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I heard that Christians can have demon, if they allow it to happen. What are your views on this and why?

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Can a Christian be demon possessed?"

Answer: The Bible does not explicitly state whether a Christian can be possessed by a demon. However, since a Christian is indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9-11; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19), it would seem extremely unlikely that the Holy Spirit would allow a demon to possess the same person He is indwelling. While we recognize that this is a controversial issue, we strongly hold to the belief that a Christian cannot be possessed by a demon. We believe there is a sharp difference between being possessed by a demon, and being oppressed / influenced by a demon. Demon possession involves a demon having direct control over the thoughts and/or actions of a person (Luke 4:33-35; 8:27-33; Matthew 17:14-18). Demon oppression / influence involves a demon or demons attacking a person spiritually and/or encouraging him/her into sinful behavior (1 Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7). You will notice that in all the New Testament passages dealing with spiritual warfare, we are never told to cast a demon out of a believer (Ephesians 6:10-18). We are told to resist the devil (1 Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7), not to cast him out.

It is unthinkable that God would allow one of His children, whom He purchased with the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19) and made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) to be possessed and controlled by a demon. Yes, as believers, we wage warfare with Satan and his demons, but not from within ourselves. 1 John 4:4 declares, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” Who is the One in us? The Holy Spirit. Who is the one in the world? Satan and his demons.
Where Christ dwells, evil cannot - and demons have to flee. Thus, if someone is truly a Christian (believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord) then no, a demon cannot possess you. That does not mean you cannot be subject to spiritual attack, like Job, but you CANNOT be possessed.
Amen! Thank you Brother Webster for sharing; I believe this also...;)
Though I have been backslide from God about 20 yrs I was never possed I was highly severally opressed
true that
Hi there Janet!!!
I have a question, that you or anyone else can answer for me.
I bought this new home just a few months ago. The owners here before us were LDS, and the owners before that, Im not sure what they were, but I know there was abuse here and there was some marital problems here. There were I think a couple kids here too. Anyway, my son is having
alot of bad dreams. At least every other night he wakes up crying out for me and says he is scared.
He keeps talking about monsters. Now, I dont think he is watching any cartoons that have monsters in them.I regulate what he watches most of the time. He doesnt listen to any music or read any books about monsters either. I know boys are boys, kids are kids and they come up with stuff. But, as a Christian i was wondering if this home has evil spirits here that are causing some kind of disturbance to my kids or what? Alot of wierd things have happened too like some of my precious artwork was recently destroyed by water, but there was no sign of a leak anywhere and everything surrounding the area where my art portfolio was was not wet. No one can figure that out. They just happenend to be the sketches of the Utah quarter I did that got damaged. Go figure? That is what makes me think that this house needs some major intervention. Is it possible that there are evil spirits here? Do you believe in haunted houses?
Hi Paige!!!! ( :

Yes I do believe in haunted houses because I have been raised in them my whole life... I think that wherever you move to that you dedicate your home and family to the Lord... go around and anoint the places with oil in the name of Jesus and the power of His mighty blood.. ..each window or door opening. These are the tings I have done and it works awesome! You are a Christian and have authority over them.. tell them to leave in the name of Jesus. Do not talk to them.. just go around reading the word of God and let praise music play throughout the day there. These are just some things that has helped me GREATLY! there is POWER behide the blood of Jesus. Also anoint your son and pray over him.

I am sure other people will have suggestions as well!

God bless you and have faith in the Lord Jesus and kick those demons OUT in Jesus' name!!!

Sister Janet
I do know that evil spirits can and do persecute us, and can possess unbelievers. I'm not sure about possessing a house, etc. or causing damage to your sketches (which by the way, are AMAZING!). What you can do, is pray.. if you are filled with the Holy Spirit and received the gift of tongues - use it - it's a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare as you are speaking to God in a language that neither the Devil nor his minions can understand. It will build up your faith as well as make the area you inhabit a place that God can be with you.

As for monsters, yep, even without being exposed to them via TV, I had those same nightmares as a child... Gordon (one of the Thomas the Tank Engine friends from the UK version) lived in my wardrobe, and I used to dream he'd charge at me while I was sleeping - I'd wake up in a cold sweat. I don't think that's necessarily a sign that your house is 'possessed', but again, it's an opportunity to pray with your son. The more he sees you're calm and composed about whatever is going on, the more he'll settle, and build his own relationship with God. It's the power of prayer.

May God continue to bless you Paige,

hello sister paige!
i want to comment regarding the house you bought. yes there is a haunted houses where the spirits of darkness resides and made it their own domain. once they posses it they will fight for it. why do i say this? as a pastor i had a lot of experience in this kind of war against these spirits during my ministry in the mountain, to the tribal people who practice spiritism/occultism and voodoo! they do all the dirty tricks to persuade us that they are more powerful than the one that is in us - the Holy Spirit. they can possessed a person who is not yet cleanse by the blood of Jesus as pawn to face and attacked us and scare us until we leave the house that they may continue to live and have dominion.
But don't lose hope for greater is He that is in us than the one in them (1john4:4). God gave us the power to trumple them down, even command them to leave. Just make sure that you are a true child of God and that you are sealed w/ the Holy Spirit. once there spirits sees how you stand firm in your faith and see the blood of Jesus in you, they will leave your house and live in peace. Just use that dunamiss power (acts 1:8) that God gave us, just like what Jesus did to the minions of bad spirits. That same power that Jesus used is also the power God gave to his children.
After driving out the bad spirits, dedicate the house to the Lord in prayer and annoint w/ oil w/c symbolized the sealing of the Holy Spirit. i assure you sis paige that your kids can sleep very sound then. But, just a reminder be on guard, becoz those spirits will try to invade the house once again once they see a way or chance. So be on guard and be watchful. never stop praying for God's continued protection of your house and the whole household.
This is my personal experience in my 17 years in the ministry. I do hope it will be of help to you. God bless you and your family!

His servant,
Ptr. George manalang
Though i do not have my bible with me at this moment, i do not believe that demons can dwell in the presence of God. If someone is saved, then a demon does not have the direct power to take over them in any way, shape, form, or fashion, without God's permission. But i have been taught that when the Holy Spirit dwells within someone, a demon cannot be there...but i will look that question up reply again once i have a biblical answer...
I recently read an awesome book... I'm at work right now, so I don't have it in front of me, but I think it was called, "The Bondage Breaker" by... Andrew somebody I think! Has anyone else read this book? I think it is probably the best book I have read on the subject of demon oppression. (I agree with others who have commented in this thread, a believer can not be possessed, but can be oppressed.)

As for the question of "haunted houses", I heard a very good message by Chip Ingram (I think) on this subject. His theory was that when a person IS demon controlled... and that person dies... that demon doesn't go with them... and sometimes hangs around. Demons are great immitators, and so can immitate the person departed. Just a theory of course, as the Bible does not tell us. But, having come out of a pagan group... it fits with my experience.
Hi ActualMaureen, the Author of Bondage Breaker is Neil Anderson, I loved it. Another good book is Healing Life’s Hurts by Edward M. Smith. Where Neil Anderson's book deals with replacing the lies we believe with the truth on a cognitive level, Edward Smith deals with it on an emotional level. Both deal with lies we believe and both deal with replacing lies with the truth, but the second talks about how the demonic spirits attach lies to hurts and wounds in our lives and how healing the wounds in our soul brings freedom from the demonic influence. I am Glad that God is in the business of seeing people set free.


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