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Does everybody know their purpose in life, I mean real purpose. I know that we are all on this earth for a reason, and we are all unique!!! Therefore we all have a unique purpose..I just havent found mine...have you?

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Wow, this is wonderful, just what I needed to "hear" this morning. God brought me here yeserday when I was so lost on this exact subject. I googled GOD HELP ME...and He brought me to this site. Praise God, and thank you all for being out there and accepting me as your friend.
His purpose for my stay open, honest and willing one day one hour or one minute at a time, seeking to understand instead of being understood, seeking Him with all my heart, keeping my eye on the cross...I could go on. I have the knowing that these are the ways of The Lord, but I am human, I go through valleys and that is where I grow. When I fall He carries me. The proof is in The Footprints in The Sand. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM God speaks through us when we are still and let Him. That is all for now, PEACE OUT
Love surpasses anything that you can think of and no wonder why God sent His only beggottten Son to die for us. It was purely out out of Love that which God showed to us.
The other thing let us not be judges amongst our brethren who think have wronged us.
Stay focused and God bless you.
I think my purpose on earth is to worship my Lord and Savior Jesus, and to bring the lost to Him.
My purpose in this life is to worship Jesus and bring the lost to Him.. that is what I feel I am to do.
That is great and most challenging. That is rather on a higher dimension than where we are right now.
What is at hand is to high the purpose of life - if people go past that level that is whern we now go to individual purposes for Life.
Cheers and God bless you and yours.
George, I caught this discussion thread late. There are some excellent answers here, but I think some things are lacking in the answers I have read, which you are asking.

You want to know how to find YOUR personal purpose. I can tell you that it is a journey, and the quest you have in your heart is one put there by God in the first place.

One clue I have learned in this is to stop looking for the way to find ME, and instead to learn to seek and find JESUS. In doing that, you begin to find the life purpose that he intends.

Seeking his heart and his mind is the goal of life; in this we learn our Lord and Savior. The experience of our purpose, in my opinion, is discovered as part of that journey. For instance: when I discovered my purpose for my life when I was 27 - at that time. It was only a small part of my greater purpose for the rest of my life. But it was my purpose at that time. When I had fulfilled it, I sensed the Lord releasing me to new things.

It will sound simplistic, but it is important to realize that your ultimate purpose is to know Christ, to Love him and to obey his commands. How you apply those truths, is how the journey is unique to you. But, you will not find joy and purpose apart from those things.

So, the most important thing is to learn to know Christ, to love him and to obey his commands while you travel this journey you are on right now. He will reveal more of his purpose for you, as you learn to do what you already know he is saying.

Each of us discovers more of our unique calling, as we discover Christ more fully and follow him.

I will give you a common example: Young people often want to know whether they are called to marry and have a family; if so, what type of spouse and when to start? But, you don't find that by seeking it. You find that by seeking Christ, determining to be faithful to him first - by remaining a chaste person who is not involved in fornication. Making a conscious commitment and planning in advance not to rush into sin by starting relationships with many people. In being faithful to Christ, keeping yourself pure, and prayerfully being determined to live that fully - you will find whether you are able to be committed to another person and be faithful for a lifetime in marriage. Sometimes, you find it much quicker than you expect. The opposite (worldy) road always ends in ruin and suffering.


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