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In light of Mat 22:34-40 and I Cor 13:1-3, does the church teach in the same order or relevance?

Or, if Love is the most important thing, then should'nt love be the churches' most important teaching.

Or, think of the question this way. Why would I set under a teaching concerning... Tonges, (for instance)... If I had not been taught about Love, first?

POINT: If we understand these passages correctly then we must believe that a class concerning the subject of love would always be available and most of the sermons would instruct us on what Love is and how to love.

Because, if we have not loved,... Then we are a clangig gong... Or, whatever else we have done, we have done it in vain.

If, however, I take these scriptures to be foundational and teach christian principals in the order of importance (as theses passages instruct us)... I find an interesting thing happens.

For instance, If I have learned the elements of love, (from I Cor 13:4-8) and begin to operate in a spirit of love, then I no longer account for evil done to me. (one of the principles or fruits of love) And, if I no longer account for evil done to me, then what instruction or teaching do I need on forgiveness?

Forgiveness is what I wrestled with when I was a "child" in Christ... A new Christian. Operating in a spirit of love (God's Love) frees us from the childish ways we use deal with things... Everything, really. This is why Jesus ends the passage concerning Love with the (seemingly "out of place) reference to... "when I was a child..."

When Christians learn this section of scripture FIRST, they not only have learned the most important thing, but have leaped well ahead into their spiritual growth. They really are operating in Christs likeness. They become powerful vessels for Christs' ministry.

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Hello Preston!;
I like your message,and hope to have more. I found in the Bible;which I will have to get back to you on it;but it says that God only made two commandments: 1.) To Love God with all your heart,mind ,body& soul. & 2.) To love your neighbor as yourself. If we follow these two,"ALL" others will be easy to keep; because they will all fall in line. (The prophets,& rel.leaders of that time,came up w/the rest of the laws/commandments) which are strict & make it near impossible to keep. (My theory is they are too broad,and unatainable;to our free will thinking,and many lose hope of keeping such perfection;thus the falling further away in unworthiness & more enticing the worlds ways are(cause they are the easy road to follow,so to speak!)
My friend Swtswan.... you are quite right about Christ bringing all of the commandments into these two. And you are right about how man had already added more laws to what god had set for us.... and our inability to keep these laws. I am not sure about why Jesus reduced them to these two... except that they reflect the pure nature of God. God is love. It is the only thing that He did not create... it just what He is. And so, If we are going to achieve anything that is pleasing to Him.. it must be in Love.

My point was really about the fact that Jesus tells us that Love is the most important thing and when I look at Church Topics of teaching I find subjects on everything except LOVE. People (Christians), need to know that learning any of these other religious things is a waist of time unless they have learned about love.. what it means .... how to love... Both, God and each other.

Thank you for writing me. I love people that like to dig into the wonders of the Bible.
Hi Preston!~
Yes;I had to know why God made the 10 comm;& stumbled across this. I pondered awhile & it makes sense; because in heaven there is nothing but pure love there.& yes everything we do, must be done in pure love;its what pleases Him most. It's our free will,thats usually our downfall;because we forget to rely on His will,and then its easy for us to be tempted.( I am sorry for those who led us astray from His laws;and continue to do so today;by adding &/or taking away from His teachings)like readings in the Bible. Its a continuous learning process for those who truly seek Him. As LT reminded me;its a lifelong journey.(but the reward is worth it!) And I cant wait!(but I must do it in patience,& love) <+>: )


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