All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I'm interested in finding out what we can do to help TheNET grow faster both in terms of numbers of members and the number of people interacting online at the same time.

On average we see 7 new members every day and about 8 online at once.

Is there something we should change or do that we aren't doing now?

Is there something we are doing that we should stop doing?

New members or visitors, what are your first impressions of TheNET?

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I don't think so, but that is a good suggestion. I'll see what we can do.
I greet you all in Jesus name. i will like to contribute to the growth of this net, by saying that your welcomes are okay and one thing have not seen you done is in the area of asking people their birthday date or to send birthday wishes to them i believe that will also help to the growth of the net. Because yesterday was my birthday nobody sent me birthday wishes ascept one person i told form thenet. Thanks and God bless u.
Hi Ruth
Beautiful name! Can assure you everyone is very special for us and your birthdate is a wonderful day for that was Gods plan,for HE dream about it!!
Can assure you we look into this matter!!
Blessings to you!!Nienie
Greg, you guys already know so much more about this than I do, it's hard to give advice. I can say that I learn alot about what works and what does not by going out to many sites and social networks and see how they work.

Usually, there are distinct communities within each that have their own identity and flow.

I will say this: have you prayed about what God wants this place to be? (I am certain that you have). Perhaps rather than trying to do this by our own efforts, we should gather specific groups within the network to focus prayer and ask the Lord how he wants to direct it.

Maybe there is something that collectively a prayer group can accomplish, which is not being done already. Perhaps a specific season of prayer for breakthrough in a specific area, which is not already being prayed?

Perhaps a question you may want to pose is: "what area is needed for breakthrough by this forum?"
Or, "where is The Lord speaking to you that this forum should reach to?"

- Scribe
I haven't been here for a while, so you all may be doing this already. But, how about a prayer journal?

You know: column A = prayer need and date initiated; column B = prayer answer and date fulfilled?
[Possibly even a tally for everytime someone has spent specific time in prayer for that matter?]
Nice! :-)
I found this site from an email sent from I stayed because of the warm welcomes I recieved when I arrived.

I think having a banner on the main site would be a good idea. There is a lot of text on the main page and things get lost. Also, have you promoted this site seperately on the search engines?
Thanks for letting us know and for the good ideas. I can see how things would get lost there.

We currently don't have good placement in the search engines, but hopefully that will get better as the network grows. Our primary focus, however, is toward people such as yourself who are invited via our emails or find us via websites.
Mass prayer is really effective.
Keeping things simple. Stay in the Word. Have love and compassion for other members. Integrate technology that improves the people-to-people connection and stay away from technology that puts artificial barriers between members (that is the difficult part). I think a "learning" area or even some reliable pointers to sound doctrine may be helpful.

I think the organic growth is doing pretty well thus far.
I agree with it
If you genuinely want the site to grow you should discourage the use of pseudonyms and stupid pics that are obviously not pics of the person posting comments etc. The people posting to this site are SUPPOSED to be Christians. Maybe I read a different bible to some people on this site, but nowhere in my bible does it tell me that I should be so ashamed of the fact that I am a christian that I should hide my identity behind a false name or a picture of a cat or other item that is not me. Unless of course you are a cartoon cat who can type?????

If we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our saviour we must stand up and be counted. Pseudonyms are for frightened people and anyone who truly believes in Jesus has no need of fear - particularly on a site that is supposed to be dedicated to Him.


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