Thank you for joining AllAboutGOD.NET! We are so glad you are here!
People join TheNET for a variety of reasons: because they want to comment on something they read, because they want to meet new Christian friends, because one of their friends invited them, because they want to have fun socializing. All of these are great reasons for joining!
Now, I want to share with you the PRIMARY reason we created TheNET and launched it in November 2007...
The 77 websites of are reaching into 198 countries of the world. Every second of every day, 24-hrs a day, 365 days a year, one new person visits one of our websites. In an average month we have more than 2.4 million visitors and they view 2 million gospel presentations. Out of this, more than 300 people indicate to us that they are receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior every single day! Praise God!
We specifically created AllAboutGOD.NET as a place for these brand-new believers to learn what Christian fellowship can be like, to get encouragement for their walk in Christ, to get some of their questions about the Christian life answered, to find good links to discipleship materials, and to hopefully create in their hearts a desire to be a part of a local Christian fellowship or to start one themselves. That is our MAIN reason for existence!
People in any organization/network come and go for a variety of reasons. Some, unfortunately, need to go when their words and actions are in conflict with TheNET's purpose. Others leave because they sense God is telling them to leave. It always saddens me and feels bad when good friends leave, but, in spite of that, I want to let you know that our purpose and our mission does not change!
As I member of TheNET, I want to thank you for your commitment to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and for your love for Him. My prayer is that with the comfort you receive in being here, that you would comfort and encourage one another in kind thoughts, words and deeds (2 Corinthians 1:4). I also want to extend my thanks to and let you know about the fantastic job our pool of volunteer network moderators is doing to keep this a great place to grow in the Lord! Please express your thanks to them.
I invite you to keep sharing the love and encouragement you have received from Jesus Christ with not only the thousands of current members, but the thousands more who will join in the months to come.
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work or the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10
Be encouraged!
TheNET Coordinator