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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The reason that Christians are often defeated is because of legalism. I encourage anyone that is interested in this very important topic to listen to the two MP3 segments that I uploaded (Legalism-1 and Legalism-2). Each is about 10 minutes in length. This is actually a single teaching segment by Pastor Brian Brodersen. In this segment Brian shares some excellent examples of how we can be drawn from the simple salvation by grace into a system where we heap on lots of extra rules. Sometimes the process sneaks up on us. For those that are working to get "deeper" into the word of God, it is an area to watch out for. Brian has some personal testimony that everybody can learn from. So instead of just writing a few words to start a discussion on a topic, I thought I'd try something different. Sharing some of the best dialog that I've heard on a topic so that we can all start with the same point of reference. That makes this discussion a bit more like a facilitated small group interchange.

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Hi Stew!!!
Yeah! Praise God for you! You always hit on topics that I want to understand more.
I definately will take part in viewing the teaching. Im excited that something has come out like this! When I worked on the church staff at a local and very large church, it blessed me greatly and couldnt be any more pleased with this great gift from the Lord. I was soo full of the spirit and knew in my heart that this was what He wanted me to do. However, over time the legalism creeped up on me like you mentioned, and I was left disapointed,confused,sad, and kind of downright miserable. I thought that if I by chance I just breathed wrong I would be judged and criticized by others and I really didnt need that. Sometimes I would get soo paranoid about what people thought, that I would have panic attacks, and paranoia. My walk with God suffered soo bad that my art suffered. It got to the point where I felt like this was just another mundane job, with drama, and that my job was just work, not a joyful gift that I could share with the body. I agree that legalism is all around us and it CRIPPLES believers and hurts others. I wish the simplicity of knowing you are saved, that you are loved and ACCEPTED by the almighty king, and the prince of PEACE. I want to be accepted and continue to walk in that exceptance without people judging everything I do or dont do. I love others soo much that when some type of legalism creeps up in any of these relationships, I am soo depressed because we are not all perfect and believers should know that.
Anyway, thanks for starting this discussion. Im excited to see other views on this before I add more...
Take a listen to the MP3's and I think you will be drawn to Brian's other materials on his website. I like this series on Romans very much.
Hi Paige and Stew,

I really like the way you both have written under this discussion and Calvinism.

Paul wrote an entire letter about legalism. It is called Galatians. He gave a fuller explanation in Romans. Many people find Paul's logic and the long Greek sentences in Romans rather challenging to understand. But Galatians is crystal clear and was written for fairly new believers.

Paul began in a rather shocking way. He used emotionally loaded terms that could easily offend. In Galatians 1:6-10 he said he was disturbed that the Galatian believers had deserted God for a false gospel. He said that there is only one Gospel and all others are distortions or false gospels. He then twice cursed everyone who teaches a different/distorted/false gospel.

If you think Paul's words are strong in English, they are stronger in Greek. Galatians 1:6-10 is not what you'd expect from a preacher talking about the love of God. But getting the Gospel right is serious business. The Gospel is the difference between life and death for us now, for all eternity and for everyone we share it with.

If you want, we could ask Greg to put a Galatians study on this website, like the one on Genesis. Getting the Gospel right is the key to living the Christian life the way God intended as well as the key to salvation and eternal life. Of all the books in the Bible, Galatians has become my favorite because it leads me back to the Gospel and gives us all the freedom to live the way God intended.
Hello Bob!!
Thank you for your reply and insight on Galations. I like the book of Galatians, and Im definately interested in learning more about it. I love indepth studies, because I want to clearly understand what Im reading, and what I believe. I crave freedom to live in a way that pleases God, and freedom to know how much he loves me too.
Yes, lets get a study going. I think legalism is a critical thing that goes on in the "body" that can destroy a persons freedom in Chris and the walk God has ahead for them.
Bob and Paige,

Galations is a very good reference for the reason that Bob mentioned. Let me share some specific passages that speak clearly to the point.

(NIV Translation) -- Galatians 1:8 -- But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

You can't get any more direct than that. This verse is often referenced in relationship to the Bible being the inspired Word of God. Paul continues further...

(NLT Translation) -- Galatians 2:16 -- And yet we Jewish Christians know that we become right with God, not by doing what the law commands, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be accepted by God because of our faith in Christ and not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be saved by obeying the law."

--Get that "law thing" out of your mind folks. Legalism is bad stuff. Don't be drawn into the "rule following" since you can't win at that game and it draws you into a works program that you never win. Paul continues on that specific point...

(NLT Translation) -- Galatians 3:3 -- Have you lost your senses? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?

--I sort of imagine Paul saying this with some emphasis and expression in his voice to drive the point home... "Have you lost your senses???" Why are you adding all this "extra stuff" Where did you hear about "human effort" in addition to what Christ did for you? Are you all nuts? (my translation).

And a "final warning" related to breaking from the path provided by living in the spirit is offered in Revelation...

(NIV Translation) -- Revelation 2:4 -- Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.

Let's keep this dialog alive. It is some really important scripture that we need to hold close to our heart. God Bless!

Paige and Stew,

Here's an idea you might want to pursue. My available time to interact on the web is quite limited. Perhaps one or both of you could put a new discussion question on this site asking how many people would be interested in studying the book of Galatians on line and give a few reasons why that might be helpful. If 10+ people say they would like that, it would be worth doing a study via the web site, because more will join after it gets going. I noticed that Genesis started with about 5 people and now has almost 50 people participating, even though most do not write their answers on the website.

I think Genesis is the best place for people to start studying the Bible, because it lays the building blocks for all the major themes in the Bible. Everything in the Bible makes better sense after studying Genesis. Galatians has a far greater impact after people have studied Genesis, Exodus, and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Once people come to terms with what the Old Testament and Jesus say about the Law, Galatians and the Gospel come alive like never before.

If we can't attract 10 people to study Galatians, perhaps the timing will be right for it later. I can recommend a few study guides for those interested in studying Galatians on their own. We can still interact together over what we find most helpful.

Stew, it appears to me that you are well-versed and would make a great study leader for Galatians. Would you be willing to lead this study if Greg approves? I think I know where we can get a study for Galatians that we can get permission to use on the net.

What do you think?
Bob and Paige,

I'd be happy to contribute to a study in Galatians. Let's run the idea by Greg and see what he thinks. A multi-person dialog (facilitated / led) can really help clarify the material. Paige is fantastic at voicing the right questions that everybody else is thinking. It would be great to be a part of this format.

Stew and Paige,

Greg granted approval to proceed with a Galatians study. The publisher of a study guide for Galatians has also agreed to permit its use following the same agreement for using the Genesis study guide.

It may take some time to get this set up.

Have a great day.

Great news. Ready to go when material arrives and is setup. Going to be out of town for several days.
Hello Bob and Stew-
Sorry I got back soo late. I have been busy painting a home. Its a surprise for a family who is struggling financially. I thought it would uplift thier spirits to add some custom color and cheer to thier home and thier childrens bedrooms. I would LOVE to be on that show, "Extreme Makeover" and help people.
Anyway, lets get this study going. Im really honored to help in any way I can. I definately think that Stew would be a great leader. I dont have a problem asking the right questions and I am totally honest. I love to help people who are struggling because I really do feel like I "know" what they are thinking and how they would like to ask a question or make a comment without being uncomfortable. Thank you!!
I pray that the Holy Spirit guide us in our discussion so that we may provide understanding to those in need and know the love of God in the process.

God bless this study we are about to undertake as a group.

The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the Law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2) Legalism does indeed blind a person to the freedom in Christ; however we are called not only to be free in Christ - but to be instruments of freedom. That requires us to offer compassionate forgiveness to those who choose to hurt us; and love to those who are caught in sin.

The call of freedom in Christ cannot be merely received, but must be also willingly offered by the recipient, in order to be truly experienced by the recipient. It is a call far beyond being free from Legalism - to the point of becoming agents of redemption to the worst sinners.


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