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How or when does drinking become a sin? If it is, why did Jesus turn water into wine? I know the bible says not to become addicted to wine (which I was before I was saved). This post is just a general question, I do not drink anymore. I know that if we become drunk it could lead to temptation. My fiance likes to occasionally have a couple of beers-is this o.k?

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I think when you come to know the Lord you inately know the differance between right and wrong and realise the consequences of a bad choice. If you find out 1 beer will turn you into a "drunkard" then you abstain its all about free will as well.
This is a hot topic and has been for many years, as LT said, there is no scripture that comes out and forbids drinking in moderation.

For me because as a teenager I abused alcohal in a breif time of living as a backslider, Satin know how to get the hook in me. Some christian friends told me that it was alright to drink, so I did and very soon it got a hold of me. If it were not for a merciful loving God, it would have have distroyed my life.

I remember the night 2-09-79 when God delivered me in a church service. For many years I was very bull headed about getting Christians in my life to completely abstain.

I have a lot of alcoholics in my family and a lot of my sufferring in my childhood had a lot to do with alcohol abuse. I went to Al-Anon, which helped me to over come my hang ups about this subject.

I realized that it is an issue with ourselves to deal with. Paul said he would not eat meat if it offended his brother.
In the US we have to admit that there is more abuse of alcohol than in other places in the world, and that it has hurt society and Satin has used it to distroy peoples lives. I really can not imagine some one being a pastor, or leader, in a church drinking, because there is not many families coming into thier churches who are not touched by alcohol and drug abuse.
Hi Bob & Christelle,

Yes I agree, I do not support Pastors or leaders drinking because of the destruction Satan has reaped in peoples lives using alcohol.

I was delivered this March from all desires to drink wine. I had drank for five years and most times abused it. It was beginining to make me very sick. I know that one drink could be dangerous and I am happy to abstain.

I wanted to be sure that my fiance drinking a couple beers here and there was o.k for me to agree with.(he has never had a problem) Although I have to say, there was one recent occasion that I even suggested he buy himself some beer (just a couple)in order to relax by the fire, while camping because he was very stressed out. I felt conviction right after saying it. I think God just wants us to lay all of our burdens at the cross, rather then choosing to medicate them with alcohol. I know that on many occasions I would cry out to God to save me from my addiction, but it wasn't until I was ready to give my life over that he delivered me.

To me, as Christelle says, we should always be very mindful of our actions, what we do and say because the unsaved, our friends, family ARE watching. Many of my family members are alcoholics and I am praying to the Lord to make entrances into their hearts so that I can show them that what they are doing is sinful but most importantly it is keeping them from God and that is very heartbreaking to me. Its a very fine line I walk, I do not want to come off as judgemental, just because I no longer drink.

To Christelle- I hear what you are saying, but I never liked beer AT ALL ;-)
the one great thing is that my fiance has no problem giving it up as he has said, sometimes I just feel like so much has changed in our lives and I didn't want to be in a place where I am making that decision for him too, to not drink, as he never had a problem and mine was a very controlled one.(on the outside, on the inside I felt like I was dying in everyway from my addiction) Recently (last night lol) we have agreed to make our home alcohol free for our childrens benefit, because of the history of abuse. I thank you for your comments :-)

God Bless you all,

The reason wine was drunk in Biblical times is because the water was so bad. The wine back then was nothing in comparison to wine as we know it nowadays. Wine back then was unfermented, it had no addition of sugar and yeast, like nowadays.
I traced the usage of the word "wine" backward, from English, to Latin, Greek and finally to Hebrew, and found that the four related words—wine in English, vinum in Latin, oinos in Greek and yayin in Hebrew—have been used historically to refer to the juice of the grape, whether fermented or unfermented.
Since, in Biblical times there was no yeast fermentation, I can only presume that wine was quite simply grape juice. (natural fermentation would have taken place and alcohol would have been present in the wine, but only in very small amounts)

Personally I dont consume alcohol, I think if your fiance has a couple of beers for relaxation purposes or even because he enjoys them then thats ok. Its only really a problem if he is getting drunk or drinking to cover up another issue or if alcohol is causing any other kind of problem in your lives.

I hope this helps
I promote abstinence and do not drink myself. I have also seen the points listed above regarding the wine being only grape juice or only a mild alcohol level may have been present. This view of wine does not align with what happened to Noah as recorded in Genesis 9:

GE 9:20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. 21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent.

We also see the wedding banquet recorded in John 2. It is hard to imagine that the master of the banquet was refering to different grades of grape juice.

The question is not does the Bible refer to wine as an alcohol drink, but does it ever refer to grape juice as wine. This is debatable.

I am not defending alcohol, but just wanting to be fair with what God's Word says.

Lord Bless,
Yesterday while witnessing to a non Christian, she told me that she gave her son a Bible to read. My reply to her was:"How can you give your son a Bible to read, when you don't read it yourself?" The point being made here, is that as Christians we are to set an example.

One cannot inform alcoholics, that alcohol is bad for them while you yourself drink. They will quickly counter the advice given, by pointing out that you also, consume alcohol.
To explain to them that you are a moderate drinker, will merely
strengthen their case, when they point out; that they also started out drinking in moderation.
Once this conversation has taken place, you will have personally lost the high ground and the alcoholic will only listen to your advice with half an ear, as will the son whose mother told him to read the Bible.

Alcohol they say, can remove stains. That is perfectly true, but it also removes Bank balances, cheque books, homes, furniture, cars, businesses, pride, self respect and sadly in many cases, remove one's marriage and family.

As Christians we have been instructed by Christ to: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Mat 5:16.
This is not possible when you are a participant yourself, in that which brought about the downfall of those whom you are witnessing to.

Your love for a family member or friend will be truly measured and shown to be true; when you stop drinking yourself, in order to help and encourage the one you say you love, to stop drinking.

Your Brother and Friend in Christ = Ron
Are we talking about someone who drinks wine as part of a meal? A social drinker, as Christians we should not partake in such practice. Are we talking about hard liquor? Are we talking about someone who had a history with alcohol or someone who all their adult life has been able to drink a margarita every blue moon to once a year and go no further?

Drinking not to get drunk has never been a sin and is not now a sin. But should a Christian drink! Generally speaking, no, a Christian should not drink. If a Christian likes a glass of wine here and there, but lives in a culture that consider drinking to be a sin for Christians, even if they do not get drunk; it should be done in the privacy of his home, Why????? Why not drink a drink every blue moon - I never had a problem in my life drinking, and the bible says not to get drunk, not, not to drink.... So why would I have to do it in the privacy of my home?

SO IF A DRINK (A DRINK) IS NOT A SIN (unless a drink gets you drunk hahahha) WHY ARE WE NOT TO DRINK – We live in a society that looks at drinking as a sinful action for Christians (not for them, but for us, especially those with ministry gifts), so we love people enough to not do anything that can hurt our testimony, plus you all know that once the Spirit of the Lord is upon you with his awesome anointing all You want is more of him…. And drinking is not an issue.

Paul says (all things are lawful unto me, but not all things are wise...) Even if something is technically OK with God, and not pushing the envelope too far, is it the wisest thing you can do?

Pastor Randy (a good friend of mine) told me the following story:
His dad used to make beer steak, you cook steak in beer, it kills the alcohol, but makes the steak taste like beer. Nothing wrong with that right? Well, he had been witnessing to a lady for many years and one day went to the store to buy his beer and steak to cook together, not to drink it, she happened to be the checkout lady! She freaked out and told him to never witness to her again. He tried to explain, but she wouldn’t hear it. From that day on his dad has never made it again, why? Not because God doesn’t want him to, but to stay away from the appearance of evil.

Romans 14 – however teaches that if something is sin to you then its sin and don’t do it, but don’t try to impose that conviction on someone else.

The easy way out is to say drinking is a sin.... Period. But we then are saying something the bible does not teach. Some pastors are not equip to communicate the truth properly or fear that the congregation will take their comments out of context and only hear what they want to hear, so they just choose to say drinking is a sin. As I often state: we are to be prudent when we teach the truth, but what people do with that truth is between them and God.

Those who had issues with alcohol should never drink and those who never had a drinking problem should not drink, because is perceived by those we are trying to reach as sin and because we are so full of the Holy Spirit we have no desire for it….
ohhh i forgot -

There are cultures around the world where ministers drink (not to get drunk) and the society around them does not frown upon it... France and Spain for example, so plan your next vacation to one of those if you enjoy a glass of wine here and there... Hahaha lol

In my opinion it is better to stay away from the stuff altogether, and for the record i do. I dont think taking niquil when one has a cough is a sin. but if one finds himself with a chonic cough in the evenings, haha, he might want to check his motives! haha However i do think i would like to enjoy a glass of wine with the wife (if i ever marry) every blue moon, in the privacy of our home, but probably won't because bying the bottle would be a bad testimony for those that know me. ohhh i know, i will just buy it where no one knows me hahaha ohhhh man we are so good at being bad. hahaha Well that is my take on the subject.

Stay away from fire water, it will burn you :) and please no hate mail.
God instructs us to do nothing to cause our brothers to stray, even though it doesn't affect us at all. I personally think this is part of this discussion. As for myself, if I were to see someone drinking, that doesn't influence me as a Christian and an Alcoholic, however, I do become concerned for others that have had an issue with alcohol.

I recently visited my siblings. Wine was served at every meal. I have a brother who just recently quit drinking (he is also an alcoholic). I personally was offended that the others refused to consider what he might be going through. I mentioned it to my sister. She refused not to drink in front of him. I was most disappointed in her for her attitude.

The point that I am trying to make is that we always need to be concerned about what affect or actions will have on others who aren't as strong as we are. Ergo, my attitude about drinking.

Blessings, Rita
I still think the water that Jesus turned into wine, was pure wine; not an imitation,
And actually I don’t see where Jesus asked for their approval.
This is a couple of scriptures I usually try to abide by in situations such as this.

1 Corinthians 8:13 (KJV)
13 Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

Romans 14:14-23 (KJV)
14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. 15 But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. 16 Let not then your good be evil spoken of:
17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 18 For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.
19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. 20 For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. 21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. 22 Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

I have no problem with a glass of wine now and then, with or without a meal.
The reason it is only now and then, is I really don't like most of the stuff they serve,lol
Consuming alsohol is a one way street. God delivered me from alsohol, one of the miracles in my life. If alcohol were good for a person, why would God have to deliver one from using it?

With every drop Satan gets another foothold.

Just don't do it, don't play Russian roulette with your soul!



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