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Is it a sin to smoke cigarettes? Where is it found in the Bible?

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We cannot change the past and have no real control of the future; all we are responsible for is this moment in time. Control the moment do not let the moment control you.
I tried avoiding making any comment on this issue for a while because it came as a big surprise. I do not wish to condemn but rather to express my personal view. I am of the opinion that many have grown beyond this kind of argument based on level of their faith in God. We have the babes and also the mature christians. The babes are still feeding on milk while the mature ones can chew the bones of the word.

Romans 15:1 says - We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.
Romans 14:20 says- Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.All food is clean , but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble.
Isaiah55: 2 says- why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy.

Lets look at it this way: Must we take as sin only the vices that are recorded in the bible? If yes , then computer hackers and and gamblers will not be seen as sinners. The world is changing just as crimes of different names are discovered. Brethren lets allow the holy Spirit and the WORD OF GOD be our guide.That many are smoking today does not make it right.

I do not have the time to mention diseases associated with smoking. HE WHO HAVE EARS LET HIM HEAR.
yours in Him,
inibehe - I take it you are not a smoker?!
I believe that Inibehe is right on this issue, whether a smoker (or former) or not...I do believe we need to look at everything in the light of God's word, but we can't use just that. We desperately need God's Holy spirit to lead us in the4 paths of righteousness. I knew that smoking was a sin before I quit because I could clearly hear the Holy spirit telling me again & again to quit. Countless times I would light one up and say 'forgive me Lord, i've done it again, please help me to stop'. I didn't know exactly why it was wrong, but I decided to listen to God's voice and it helped me to quit. God bless all
You know Eli, I can relate to you better than inibehe (who I felt was preaching at me instead of with me or for me). Deep down I know smoking is not healthy or in God's plan for my life. God specifically spoke to me one day about this issue that I felt deep in my heart that if I quit right then I would be successful and that He would take away the withdrawl symptoms. Oh, how I wish for that feeling again! Again, I know smoking God does not want me to smoke: I'm just going to have to work harder for something that was so clearly at hand.

I am scheduled for back surgery on 1/7/08. The only thing my doctors are worried about is my lungs and the damage already done. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank You.
How about other habits? If an adult stills sucks their thumb, is that a sin?

Hi Lazurm,


Anything that takes away from our relationship with the Lord and keeps us from putting Him first is sin.  Also, sin is anything that is contrary to the character of God. 


Proverbs 3:5, says this:  Trust in the Lord with all  your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.


How many of us do this in every aspect of our lives?  That is the point the Lord wants us to get to.  If we are trusting in anything else to ease our pain, or comfort us other than the Lord...if that thing replaces God and is elevated above Him in our lives..than it is sin...  This 'thing' that is elevated above the Lord in any of our lives might be manifested in a number of ways.  It could be approval from others, wealth, prosperity, clothing, alcohol...maybe it's knowledge......we each need to approach God's Throne of Grace and ask Him to reveal by His Holy Spirit the thing that it is for each one of us...  repent, let the Lord deliver us from it. 


Blessings, Carla

Hi Janice,  I do believe that Inebehe gave an honest answer.  I also believe you are part of the story given below, when you say you want to give up smoking.

I was once in charge of a Rehabilitation centre for alcoholics.  One of the inmates and I were having a discussion, when he offered me a cigarette.  I declined saying that I did not smoke. Below is how our discussion went....

Joe:   "Have you never smoked?" 

Me:   "Yes, but I gave it up."  

Joe:   "But how did you give it up?" 

Me:   "I gave up smoking because I did not want to smoke anymore."

Joe:   "I also don't want to smoke, but I CAN'T give it up" 

Me:   "Joe, how can you say, you WANT to stop smoking, but you CAN'T?

        Either you WANT to or  you DON'T?   I trust that you'r WANTING to give up

        drinking is not as weak as you WANTING to give up smoking? 

        It's' quite simple Joe, either you WANT to stop smoking or you DON'T.  

       Let's settle this right now. Do you  want to stop drinking? 

Joe:   "Yes, Mr Payne."

Me:   "That's great Joe, now do you REALLY WANT to stop smoking"

Joe:   "Yes, Mr Payne."

Me:   "OK Joe, then give me your packet of cigarettes ."

Joe:   "You are driving a hard bargain Mr Payne, I CAN'T stop"

Me:   "Joe, either you WANT to,  or you DON'T,  It is not a matter of CAN'T. 

        The word CAN'T does not  come into this equation. 

        DO you or DON'T you want to give up smoking?  

Joe:   "Mr Payne I do WANT to stop smoking, just as I do drinking.  Here then is my packet of cigarettes"

Me:    "Joe, How about that fancy cigarette lighter as well?"

Joe:    "Hey! I can see that you are really serious, but "YES" I really DON'T WANT to smoke,  here it is."


Janice, for years now,  I receive a Christmas card from Joe. On the card he writes a simple sentence: " I still don't drink and I still don't smoke. Have a Blessed Christmas and Thank you Mr. Payne!"

Janice if anyone wanted to push your hand into a coal fire, you would fight them tooth and nail. Why?  Simply because you DON'T want to be burnt.  When you say you DON'T want to smoke, then surely the word CAN'T is no longer an option?

I discovered the above truth, when almost every night I went to bed asking the Lord to remove a sin in my life.  Finally a word came through to me, that I really did not WANT to stop that particular sin.  I also received the following - I believe from the Lord - "I will not help you unless you yourself WANT TO STOP."  Janice those chains fell off and I have been free of that particular sin ever since.   May I now ask you in Christian love: "Do you really WANT to stop smoking?"  It is not a matter of whether smoking is a sin or not, rather it is a matter of WHAT YOU WANT.

Your choice today will determine your health tomorrow.  "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing........ Deut 30:19    And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose this day..... Josh. 24:15





Hello Janice,
You won't find smoking listed as a "sin" in the Bible. And yes I agree, that our body is the "temple of the Holy Spirit". However, I will tell you this and I hope it helps and makes sense. As a Christian we all go through the "sanctification" process. This is God moving us closer to Him, a sort of purificaiton or sifting process if you will. It is wrong for us to say to someone else, that such and such is a sin, when we do not know where they are in that process. Now certainly, the Bible teaches us many sins but it does not list everything that could possibly be a sin for us as individuals. In this process, as you grow in maturity in Christ, He will reveal things to you that He disires for you to give up or abstain from to enable you to grow closer. Therefore, today smoking may not be a sin for you because there are bigger issues in your life, but next year God may disire for you to give them up. Does that make sense? If you have been convicted by the Holy Spirit to give up smoking because it is bad for you, then for you it may be a sin. But just because some preacher stands and declares it doesn't make it so. (especially if he is 50 pounds overweight-cuz the Bible does say gluttony is a sin and his gut is part of the temple-just saying)

Here is a thought to all those who will disagree. We know that nicotine is a drug and is addictive but so is caffeine. So, before you condemn the smoker while you drink your "coke" (any product you prefer) be careful in your judgements.

Hello Everyone;

                         I am not the JANICE that use to smoke in 2008. i saw the topic and i wanted to know if JANICE stop smoking. so i hope the JANICE of 2008 will answer me soon


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