All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Life is a choice. What you choose in life is what you get. The word of God said to us in the book of Gal:6vs7, " Do not be deceived. God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
It is important therefore to note that in the school of choice, direction has no substitute. You must be directed. Who directs you in life will, to a greater or lesser degree determine the outcome of your life. The choices we made yesteryears is affecting how we live today, and the choice we are going to take today will affect how our tomorrow will be. It is important therefore, that we take time to make choices that will save us from future error. However, It is never late to be right, you can make amends today. And the only way we can make amends and go forward is by invoving God in all decisions we take in life.
Life outside Christ is crises. In the activities and circumstances of daily life, it is easy to lose focus, and it is also easy to become frustrated. We are imperfect beingns struggling to manage our lives as best we can, but we often fall short.
Today slow yourself down and be alert to God's word. God reveals Himself through his Word. Every thing that we desire in life is in the word. Next time you want to make a decision, pause to consult the word of God and find out what God is saying to you concerning that decision. God said in His word in Jerm;33vs3, ' call to Me, and i will answer you, and show you ,great and mighty things, which you do not know. There are a lot of things you do not know,this is the time for you to call on Him.
A typical example of God's direction occured in, Luke;5 vs 1- 8. The Apostles went out to fish, they were expercts in fish catching, they also had many years of experience in fish catching. But the Bible recorded that all knight of their efforts equals to nothing- they caught nothing. But when Christ appeared in their midst, everything changed. In vs 4, Christ instructed them to "launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." In vs 5, Simon answered and said to Him. " Master, we have toiled all knight and caught nothing; nevertheless at your word we i will let down the net . The Bible recorded when they had this done, they enclosed multitude of fish that their net break. Infact it was a net breaking catch.
The lesson we have to note hear is that, your efforts in life will only attract sympathy, while obedience to God's word will attract abundance.
It is not by power, is not by might, but by my spirit says the Lord
Brother, prosperity is not by power but by obedience to God's word. You have driven yourself for a long time,this is the time for you to take the back seat and allow God to drive you.



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it is interesting that most times we make choices even without being active..
I carefully make mine..
good discussion ....but wat about the peop who neva came up in life even though they had god in it times this could happ but its just that ,,,it aint his plan 4 us .........we may go tru alot of failure .....he's testing our faith ....../our rewards aint on earth ..its in heaven :) rite ......i really like the topic ...placin god 1st in every choice good...:)thanks 4 puttin it up:)
I belive that all humans irrespective of their positions in terms of relationship with Jesus have an ever present guiding provision from God. This is that light that lightens all who come into the world according to John. He constantly guides all who are marked for walking with him later in life because he knows these ones. of course this realm is beyond our territory as we mostly do not see beyond our noses. as we seek him and make our choices based on the infomation we have garnared so far, he counts us faithful or otherwise and we make progress in our journey with him. failure isnt a bad thing in my book, not that i set out to achive that, it only serves to make me learn when it happens..
Our great God is good and watches over us with care regardless ofthe many folly of our choices..
Will stop here and see how this goes..
CANDY, Thanks for your contribution to this article "Life is a choice " About those who never made it in life even though they have God in their life , try to read my next article on faithfulness and faith. That might expain it well. On the other hand, if you are willing to enjoy God's blessings be ready to be subjected to His testings. God's word promises us that many are the affflicted but God sees them through. Again, Ps;23, says even though i walk through the valley of the shadows of death, i shall fear no eveil, for thou are with me, thy rod and thy staff comfort me. In 1st cornt:10vs13, He said no matter the temptation, He will make a way of escape for us. And in Heb:13vs 5, God said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. All these promises are an indication that all we go through in life has an expiry date. Egeruoh Chuks.
hey chuks,,,,,read my forum on neva ask why ask how:) surely read your next article.............


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