All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


The ("TheNET") website is a community of Bible-believing followers of Jesus Christ, created for the purpose of equipping and encouraging followers of Jesus in the biblical, historical and fundamental tenents and practices of the Christian faith.


If you are not yet a follower of Jesus Christ we recommend you visit this presentation of what it means to follow Jesus and make the decision to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before you join TheNET.

We seek to be a dynamic, caring community of people following Jesus and reaching out to a hurting world with the powerful message of God's healing and hope. You can view our Statement of Faith here.

If we deem that your Content or Conduct do not reflect agreement with these beliefs or is not conducive to the purpose of this site, you may be asked to leave TheNET or may be banned from TheNET at our discretion with or without prior notice or stated reason.

Member Conduct

The following rules apply to all materials, including text, photograph, video, music, widgets you post on TheNET (“Content”) regardless of whether the Content is included in blogs, e-mails, profiles, comments, videos, or any other portion or feature of TheNET. These rules also apply to any other use you may make of TheNET.

The following is a list of Content and Conduct that violates the Rules of Member Conduct - you may not use TheNET to:

upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, sexually or otherwise objectionable; and/or link to any persons, websites or organizations promoting the same, or to solicit for the same.

upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Content that we deem to condone or promote sinful thoughts or worldly behavior including, but not limited to, occult or immoral practices, substance abuse, use of illegal substances, or non- or anti-Biblical belief systems and/or link to any persons, websites or organizations promoting the same, or to solicit for the same.

upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Content that we deem to be primarily for commercial purposes or solicitation for commercial or non-profit or ministry purposes including, but not limited to, advertising of all types, asking for or making appeals for funds or goods, prayer requests written in such a way that could be construed to appealing for funds or goods, asking for other members' contact information, or posting one's one personal contact information for solicitation for any purpose outside TheNET.


Posting links to other sites on TheNET is currently restricted and being monitored. This rule has been put in place due to numerous people linking to personal sites that ask for money or goods, or were simply advertising a site, or asks for personal information, or were linking to sites that teach doctrine contrary to our Statement of Faith. TheNET is a gathering place, not a market place. Posts including links are subject to editing or complete removal.

You acknowledge that TheNET administrators have no responsibility for monitoring, filtering, or pre-screening Content, but they and their designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to refuse or remove any Content that violates this member agreement or is otherwise objectionable. We reserve the right not to post or to remove any Content from TheNET at any time, without notice, for any reason or no stated reason, at our sole discretion. "Also, please BEWARE of individual solicitations, job offers, travel offers, financial requests, family inquiries, and other personal connections in one-on-one chat and/or discussion enviroments. Serious predators join social networks such as the NET and pose as a variety of helpful friends, needy immigrants, and business opportunities. THESE ARE CONS, some of which will target your money, identity, liberty, or life! When in doubt, JUST WALK AWAY and DISENGAGE ALL FURTHER CONTACT!"

Waiver and Release exists to provide biblical answers to life’s various questions. exists to provide an outlet for Christian fellowship and discipleship. That’s it! No web page or email response should be construed as counseling, therapy, legal, or other professional advice IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. As such, in consideration for using the service of or, you hereby RELEASE All About GOD Ministries, Inc. (and any of its officers, directors, or representatives) from any liability for any decision you might make in your life.


Important Notice: Any and all content placed on this site may be viewable to others via the internet outside of TheNET (i.e. Google, etc).  


By becoming a member of you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions in this Membership Agreement in addition to the Ning Terms of Service located at the bottom of every page and at the following link, Ning Terms of Service . We reserve the right to modify this Membership Agreement at any time. Your continued use of TheNET after any such modification will mean you agree to the Membership Agreement as modified. If you do not agree to any modification, you should stop using TheNET immediately. You should return to this page on a regular basis to view any modification to this agreement.

Revised August 30, 2012

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