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If you are a new believer,when should you be baptized?
Straight away,once you have repented or just when it feels right?
What about baptism in children,should a child be baptised into the Lord or wait until he/she is old enough to decide?
Would be interested on your thoughts.....

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I asked a Lutheran pastor to baptize me. After confirmation was completed, I was baptised.
It is one of Jesus laws that Christians get baptised.
I have not gotten gotten baptized because of a personal issue but I plan to be baptized soon as I can get this issue taken care of with in myself.
Depending on the personal ssue, it might just be a smoke-screen by the enemy to hinder you from partaking in this powerful sacrament. Many people get delivered during baptism or even receive gifts from the Holy Spirit.

The only requirement is that you must know deep in your heart that this is what God wants you to do. It is not a theological issue, but obedience to God's speaking in your heart. It is also the door to the next phase in your spiritual growth. (I will sometime provide more info on the various phases. ) God bless you.
Janet, any true believer in Christ can baptize another believer. There is nothing in the Bible that says that the person doing the baptism has to be a pastor or other church "official". In our church, friends often baptize each other or fathers baptize their children when they are old enough to trust Christ for themselves.

Hope to hear you are baptized soon!
Wow really? that is great to hear! Then my roommate can baptize me.. I am excited about that!! I will get baptized this week soemtime ( : Is there anything special she has to say? except.. I baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holyspirit? Do i have to say anything?

Thank you and God bless!
Love you.
Sister Janet DeHart
Yes, really! It is great! There are no magic words, but generally the one doing the baptizing would say something like...

"Janet, have you received Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?

Is it your desire to turn from every known sin and live the rest of your life for Him?

Since it's your desire to follow Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!"

The words are not what's important, but your trust in God and obedience in doing what he has told you to do. Praise God!

Let me know how it goes! Maybe get someone to video your baptism and put it up here on TheNET so we can all rejoice!
This is not a requirement but it would be great if you could invite some friends and/or family to witness you baptism and you could share what Jesus means to you and why you chose to follow him.
Baptism is a wonderous time of opening yourself to the leading of the Lord in your life. Let it be a time of celebration and seeking God's will.
I think personally that you should wait until it feels right.It is a decision that, like marriage shouldnt be taken lightly,I know some people who rush into it because their friends or their church all do it , but it's not about them ,it's about you and God.He is the one that wants to see you show others and Him that you take your relationship with Him seriously.Another thing to take into account is that the person peforming the baptism is the real deal,you dont want to find out later that they were some sort of false prophet in it for the glory of them selves.As for children ,they are born innocent,I think baptism is a personal decision you make when you feel you know and love God enough.One thing I'm not sure of is when that time is when one is innocent or when they are judged,can any one help us out on that one? I'm not, fully immersion baptised yet myself ,but I am confident that when I do ,which will be soon, that I have done so for all the right reasons.Hope this helps Moomins,yours in Christ ,Andrew.
Thanks to all who responded to this discussion. I made the decision to be baptised and was on june 8 2008. You will find details of my baptism on my page in my blogs under 'baptism'.
If you have not been baptised and are reading this and wondering if you should or when you should. Pray about it, The Lord God will help you with your journey. I know He helped me, I asked God into my life nearly a year before baptism, God is gracious and His timing impecable.
Hi There Moomins, The best place to get info regarding Baptism is from the Bible
Let's take a quick look at what happened to Philip and the Ethiopian.

Once Phillip had spoken to the Ethiopian about Jesus, he must also have mentioned the need for Baptism. We read the story in Acts Chapter 8.

Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
And when they were come up out of the water........,
Acts 8:35-39

What do we learn from this? First that the only requirement for anyone to be Baptised is: If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest
And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Secondly We also learn that there was no waiting period, once Philip had ascertained that the Ethiopian did believe, The chariot was stopped and Philip baptised the Ethiopian.
Thirdly. We see that they went DOWN into the water and when the baptism had taken place, they came UP out of the water.
Philip, having done his work, was the taken from the scene.

To immerse a person one needs a lot of water. We get further proof of Baptism by immersion from the Bible where it tells us the following: "And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there John 3:23
Please make sure that the person who Baptises you is a Born Again Christian Herself/Himself. Preferably rather go to a Pastor. Why do I say this? Simply to avoid any doubts you may have at a later stage.
The Lord Bless you and for all I know you have already been baptised.
Your Friend - Ron
Hi Moomins seems I was a little late in that while I was writing my reply you were writing at the same time, to tell us that you had been baptised on the 8th of June.
Congratulations The Lord Bless you.
I have left my post up for anyone else who might need questions answered.
Blessings - Ron


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