All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Most people live today as though Love is a feeling. When the 'feeling' is gone in a Marriage, divorce happens. When people say they can't 'feel' the presense of Christ they backslide and fall away from their beliefs.

When we live as though Love is a 'feeling' it is never enough. We are never fully satisfied, because we are all so 'unsure' of our 'feelings'.

The truth about Love: Love is an Action Word.. Love is a choice!

1 John 3:16
We know what love is because Jesus gave up His Life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. the church, are we doing that?

John 3:16-17
For God Loved the World so much that He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.

As Christian's, are we producing selfless sacrificial giving in our lives?

The greatest act of Love is giving oneself for others.
How can we give up our lives?

John 15:13
There is no greater Love than to lay down one's life for one's friend.

Roman's 13:9,10
For the commandments say, "You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not covet." These--and other such commandments--are summed up in this one commandment. "Love your neighbour as yourself."
Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God's law.

Loving others is actually an obligation -Roman's 13:8. Why?

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hello all.

Tonight over dinner I asked my two boys 'What is Love?'

Here are the answers I got:
Logan who is 9 years old this month says: "God is Love" ( I don't think I have ever officially told him that in those words)

Joshua who is 5 years old says: "Love is when you promise to Love someone forever, you never stop, no matter what"

...out of the mouths of babes.

God Bless, Carla
That's awesome Carla,

Love you,
Yeah totally! Praise God! Love you right back!
I loved Logan & Joshua’s answers.

While I was reading some of the other comments from Carla, Anonymous Poster, LT & Jack, I felt that all of us are living in the love and grace of God, who first loved us, and Jesus is our life coach who shows us how to live this out. HIS love is so rich and pure, and surpasses any kind of love we have experienced.

I was thinking about Jesus command in Mark 12:31, to love our neighbour as ourselves. Considering who our neighbours are, this is HUGE. HIS Love must first fill us, before we can love as HE loves. I also believe that ‘love is an action word’!

Wondering too…is not forgiveness very closely connected with love? As an example, if I were upset with my husband and allowed bad feelings toward him, those feelings would impact my actions. On the other hand, I could choose forgiveness, thereby releasing both my husband and myself to Father God to deal with. My choice to love then, could be shown in my actions toward my husband. Once I have forgiven him, I am free to express love in word, deed and actions.

In loving others through actions, we are being obedient to God’s commandment, and He will honour our obedience and trust in His Word. Of course, we cannot do this in our own strength, as several others have stated.

I know that I have been unlovable myself at times, and yet people have shown love to me. All of you on AAG are pretty special to me, and I love each one. Thanks for impacting my life.


This is an awesome answer. I Praise God for your wisdom.
Jesus made it clear that love was not optional for us as Christians. We are to love God and love others. If we are obeying these 2 command we will be living out the 10 commandments, (part regarding our relationship with God and part in our relationship with others.)So if we are loving God, we will not have other gods like money. So if we are loving others we will not steal from him or commit adultry with his wife etc.
Love is what destinguishes us from the world and it is the defining description of a fully devoted follower of Christ.
We have such a tiny, little concept of love. God's love, 'Agape,' is a covenant love. A complete pledgeing of one's self to the other. Not a contract, that can be broken, if one party is dissatified with the other, but unconditional; ALL I AM is yours! God swore to Moses, by His own Name, since there was none greater & He couldn't lie. The way I see it, God sent His only son to die, to hold up His end of the bargin! That's the example of love.
When I said, "I do." to my husband 34 years ago, I did with the knowledge that even tho' we are imperfect, God is not. My vows were made, not just before men & to my husband, but also before the Lord. Because of His blessing on our marriage, I always KNEW that we had a covenant marriage & whatever I needed to stay in my marriage, God would supply. Was it always easy? No. Was I always pleased? Of corse not. As long as we kept submitting to God's will, we grew closer together. Did the word, 'divorce' ever inter my head? Yes, the enemy's lies abound. Did the word 'divorce' ever cross my lips, no!
I know what I've said will cause some discomfort & maybe even a little anger. I have a lot of compassion for divorced moms & dads who are stuggling to raise children. I know there are circumstances when divorce is necessary, but what has been said in this column is right, love is NOT just a feeling. Love is a choice, love is an action, love is 'dead to self', love is a determination in one's heart~ to keep covenant with God & not bow to the ways of the world.
Deborah Sue, So much wisdom. I am so glad you are here.

Your friend
This subject is certainly at the "core" of our christian lives. God and Jesus continually tell us throughout the bible that it is THE most important commandment. And of course a "commandment" is an order to do something. It doesn't mean you will necessarily LIKE to do it, but that we MUST do it.
Personally in my life, it's the biggest thing that I must work on in my christian walk. I easily get angered by people and situations in life. And sometimes if I don't listen to God's command to LOVE, then I take a big fall.
I agree with carla's post. There are times that we all experience situations where we just find it almost impossible to love. We are angry, or depressed over situations, and we definitely don't FEEL like loving others. And sometimes we even get on our knees and ask God to help us love because we just can't find it in ourselves to do so. And I believe this is where we move into obedience to God's command to love. When we learn to forgive others through love, then God's miracles start to work. God can bring healing to all parties involved.
Others might find it easier to love everybody with the "agape" love, but man-oh-man am I having to learn God's ways in that area !! I believe and trust God to help me in this area though, and hope to grow in love even for those who do wrong to me. the church, are we doing that?

John 4: 20, If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar, for
he that loveth not his brother who he hath seen, how can he love God who he hath not seen.

1John 3:17 - But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of YAHWEH abide in him?

Matthew 5
23"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.

It is incredible how many people have deep issues with other members in our churches. It should not be so. I am very aware that we all fail each other in one way or another. I know we are all in the process of sanctification, but I am referring to those within the family that have quarrels going back years at times. How can that be, it should not be so.

We cannot say, I love god, and not love our brothers and sisters.

I know it can be a real challenge to love some in the family. We know how easy it is to love the Lord, He is perfect in every way, but when brothers and sisters rub us the wrong way, where is our patience, where is our love

I thank God for the members of the Church of Christ that are loving the saints and our neighbors. But overall I think we are failing in loving, as God would have us love.

Instead of building bigger places to worship, if we were making sure our church members were not in need, we would be pleasing our Lord much more. I have nothing against bigger churches, but when there are members in need while no one bothers to help, then the churches’ priorities are wrong. I know not all churches are failing and for that, I rejoice, all I am saying is that we can always do better.

... If we are not our brother's keeper, at least let us not be his executioner for it is a command to love one another.
John 15:17 - These things I command you, that ye love one another.

In my 56 years on the planet I think I have finally discovered what REAL love is it is sacrifice, yep right down to giving up the most precious thing we have our life. After all is that not the gift that our Lord and saviour gave to us because of the love He has for us? I have been married to the same man for 37 years and I know I would lay my life down for him at any moment I would and have given up much for him as a person, another type of sacrifice. Too many people in this world don't have a clue about what love costs IMO but the rewards are greater.
The Love Dare

Love is a decision and not just a feeling.
It is selfless, sacrificial, and transformational.

Love is Patient

Be Completely humble and gentle;
be patient, bearing with one another in love.
-Ephesians 4:2 NIV

We are born with a lifelong thirst for love.
Our hearts desperately need it like our lungs
need oxygen. Love changes our motivation for
living. Relationships become meaningful with it.
No marriage is successful without it.

In Conclusion, God is Love and to experience Love, forgiveness clears all blocked areas, defuses and is a healing remedy for your soul. And in the process of forgiveness, you win souls because they are convicted with your FORGIVING ATTITUDE.

To all our CHRISTIAN FAMILY MEMBERS ON AAG....LOVE INTERCEDES...JESUS said to pray instead of quitting.
(See Luke 18:1)


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