All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Many years ago, during ancient times, it was very common for people to worship gods of wood and stone. These false gods were idols - gods which really didn't exist, but had been created by the skill of man. Even today, in some parts of the world idols of wood and stone are still being worshipped.

What abou the modern day people? Do we worship idols ? Perhaps not idols of wood or stone, but I would point out three idols that are being worshipped today: the idol of lust, the idol of materialism, and the idol of self. These idols are what keep people from receiving God's love and compassion.


The idol of lust and sexual sin is being worshipped and followed by many, many people in this country. This idol is towering over our society, with billions of dollars flowing into it every year. Worshipping the idol of lust has led to the break up of many marriages. Following the idol of lust has led to the outbreak of new and terrible forms of sexually transmitted diseases, the use of abortion as a form of birth control, sexual abuse of children, and many other destructive practices.

God's original purpose for sexuality has been corrupted and perverted. God designed sexuality as a beautiful gift, but only as it is protected by the purity and commitment of the marriage vows between a man and a woman. The false god of lust promises people temporary pleasure, but hides the destructive consequences which will surely follow. Following the lust-idol will inevitably lead to pain and tragedy.


Many people are also following the false god of money and materialism. It is called CHASING THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. People who try to find satisfaction in material things will be sadly disappointed. Jesus said, "A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (Luke 12:15). He also said: "For what is a man profited, if he gains the whole world (the material world), and loses his own soul?" (Matt.16:26). Material things will never be able to provide true satisfaction in life.

Someone who is addicted to gambling is obviously caught in the snare of the Almighty Dollar. However, some people (including some gamblers) give little or no outward indication that they are serving the god of money. Someone can look "good" in the eyes of our materialistic society, but still have an attitude and lifestyle devoted to the idol of money.


The third idol is the idol of self. When self is placed ahead of God, it becomes an idol. The idol of self can take many forms, because there are many ways that people place their own will and desires ahead of God. Putting self first has led to the breakup of many marriages. Putting self first leads to physical and sexual abuse, stealing from others, "stepping on other people" to get ahead, and many other destructive practices.

Putting self first does not lead to happiness or contentment, in spite of what Hollywood or anyone else says. Self-will must crumble, in order for us to acknowledge God for what He really is. We must yield to Christ, the living Saviour, and allow Him to have first place in our lives.


Of course there are other idols that could be mentioned:

Drugs, alcohol, and other addictions; love of power, love of pleasure.

False religions such as witchcraft and the occult.

An idol can really be anything that you allow to take first place in your life, instead of the True and Living God.


If you desires God's love and forgiveness you must turn away from idols, and surrender to Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. Then you will truly experience the compassion and love of God.

The true and living God has been revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is called the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). He has fully revealed to us what God is like. When Jesus went to the cross, He was taking the punishment for our sins. Dying on the cross, Jesus was paying the penalty for OUR sins. Jesus was God in the flesh, and because He is the God of love, He willingly died to forgive you and me. When you turn to Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour, all your sins are taken away. He completely accepts you and forgives you of all your past sins, and cleanses you from them. But for this to happen, you must turn away from all the idols in your life, and completely reject them.

You also begin a totally new relationship with Jesus Christ, when you accept Him and put your faith in Him. Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst." (John 6:35).

A personal relationship with Him as your Saviour and Friend is what will truly satisfy you. Following the idols of sex, money, self, and other idols will ultimately leave you empty, and alone. A living relationship with the living Christ WILL satisfy you, as you give Him first place in your life. The compassion and love of God will fill your heart and become a reality in your life.

Many people are devoted to their idols. They will spend huge amounts of their time, money, efforts on serving an idol. But worshipping idols leads to hurt and destruction. Surrendering to Jesus Christ leads to forgiveness, love, and eternal life. Turning to Him means a genuine commitment to Him, to follow His plan for your life. Thankfully, many people are turning away from the idols of destruction in our land, and are finding new life in Jesus Christ. The Lord has a good plan, a beautiful plan for your life, if you yield your life to Him. His love, forgiveness and compassion is everlasting.

This means a genuine commitment, a genuine surrender and trust in the living Christ. Will you put your faith in Him, and entrust your life to Him today? If this is what you are really willing to do, pray sincerely in your own words, and ask Jesus Christ to truly become the Lord and Saviour of your life. Ask Him to forgive your sins, and cleanse you. And make a genuine commitment of your life to Him, to follow Him as your Lord.

PRAY to Him now if you are willing to surrender your life to Him.



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I just wanted to add a thought....

Many people may feel overwhelmed and in bondage by certain idols in their lives....because they have surrendered to those things which now have control over them. We as humans are so easily deceived that we can make up our own minds ....and live independant lives successfully. But we cannot, that is a lie and deception of the enemy.

I will give my own definition of successful----Living a life which is surrendered and Thankful to Jesus, driven by the Holy Spirit, all for God's Glory. When you do this, you will be filled with peace which surpasses all understanding, Joy, Love for others, you will also begin to understand pain and suffering. Wisdom and discernment is yours for the asking. The fruits of the Spirit will become apparent in your life.

If you are out there reading this and not able to stop a vicious cycle of idolatry and bondage, surrender yourself to the Lord.

These things which are looming before us in our lives are too much for us to defeat in our own strength. NONE of them are too big for God to handle. God is bigger than everything we face.

Love in Christ, Carla
Thank you Carla
Your comment is awesome! And I think a lot of us should take note of what you have stressed. Let us take hands and pray for those who are deceived... Satan is the biggest liar and he can really fool innocent victims who are not totally committed to Jesus...

Do you know that a lot of people "think" that they are happy... and only when they come to truly know our Lord they find that they were never happy. I talk from experience. I was brought up in a very committed "Christ following" home but I lacked depth. Some of my actions were done "superficially". Unfortunately I do not remember an exact date but my "growing experience" was taking place without my really knowing that I lacked "true commitment".

My friend turns 30 tomorrow and the poor pet cried her heart out last night... (She says the realisation that she was turning 30 scared her). I was pleased when she mentioned that she asked herself the question : "What have you achieved and where are you going"... I encouraged her to work on her relationship with Jesus... She was amazed when I told her this morning (she is my hairdresser) that I never want to be 30 again because at that stage I was still "growing" in Jesus and I did not even realize it. Now that I am older and wiser I feel fulfilled and for me there is "no turning back"... Amen and thank you Lord!

Fond love in Jesus
Ramona P.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I write in reply to this because I believe in the "truth" that is being shared here. I believe it is time we share this very important observation again so that more may read about the effects of "idols" in our lives. This has forum haas been here since 2008. I originally passed over this being blind to the truth of idols in my own life. God is showing me and leading us to know more about what these idols can do to our lives. Please read share and give thought to the idols in your own life.



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