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If you are a new believer,when should you be baptized?
Straight away,once you have repented or just when it feels right?
What about baptism in children,should a child be baptised into the Lord or wait until he/she is old enough to decide?
Would be interested on your thoughts.....

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We had some good interaction on this topic in another forum last month. You can click here to read it.
I think it is a personal decision and one that needs to be fully understood. This article accurately shares my thoughts on this...

So, if a child or new believer doesn't understand the concept of baptism, I think they should wait until the purpose is more clear to them.
Hi.. I believe that Baptism is voluntary not optional. It is commanded by God, but not ordered. A believer in Christ should follow the Lord's command and be baptized after salvation. I believe children who understand salvation, may be baptized.. it is not a prerequisite for salvation, salvation is by grace not by works; Eph.2:8-9, but is in obedience to God's command. "for by grace are we saved, not by works..."

have a blessed day...

Baptism is the outward and visible symbol of an inward, and unseen, rebirth. At conversion we are "baptised into Christ" (Gal 3:27), signifying a spiritual baptism into the body of Christ. Water baptism graphically depicts what has happened to a person who has become a Christian. As they go under the water they depict Christ's death and their own death to self. As they come up out of the water they depict Christ's resurrection and their own rising to a new life (Rom 6:1-14).

Why must we be baptised?
Jesus commanded it: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Math 28:19-20). Jesus set the example by being baptised by John (Math 3:13-17). When John the Baptist tried to deter Jesus from being baptised, Jesus replied: "Let it be so now, it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." His baptism was an example to His followers.

Who must be baptised?
All believers must be baptised. It is not infant baptism or adult baptism but believer baptism. Only believers can be baptised. Baptism is the symbol of existing change, not the cause of change. Backsliders who return to Christ should not be "re-baptised" as baptism is a once-for-all act, just as being born-again is not a recurring event.

What about infant baptism?
Babies cannot repent. Jesus was not baptised as an infant. He was dedicated to the Lord in Luke 2:22. Children who are old enough to understand the gospel and are able to exercise personal faith can be baptised.

In conclusion, baptism is a simple act of obedience to the revealed Word of God. It invites God's blessing and establishes us on a godly foundation. "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock." (Math 7:24)
I was baptised by "Believer's Baptism" and gave my life to Jesus in a Fundemental Bible Church, trained in a Baptist Seminary, served as a Baptist Deacon, trained in Wesleyan doctrine, and am a Methodist Clergy person. One of my greatest disappointments is how my Baptist and Methodist friends fail to understand or even listen to each other.

Both the trinity and baptism have been great dividing doctrines for Christians and many have died trying to prove one another wrong. It is good to get to understand that this displeases God who calls us to salvation through the blood by Grace and Faith.
A google search and reading on all sides will show how far people will go to prove that which is not plain in the Bible or in early Church History. It is well to rejoice in what God has done for us and to listen to each other and not claim divine wisdom in these matters of Faith.
Who can take Baptism- 1.-those who hear the gospel.(Act 2: 37,Roman 10: 13-15, James 1;25,Rev.3;20 ) Little children are unable to understand the gospel. 2.Those who believein Jesus christ. (John 8;24, Roman 10;10 roman5:1,mark 16:16,act16:31 John3:16)Little children can not believe in jesus. 3. Repent-Luke 13:3-5,24:46,Act2:38, 17:30, 4Confess Christ Matt 10;32, Roman10:9-10 Act8:36-39. BE BAPTIZED-matt.28:18-20, mark16:15-16, 1Peter3;21, Act2:38, 22:16, Roman6:3-4 Galatians3:24. Please do not delay as soon as possible take BAPTISM . God bless you.
being from the southen part of america i learn that first you must understand who and what god was all about then when the pastor throught you were ready then he make or set the time for your baptism
Well,from what i know fro the bible,after repentance one should be baptized.In case of a child there is no doctrinal evidence from the bible that children can be baptized.........if u can read mathew 28, u can note that Jesus told his disciples to go and to teach others about him.After knowing who Jesus is then someone can decide for him/herself to be baptized.Stay blessed
I sought to be baptised when I was 51. It was the best thing I ever did. I am now baptised Lutheran.

Good Morning Laurie,
Yes, we will find that when we do what the Lord has commanded, life suddenly becomes a lot more interesting. Not that Baptism can save anyone, but it's simply being obedient to the Lord's commandment.
As a baby I was Christened and as a child I was told that I had to attend Confirmation classes, to confirm my faith. I am afraid that nothing Spiritually happened to me and I simply became a
Confirmed Sinner.
I was simply obeying "church" traditions, without any conviction of the sin in my life.
There are millions of people who have walked this road of church tradition all their lives, They have never been Born Again. In Church they will sing about God's salvation, but if you had to ask them as they leave the church: "Are you saved?" they would say: "I don't know".
One Church goes as far as saying: "It is a sin of assumption, to say that you are saved, you are assuming something that you cannot be sure of". Obviously this church does not believe all the statements the Bible has on the assurance, that we are the sons and daughters of God, when we truly repent and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Saviour. "God cannot lie".
I rejoice with you that having walked the road of obedience to His command and that you are finding joy and peace in your life. All of us, who have walked this road, also come to the realisation that a further requirement that God expects of us, is that we have a personal relationship with His Son.
The Lord Bless you and your family. - Ron
I got saved almost 5 years ago and I still have not been baptized, my question is can any Christian baptize me?

Thank you!

In Jesus
Sister Janet
Janet, let me ask, why were you not baptized when you were saved? While not essential for salvation, we are commanded to be obedient in baptism after salvation. Baptism identifies us publically with Christ, and symbolizes His death burial and resurrection. In His great Commission, Jesus commanded His followers to baptize those who believed the gospel. Historically, baptism is done through the local church, by the Pastor of the congregation. Philip, however, was a Deacon and he baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch. Good question. let's see how it plays out.



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