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I recently learned that, Yes we are all sinners and as long as we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior we do have a spot in heaven. But as we both said: "We sin everyday" the part that I recently learned is that we must repent every night before going to bed from our sinful ways and deeds and ask for forgiveness or else we wont go to heaven. Because it is God's grace and Mercy that we are saved. There are many questions on my mind on this topic. Who is right and who is wrong. What is the RIGHT answer?

When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal saviour, we are saved, washed clean by his blood.  It is our faith in Jesus that saves us. Through HIM, we are perfect in God's sight.

God Bless, carla

Thank-you Carla. You and Greg have been so helpful.
God Bless you on your journey in Christ


God Bless you Debbie! I'm sure we'll see you around the site.....Have you checked out the 'women's only' group?

Thanks again Carla,
Yes, you will see me around this site. It's so wonderful to see so many nice people. I have not looked into the woman group yet...but will do so soon. How is it? what a silly question. Already people here are so friendly and im asking a question such as that? I definitely will do just that.
Have a Blessed Day!

I'm not sure who told you that "...we must repent every night before going to bed from our sinful ways and deeds and ask for forgiveness or else we wont go to heaven," but I would challenge them to find that in the Bible, which is God's final word on the subject.

Yes, we should repent. Yes, we should repent whenever we are aware of our sin, not just at bedtime. Yes, we should ask for forgiveness. Yes, if we go on living unrepentant lives and become hardened to sin and die unrepentent, it proves that we never really "believed" in the first place. So what's the problem?

The problem is that when we come up with formulas like this (e.g. repenting before bed), we think it is some kind of magical incantantion we have to do so God will accept us into heaven. No, we are accepted because of what Jesus has done for us and because we believe that. Not because of anything we do or the words we say.

Ephesians 2:8 says: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" and again in Titus 3:4-5: "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us , not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy."

This is the RIGHT answer because it is GOD's answer from His Word - The Bible. I hope this helps.
Yes Greg...This is very helpful. I was afraid if I forgot to repent before going to bed..and God forbid I didn't get up!? So, Thank you so much for giving me clarity on this matter. I'm sure I'll have many more questions. But thanks again for your reply.
Hi Greg!!
I read every word you said, and again, U R AWESOME!!! Ok, well, God is awesome for using you as a vessel to communicate through and teach through. I have to stand on That verse in Ephesians DAILY. I tend to get all caught up on the "works" thing rather than the "grace" thing. Before I know it Im trying to earn my salvation when I am already saved! I end up weary, then God has to pick me up again and remind me, "Paige, I love you. I saved you just because of that. I love you. Not for what you have done or havent done, but because I loved you and you let me love you." I also find too that I need to tell God Im sorry for this or that quite frequently. If I dont because Im embarrased, or hide it because I know its wrong and I dont want to admit it, I can feel it! If you are saved, and you have the Holy Spirit in you, he will let you know when something you said or did was not right. When you tell God about it(which God already knows anyway) you feel better.
Thanks Greg again for the helpful insight and scripture!!!!!!
that is absolutely AWESOME! "Paige' I loved the way that you explained it. Very well said! and a BIG, BIG help to me.
You are welcome sweetie!!!
You are a blessing. I want to help the best I can. Sometimes I think I dont help very much at all, so thanks!!!
Paige, we are all a part of God's army. You do give a wonderful contribution, and you explained it beautifully. Stand strong in the Lord! Carla
thanks once again, and YOU are the blessing. As Carla said, we are all part of God's army and you just helped me tremendously. I had a difficult time with that subject...and you made it so very clear to me..thanks!


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