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I'm so sad:(

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Greetings Melissa,

I do not know the cause of your sadness, but will share something that helps me when I am down. It will sound cliche' though it really isn't. I encourage you to read the Word of God ... particularly either the Book of Colossians or the book of 1 John and then spend some time in prayer laying your heart open before God regarding what is troubling you.

Lord Bless,


((((((( Melissa )))))))) <----- hug . I hope you are ok.

It sounds like you're going through a tough time and it's really difficult. I know you are loved, and I know God has a plan unfolding even right now in your life. I'm sorry you are in pain. Life is so challenging, and it might seem like no one is concerned, let alone God, but God cares and so do others.

It might help for you to know that many in Scriptures expressed their pain and sorrow and confusion. Sometimes we need to tell how badly we hurt ... not just tell others, but tell God. Many do that in Psalms and in other places in the Bible.

I know that distress has many sources, and I'm not aware of what you are going through ... The writer of Psalm 88 is expressing a situation that seems life threatening and talks about scorn from others and perceived alienation from God. I have identified with it before. I don't know if it matches your distress. I also think of Gethsemane. I take from it many truths, such as it tells me that it's OK with God when we express difficult and negative emotions and even when we have questions for God ... Sometimes the pain can consume us. I hope things get a little easier for you soon.

With all my heart, I am waiting, Lord, for you! I trust your promises. ( Psalms  130 : 5  CEVUS06)
These passages help me when I am sad and down.

2Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Trials will come, but He is there and promises never to forsake us (Deut 31:6). Sadness will happen but there is an assurance of comfort ( Psalm 23). The evil one will tempt and attempt to destroy but there is always a way out (1 Corinth 10:13)

I agree with LT and I also find God's word very comforting in times of sadness. He gives us hope. He is faithful. He cares and he listens as a Loving and gentle Father. Glad to have you here with us Melissa. Sometimes sadness is just temporary and sometimes it lasts longer. Either way drawing close to God through scripture is highly recommended.

your Brother in Christ,

journeyman (jm)


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