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Witnessing: Please give me scriputre where it clearly states that Jesus is God.

Im witnessing and reaching out to a VERY prominent cult group here in SLC Utah. I understand thier faith very well. I research it and compare it to the bible continuously. I do not just come to the conclusion that the faith is wrong until I have thier scriptures to clearly back up what I know about them and what the bible says. It is a very decieving religion. But anyway, I need scriptur to back the fact up that Jesus is God. I know a few, but it isnt totally clear. Help???
Thank you!

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Hi Paige. Read " Matthew Chapter 3 verses 16 and 17.
Are you a Baptised Jehovah Witness? And if so what kingdom hall do you attend are you a regular pioneer do you know
how Jehovah feels about this site,are you looking for answers yourself ?
Has your "witnessing" changed the views of any of these cult members so far? IMO, you're wasting your time


Do this,


Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.


Actions speak louder then words alone.



Hebrews will lead you to many verses that show the deity of Christ. Remember, Paige, that Jews didn't believe Christ was God, the very reason that it was written. You have quite a chore ahead of you.


May Christ grant you the knowledge you need to accomplish this task you are drawn to.



Dear Sister Paige greetings


Is Jesus God?

Sister, you desire to know something that need lot of words to explain It very clearly. So I’ll try in my way to make you understand that Jesus is God.

Firstly let us know who is God?   God is Spirit ( Genesis 1v 1-2 , John 4v 24). Who is man? Man is one of the creature that God has created and in Genesis 1v26-27 he has been created at the image of God at his likeness. He will become a child of God after receiving and believing to the word of God. (John1v12).  Every child that man does, he does It in his likeness same thing with other creatures they do according to their likeness OK

The Bible said Jesus is the only son of God not a child, that means that Jesus has the true nature of God because the Spirit of God came unto Mary and she got the child. In this first level we can say Jesus is God according to what it is writing in john3v6 flesh gives birth to flesh but spirit gives birth to spirit>>. We can say in another way Man gives birth to man but Spirit (God) gives birth to spirit (God)>>

 Often we usually say To know human you must firstly see him in action>> The true human is inside Its body. The Bible said, the body is less useful or use for nothing but it is the Spirit. Jesus, God or Spirit is the same person who dwell in a body which is alike to the human body that was corrupted by the sin. He said when Philipp asked him to show them the Father, He said to him ….Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father _ John14v 9-10 _

Notice that Jesus is completely human because of his body and completely God because of the Spirit of God. I pray God to reveal you who Jesus is. For me He is the only God, the Creator, the almighty, the Eternal Father, The King of kings and so and so ……… Be blessed as you understand this

 Pastor AHOGA   



Presumably, you are referring to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) or the Mormons, which has its world headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, as the "VERY prominent cult group" that you do not name.

If you are trying to build a case from Scripture that "Jesus Christ is God," you won't find any argument from Mormons. They believe Jesus is the son of God, and that he is a God. It says so in the Book of Mormon: "And behold, they began to pray; and they did pray unto Jesus, calling him their Lord and their God" (3 Nephi 19:18).

When witnessing to Latter-day Saints, it is important to understand that their canon of Scripture includes, in addition to the King James Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrines and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.

The Book of Mormon, they believe, is "another testament of Jesus Christ," and in the words of prophet and founder Joseph Smith, "the most correct book ever written." Mormons accept the Bible, but only "as far as it is correctly translated," which means as interpreted by Joseph Smith and church authorities. Thus, the Bible holds a lesser or subordinate position to the Book of Mormon.

That said, one must be very careful in discussions with Mormons about the nature of God. They use a lot of the same terminology as we do when talking about God, often pouring very different meanings into what they say, which for the Christian can prove confusing.

For starters, Mormons deny the doctrine of the Holy Trinity: i.e., that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three co-eternal and distinct persons, one in essence or substance. Though, they will refer to a Godhead of three distinct persons that are "one in purpose," as if to sound vaguely trinitarian. The nature of God is one of the many key areas where differences in doctrine separate the LDS Church and the historic Christian faith.

Interestingly, one can use the Book of Mormon to make the argument that God the Father and Jesus, the Son of God, are one in the same, contrary to official church doctrine. It says so in Mosiah 15:1-4 (BOM), which I have posted below. But I suspect the Mormon response will be that Abinadi's understanding was incomplete.

"1 And now Abinadi said unto them: I would that ye should understand that God himself
shall come down among the children of men, and shall redeem his people.

2 And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected
the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son—

3 The Father, because he was bconceived by the power of God; and the Son,
because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son—

4 And they are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth."

Mormons believe God the Father and God the Son have physical bodies like you and me.

Did you know that? Never mind that John 4:24 tells us otherwise: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."

-- "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also;
but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit.
Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us" (Doctrines & Covenants 130:22).

Where do Jesus and Heavenly Father reside given that they have physical bodies?

-- "The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim," according to D&C 130:8. Kolob is the name of "the star nearest the throne of God," according to the Book of Abraham 3:2-3,9 in the Pearl of Great Price. "If You Could Hie to Kolob" is the name of a well known and official LDS hymn.

So where is the star Kolob? Ask a Mormon because this star is not known to astronomers.

God and Jesus are extra-terrestrials (ET)?

God is our Heavenly Father; literally our spirit father.

-- Before we were born in our physical bodies to our earthly parents, Mormons believe we were spirit beings residing with Heavenly Father during the our "premortal life" or "premortal existence."

-- "Before we were born, we lived with God in heaven as spirits. All of our spirit brothers and sisters were there, too—everyone who has lived or will live on earth including Jesus Christ. In this “pre-earth life,” each of us was an individual with a divine nature and destiny." All memory of our premortal existence has been wiped out. (Source: We lived with God --

I could on go, as I have only scratched the surface, but I will stop here. Anyway, you may be getting a sense of how very different and peculiar LDS beliefs are from those of orthodox Biblical Christianity and why witnessing to them can be extremely difficult.

Blessings and peace in Christ Jesus,



Thank you for your post of explaining Mormonism to us. I, for one, appreciate it. I tried, at one time, to study it, but the Holy Spirit prevented me. Probably because I was to new in my adult following of Christ. None of the denominations have *everything* correct about  God. However, they are Christian.

I have stated in the past that a person who confesses Christ, with a contrite heart, is honest, sincere, and a born again Christian. Others, for whatever reason, say "no". Your post clears up much about what I wasn't understanding. They might not be right, but then, who of us is completely correct in all they say about the Father, and Christ, and the the Holy Spirit?


Blessings to you.....




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