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Does everybody know their purpose in life, I mean real purpose. I know that we are all on this earth for a reason, and we are all unique!!! Therefore we all have a unique purpose..I just havent found mine...have you?

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George, what a wonderful question! Thanks for asking. Yes, I've found my purpose in life and would like to share more, but I want to wait and hear what some others have to say first. Welcome! and I will write more later.
My brother-in-law asked me this question on Christmas Eve. He doesn't believe in Christ and he is really confused why he is here. My answer is:

I'm here to glorify God and make Him known to others through the way I live my life, through my words, and my reactions. In short, I want others to come to know Christ! And I want to be intentional about it!
Hello Melissa!
I reply to that question with my unsaved family on my mothers side similar to what you say, Melissa. But they look at me really funny like"Well, thats nice dear. Good for you." Thier response is always very much like "I am the captain of my ship and I can do what ever I want. I just need to find that out on my own, do it and God will help me I can do whatever I want, I just need to find that one thing. God wont help me unless I help myself. Doesnt the bible say God will help those who will help themselves?" I have to say,"No, because apart from God, you can do nothing. If its not Gods will, He will not promote it.
Well, overall, my unsaved family just is not interested in God. They will let me do "my thing with God" and they will do whatever makes them happy. They can tell what God has done for me, but that isnt proof enough I guess.
I have yet not found my purpose in life eather. Do you feel like you are missing something or that you should be doing something better but just don't know what it is yet. I guess that is why I'm on this search, but I just really don't what I'm looking for and even how to go by looking for it
There are two resources I would like to recommend in this forum. They have both been helpful to me regarding purpose.

Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado -

Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren -
Thank you very much, Melissa. I think this is a good start for me. I have been looking for this, since I lost my partner, about three months ago. I did not know I was so dependant on him. Vickyd
Everybody has a purpose. It is instructive to learn that we all have a time and society in which we live and it is within the context of this community that we actualize our purpose. Purpose does not exist or make much difference without an environment. We are most lost when we do not realize what that purpose is. For Jesus it was to save mankind and redeem His people from the clutches of death. For Paul it was to be an apostle to the gentiles to reveal God’s will to save them and incorporate them into the work of salvation. For me it is to show this generation that there is a way that mortal man can live not by the use of his natural mind, not according to the laws that govern our society today, but by the law of life in Christ Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Mostly this is discovered by the very distinct direction that you find constantly in your life. I believe being a Christian is not a physiological thing or an attempt to be religiously correct but rather a spiritual experience in which humans loose their own prerogative to lead themselves to God’s Holy Spirit. When this experience comes true in a man’s life, God moves in and begins to guide that one gradually to his purpose.. You need to be deliberate in order to discover this. I would love to add also that the word and Spirit of God is not a mental thing that we engage in, but a spiritual reality. It all depends on how we regard this business deep in our hearts. This is where I would love to stop and hope this has been of immense help to some one..
Hello there!
You know, its taken some time to figure out for me what God wants me to do, but now Im sure. If you look back into your life,even before Christ, you were born with certain gifts. Everyone is. You probably had more interest and talent in some areas more than others. You may have enjoyed some things more than others. You helped certain people out more than others. You felt happy with one thing, and kind of sad or disturbed with another. If you look back and take a personal inventory of what you would do and how you felt about it and when you will come up with some kind of track record of patterns you had, and seasons you had that brought you pure joy. You will also remember those people you brought joy too as well. For example, i know now that the Lord is using me to minister and bless others with my artwork. i have alwyas been an artist,went to college in arts and computer graphics, etc, but wasnt sure where I would go to use this talent or how. When I became a christian in 2002, the Lord just kept bringing me work to draw,design or paint. Mainly with Christian churches, and the Christian body. Then word spread and I did more and more paintings,murals, design etc. I have done soo many christian paintings in churches that its not even funny anymore. I laugh because Im not worried about if or when I will get more work because God is soo faithful to bring me oppurtunities to share the gift He has given me with others. When I go into someones home to paint, I can witness to them, or I just play some subtle Christian music un the background as I paint.
But anyway, what im trying to say that even before God made you , He knew you. He knew you inside and out. What you would do and not do. He had a calling for you. A purpose and a reason. You have it in you!!! Pray first of course and He will reveal it to you. But I truly believe GOD HAS SOMETHING FAR GREATER THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE FOR YOU!!! I think its awesome you are reaching out to allof us with your concerns and questions. Im an artist, but I tell you there is some times I wish I had someone elses gift. That is just the nature of the sinful man. GOD BLESS!!!! Paige
this is something iam too looking for as loving and praying to god is purpose of infact every human been as god is so great but i still dont kn how can we find why god has send us on this earth what was his desire while sending me here just to love and care ppl get my college degree so that i can serve humanity or something else i hope ur question may find a way
I don't know that we each have one main purpose in life. I know that I have the gift of prayer and am here to pray for others; as a child care administrator, I had the chance to minister to other adults and share my faith almost daily, while at the same time providing the children in my care with an example of Godly love and God-centered thinking; but I've also been put here to raise MY children - no one can do it quite like me. I'm interested to see what other tasks God sets in front of me in the years to come.

I suppose that my single purpose is to glorify God and edify others for His glory as well, but that does break down into some sub-purposes as mentioned above.
Hi Jacque! The Purpose Driven Life is AWESOME! I read it 4 years ago and I'm getting ready to read it again. The most profound part for me at that time was realizing that it's not all about me. I really, honestly, seriously thought it was and I'm not sure how people could've stood being around me back then.

I'm at a different place in my life now, so I'm anxious to see what principle will be the most penetrating this time!
The Purpose in Life lie in the following quotations from the Bible - the Book of Acts, where it is recorded as follows: -
"Acts 2:23-24
23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.

24 "But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

Acts 4:28
28 to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur. "

The only reason why we are here today, that marks the purpose of this life, is to serve Him. Yet, while we were sinners He loved and died for us, this was the sole purpose of God so that that we may bring glory and honor to His name for Who He Is.
As long as we remain Christians it is our duty to praise and honor Him because that why we are here for. If that not be the reason why are we in existence, is it by accident? NO! NO! That forms the basis of our existence that is construed into the purpose of Life.
Therefore in the last quotation we are being encouraged to do that which we can do with our hands to fullfil the purpose. Let us not look back but remain focused and do what our LORD and GOD wants us to do.
I hope my contribution will be worthwhile. God bless.


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