say that...

1. God did not "have" a son. He is not a created being. "The Son" is the title of the second person of the Trinity. He has always existed, just as God the Father always existed.

2. Yes, God knew us before the creation of the world, but it is an unwarranted and unbiblical leap to assume we were "spirit babies" and that we had to have a "heavenly mother". Revelation 22:18-19 says,

" I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."

What the Mormons (and other cults have done) is add to the words of the Bible using the Book of Mormon and The Pearl of Great Price, thus adding their own unbiblical doctrines like "spirit babies" and "heavenly mother". These concepts were not invented by Mormons, they come from ancient pagan religions where dieties like the "Queen of Heaven" (Jerimiah 7:18) and "Mother of God" figure prominently. The Mormons are breaking the Word of God by ignoring the command "Do not go beyond what is written" (I Corinthians 4:6) and are speculating and interjecting their own false doctrines.

For more information on Mormonism, please visit and you may want to purchase the book, Reasoning from the Scriptures with Mormons by Ron Rhodes at your local Christian bookstore or online.

On another note, there is nothing whatsoever prideful about wanting to lead people to truth in God's word. I commend you for this and to this.
Just a couple of additional suggestions:

1) Ask your friends to study the Bible with you. If they are willing, you might start in Genesis, where all the building blocks of every major Bible theme begin. You can use the lessons from the Genesis study on this website. Just print each page of questions and discover what God's Word says together. It might be even better to order a copy of the study guide from the publisher. The publisher's information is listed on the front page of the Genesis study on this website.

I've had the privilege of watching God's Spirit frequently use God's Word to touch people's hearts this way. I see better results when I don't try to convince people of anything. I don't have to have any answers, even though I may know the answers to many of their questions. But I've learned by years of hard knocks that telling people the answers tends to turn them off. But letting them discover the answers as we study the Bible together has very positive results. It's taken me years to learn to just let God's Word do the talking and be their friend while they wrestle with God. Instead of answering their questions, I just say, "We'll come to that as we continue to study the Bible." Then I sit back, relax, pray, interact with the study myself and be their friend while God's Spirit does all the work in their hearts and mine. The Bible is the best communicator of God's truth I've ever found. This is so simple, any believer can do this. It requires some patience and time, but when people discover God's truth for themselves, it sinks deep into the soul and changes all of us from the inside.

2) The God Makers is both a book and a movie that came out about 15-20 years ago as an expose of Mormonism. The author was high up in the Church of Latter Day Saints. It is well worth reading the book if you can find it. This will give you an insiders' view of what you are dealing with. Read it to fuel your prayers and to help you find what the Bible has to say about their beliefs. This will strengthen your faith.

But resist the temptation to use the truth as a weapon to attack anyone's beliefs. That will tend to make you their opponent and harden their minds against the truth in God's Word. Rather, I've generally found I see far better results when I pray, be their friend, and let God's Spirit speak to them from God's Word.

Blessings to all.
I found a fantastic vidio that will prove to anyone who uses common reasoning that mormanism is a false religion. It is almost impossible to get a morman to see a true Biblical understanding of God. The vidio is tremendious and will answer your Questions.

Deep subject for sure. An interesting thing to note is how "men" seem to bring thier own understanding unto the matters of God. Our minds are limited when it comes to knowing all the issues of God. Job 11,7 (king james version) states, "Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?". Im not saying that God desires to keep us from knowing what is truly important in His Word, but there are going to be things that we probably just wont understand or fathom until we are taken to heaven and given perfect minds to understand all things. I say this in reference to the subject of God being flesh. "Man" would naturally assume that since we are born of woman, that must be how God and Jesus came about, (Before mankind was created that is). However, God and Jesus are not subject to the same physical laws which "men" are. Let us take the following verse for instance....."Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." Mat 22, 29-30. So, God and Jesus don't share the characteristics which were given to "man" in regards to "procreation". God created man and told him to be fruitful and multiply upon the earth. So, it's a real long-shot to assume that is how God and Jesus came about as well.
Another verse tells us something about this issue as well...."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men." John 1, 1-4. This doesn't say anything about "In the beginning was God, and THEN God decided to have a Son" !! Jesus was there in the beginning before everything WITH God, and everything was created by Him. "And the word WAS God".....So, this is from where we get the ideas of the "trinity" concept. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit being seperate, yet One. But back to the point, God gave no reference to a "wife" by which Jesus was born in heaven. This stikes of man trying to create God in OUR image really.
The question of God "knowing" us before we came to earth doesnt mean that we were already there in heaven before we were born either. God shows us throughout the bible that he has knowledge of ALL things before they even occur. It is generally refered to as "prophecy", but the concept basically is that God knows all things from the beginning to the end before they ever occured. So, God knowing that we were going to be here on earth before we got here wasn't a difficult task for Him. The whole concept of "spirit babies" seems to gravitate towards some type of "reincarnation" type of dogma.
I can sense your love to help others find the truth paige, and that's totally awesome. I beleive God will give you the knowledge and ability to do His work as you've set your heart to lead others to God. It is a tough challenge sometimes to counter the beliefs of various religions. Just continue to study God's Word and He'll give you the words to say when you need them. God bless you paige.

Your brother in Christ,

I read your response to Paige when she asked how to witness to her in-laws who are Mormon. You did an excellent job explaining some of the most profound mysteries of the Bible, yet did so in a manner that was clearly understood. I was a Mormon for 8-years and the Bible opened my eyes to the truth. I now attend The Church of Christ. I feel like they are so focused on Jesus. Unfortunately, I perceive some Christian churches as being little more than social clubs with a religious twist. They lack a clear focus of the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. I would like to stay in touch with you if you desire the same.


Hello Teresa!!!
I am sooooo blessed to get your responses especially since you have a mormon background, and for 8 years!!! Wow, and praise God you saw the truth and the Truth has set you free!!!Jesus said, "Those whom I have set free, are free indeed!!! Praise God!!! I rejoice with you sister!!!
I am soo sorry that I have not gotten back to you sooner. My life is nuts as usual. I have been blessed with alot of artwork I need to do, but unfortuneately it takes up alot of time. i greatly appreciate the time you take to help me out. It means alot being that time is soo precious now a days!!!!
I also have to agree with some Christian churches as being close to a "social club" rather than a church focused on Jesus. he is the very reason we fellowship and go to church. I actually did some work for a couple churches that were more like a "social club" and also like a business as well. the politics in the office were just as bad as the office gossip in the secular world. It sucks. I wish it were different.
Again, thank you friend. Come visit me in the womens group sometime. Maybe we can get to know eachother better in the chat box!!!
God Bless!
Thank you Christopher for the great reply!!!! I am touched that you would give me such a wonderful answer and explaining the mormon faith. I appreciate your time. Time is soo short and precious now a days. Thank you Thank you Thankyou. Gee, If you could, can you leave me a message and let me know how I can print this out and share it with my brother in law? This is such great in depth info, that I dont think I can remember it all!!! Ha Ha. Im a computer dummy, so forgive me if this is easy to do and Im totally clueless.
It is tough sometimes to counter the beliefs of other religions. When I talk to some people, especially family memebers, they say, "Well, whatever you want to believe is fine for you. But this over here works for me, so lets just believe in what makes us happy," We are happy for you Paige." Crazy huh. Oh well, they do have the right to do what they want but they will suffer for it in the end. I feel sorrow for them, but hey, what can you do? Nothing. Its Gods job.
The whole "spirit baby" thing really bugs the crap out of me, sorry. I just done get how or why they make this stuff up. If there were spirit babies in the bible, then dont you think that the bible would say so?
Well, anyway, God bless you bro. Thank you again for taking the time out to help me!!!
God Bless you

I am a born-again Christian who was LDS for eight years. I have a wonderful book that really opens the eyes of understanding of Mormonism: Letters to a Mormon Elder, by James R. White. This book not only explains the faulty thinking of Mormonism, but also teaches the grace of Jesus Christ in a manner that a Mormon can understand.

Hello my DEAR FRIEND!!!
I am soo glad to hear from you! and this is totally a God thing becuase my brother n law and sisters in law are all LDS and hav ebeen heavy on my heart for years after I gotmore educated on Mormonism, and studied it consistently. I took Mormonism 101, (Understanding Mormonism) Which is a awesome class to take, then met with Dennis and Rauni Higley who are ex mormons who were "up there" I guess you could say. They both were heavy in to missions, and worked down here at the church office building. They worked at the Temple too and traveled around the world preaching mormonism, then they started to see some concerning things happening in the church and conflicting scriptures. Anyway, I have learned alot and I also think that The Bible vs the Book of Mormon dvd is a great tool to witness with as well. Did you see it? It really helped me and Im sure it will help you.
I am soo thrilled that you left me a reply on this. I am happy to know you are an x mormon because I can ask you questions about the faith and how I can reach out to the mormons more effectivley.
My inlaws unfortunately are not willing to budge. They can not see clearly through thier veil of deception. Teresa, please help me here. What can I do? Any suggestions? I mean, they have seen the bible vs. the book of mormon, they have heard me talk, and they have seen my walk, but there is no openess. There is no willingness to check out our faith, or even research thier own faith more extensivley.
Teresa, do you think you can help me. I dont know what to do. Is it time now just to let go and let God? Thank you

I will continue this discussion when I get home from work.



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